Is This the End Times? Is Hamas in the Bible? Messianic Rabbi on Israel, Terror, and Prophecy



Share Tweet By Billy Hallowell Editor
October 23, 2023

Rabbi Jason Sobel, a Messianic Jewish leader, is decrying the evils at the core of Hamas’ attack on Israel, expressing his belief that anti-Jewish hatred is spiritual in nature.

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In a recent interview with CBN Digital, Sobel, author of “Signs and Secrets of the Messiah: A Fresh Look at the Miracles of Jesus,” provided insight into the historical context of the conflict, the spiritual implications of these events, and some of the prophetic elements at play.

“The birth of Israel is a modern-day miracle and … some of how that miracle came about [is] against all odds,” he said. “God is a supernatural God, and in every generation there has risen up a Hitler or a Haman to destroy the Jewish people, yet God has preserved them because he’s the God of the miraculous.”

Sobel also pointed to prophecies in the Bible that seem to predict what we see unfolding today, including Iran’s anti-Jewish rhetoric and attempts to expel Israel from the face of the Earth.

While he said the current crisis isn’t necessary evidence we’ve reached the end, the events taking shape certainly seem noteworthy.

“Is this the end?” he said. “I’m not saying that, but what I’m saying: it is a sneak preview to the direction the world is heading.”

Watch Sobel explain:

The faith leader also discussed the overarching concern the Hamas attack has created among Jewish people experiencing the same fears and worries they once felt during the horrors of the Holocaust.

“As someone who’s lost most of his family in the Holocaust, the barbarity and the atrocities of what Hamas did echoes back to that and opens up that trauma and concern for many Israelis and Jews around the world,” Sobel said. “Especially when you hear calling for things like Global Days of Jihad and to attack Jews around the world.”

The faith leader said he believes hatred directed at the Jewish people has political elements, but that it’s predominately spiritual in nature.

“There is a political side to this,” he said. “The reality: the root of this is spiritual, and that’s what we need to understand first and foremost, because you can’t solve … a spiritual issue with political means.”

Sobel also said the word “hamas” is in the Bible a number of times, noting it first appears in Genesis 6:11.

“It says, ‘And in the days of Noah, God saw that the world was filled with violence.’ Hamas, the word for violence. … And God was grieved, and He ultimately brought the flood on the world because of hamas. And Jesus himself said [in Matthew 24], ‘As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.’”

Sobel continued, “So, I don’t think it’s any coincidence that in the days of Noah there was ‘hamas’ violence in the Earth, and that level of hamas is literally being demonstrated today by the organization Hamas.”

The faith leader said his heart breaks for the innocent Palestinians caught up in this “terrible situation” and said people must truly ask themselves who is responsible something that requires a deep dive into the history of the matter.

Watch Sobel explain that history here.

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