President Joe Biden trips and falls during graduation ceremony



For some Biden is a sage political operator – but for others he’s simply too old for the job

In this politically charged country, the headline is either “He’s fine’ or “He fell (again)!”

Already, in Republican circles, the video is being circulated and used to back up the narrative that he is losing control, or has lost control, of his faculties.

There are plenty of voters in this country who believe President Biden’s age is a real issue as he seeks a second term as president.

For Republican Party candidates, his age and his fitness for office is a clear, effective attack point.

The videos are out there: President Biden tripping up the steps of Air Force One or appearing to get lost walking to his helicopter outside the White House.

There are even more videos of him seemingly losing his train of thought in speeches.

His supporters say these are cheap shots. As president, he is subject to regular medicals. There is no evidence to suggest he is physically or mentally unfit.

He has battled to control a stutter all his life which supporters say explains his less than fluent delivery.

The photographs of this latest trip for the president clearly show a sandbag in his path.

Still – how much will all that matter?

For some, he is a sage political operator with decades of experience. For others he’s simply too old for the job.

Those who want to use these moments against the president will do so more and more as next year’s election approaches.


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