A groundbreaking mission designed to enhance understanding of the universe’s origins and the potential for life within our galaxy is set to be discussed in an...
Blue Origin’s uncrewed New Shepard rocket is expected to launch its NS-29 mission on January 31, 2025, at 11:30 a.m. EST from Launch Site One in...
Evidence has emerged suggesting that unique blood proteins in Neanderthals may have contributed to their eventual disappearance as a species. Research involving the genetic sequencing of...
A vast coronal hole, measuring approximately 800,000 kilometres across, has emerged on the surface of the sun. High-speed solar wind is being emitted from this region...
The celestial display presented by Comet 2024 G3 (ATLAS) during January has captivated skywatchers worldwide, earning it the title of the “Great Comet of 2025.” With...
A medieval embroidery known as the Bayeux Tapestry recounts key events of the 11th century, particularly William the Conqueror’s triumph at the Battle of Hastings and...
The remains of a young pregnant woman, who lived approximately 1,200 years ago during the Manteño period in Ecuador, have been unearthed by archaeologists. Her grave...
A significant discovery has been made in the field of astronomy, with 19 new quasars, including strongly-lensed, dual, and projected types, identified through analysis of data...
A major scientific breakthrough is anticipated with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, currently under construction on Cerro Pachón in Chile, as it prepares to embark on...
Microscopic organisms, discovered in the tropical peatlands of Peru’s northwestern Amazon, have been identified as playing a significant role in influencing Earth’s climate. Researchers, in collaboration...
A mutant strain of cyanobacterium, nicknamed “Chonkus,” has been identified by researchers as a promising candidate for combating climate change. Found in shallow waters near Vulcano...
The UK government has announced its decision to dispose of 140 tonnes of radioactive plutonium stored at the Sellafield site in Cumbria. This stockpile, the largest...
Efforts to explain the universe’s anomalies continue to focus on dark matter, a mysterious form of matter believed to account for most of the universe’s mass....
A 14-year-old student from Noida, Daksh Malik, has achieved a rare feat by identifying an asteroid through NASA’s International Asteroid Discovery Project (IADP). This discovery has...
The advancement of electric propulsion technology for spacecraft may soon overcome critical challenges, aided by supercomputer simulations. This propulsion method, relying on ion engines, is recognised...
The X-59, a supersonic jet developed by NASA and Lockheed Martin, has reached a significant milestone with its afterburner engine tests. Designed as part of NASA’s...
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) achieved a significant milestone on Wednesday with the successful launch of the NVS-02 navigation satellite aboard the GSLV-F15 rocket. The mission,...