Man arrested after allegedly dressing as Manchester Arena bomber Salman Abedi for Halloween



A man has been arrested for allegedly dressing up as the Manchester Arena bomber Salman Abedi for Halloween.

It comes after pictures appeared online of a man wearing an Arabian-style headdress and a T-shirt that said “I love Ariana Grande”, along with a backpack with the words “boom” and “TNT” written on it.

Abedi detonated a bomb at the end of an Ariana Grande concert in May 2017, killing himself and 22 people – including seven children.

Read more:
Timeline: Manchester bomber was on MI5’s radar more than 20 times
The victims of the attack, remembered by their loved ones

North Yorkshire Police confirmed it had detained a suspect after receiving complaints from members of the public about “a man wearing an offensive costume”.

The force added in a statement: “The man was arrested on 1 November on suspicion of a number of offences including using a public communication network to send offensive messages.

“He remains in police custody for questioning at this time.”


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