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A 14-year-old boy has been charged with murder following the fatal stabbing of another boy of the same age in Gateshead.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said it had also authorised Northumbria Police to charge the youth with attempted wounding with intent, and one of having a bladed article in a public place.

The teenager was due to appear at Newcastle Magistrates’ Court on Friday morning.

The charges follow the death of Tomasz Oleszak, who was found in the Aycliffe Crescent area of the Springwell Estate at just after 8pm on Monday.

Police said his injuries were “consistent with having been caused by a bladed article”.

Investigators said the victim’s family had been left “utterly devastated”.

Announcing the charges, Christopher Atkinson of the Crown Prosecution Service said: “Our thoughts are with Tomasz Oleszak’s family at this difficult time.”

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He added: “The Crown Prosecution Service reminds all concerned that criminal proceedings against the boy are now active and that he has a right to a fair trial.

“It is extremely important that there should be no reporting, commentary or sharing of information online which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.”

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Bournemouth beach killing: Man, 20, charged with murder after personal trainer stabbed to death




Bournemouth beach killing: Man, 20, charged with murder after personal trainer stabbed to death

A 20-year-old man from London has been charged with murder after a woman was stabbed to death on a beach in Bournemouth.

Amie Gray, a 34-year-old personal trainer from Poole in Dorset, was killed on Durley Chine Beach on Friday 24 May.

Police were called to a report that two people had been stabbed at around 11.45pm. A 38-year-old woman also suffered serious injuries during the attack.

Now the suspect – Nasen Saadi – who is from Croydon in south London, has been charged with murder and attempted murder.

Saadi was arrested on Wednesday evening. He is due to appear at Poole Magistrates’ Court tomorrow.

Detective Superintendent Richard Dixey, from the Major Crime Investigation Team, said: “Our thoughts remain with the family and loved ones of Amie Gray, as well as the woman who was seriously injured, and they have been updated with this latest development in our investigation.”

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Police at the scene of the Bournemouth beach where Amie Gray was murdered
Police at the scene near where Ms Gray was killed

He has reminded the public that the case is now the subject of active case proceedings “and it is vital that the justice system is allowed to follow its course”.

“It is also important to stress that there should be no further commentary or sharing of information online or on social media that could potentially prejudice these court proceedings,” he added.

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The 38-year-old woman who was seriously injured, who has not been named, is continuing her recovery after being discharged from hospital on Thursday.

The beach where the stabbing took place is one of Bournemouth’s most popular, according to Visit Dorset, and is located west of the town’s pier.

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June weather forecast: Much of the country can look forward to a few sunny days




June weather forecast: Much of the country can look forward to a few sunny days

Meteorological summer is just around the corner, with June beginning at the weekend. 

As things stand, it doesn’t have to deliver much to be an improvement on May.

And with high pressure building in from the west for the end of the week, the early signs are promising.

Much of the country can look forward to a few sunny days with temperatures rising to the mid 20s Celsius in the warmer spots.

These sorts of values are above June averages and should therefore be considered a treat rather than the norm.

Thereafter, however, signals are neither so clear nor quite so optimistic.

Whilst the influence of high pressure chases us into next week, a weak cold front spreading south on Tuesday allows the high pressure to drift back into the Atlantic, allowing more unsettled conditions to prevail.

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Indeed, latest models favour low pressure systems through the middle of the month which would suggest slightly wetter than average conditions for the month, particularly in the north and west.

However, temperatures are likely to be above average; this prediction largely based on climatic warming rather than any reliance upon dry, sunny days.

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Many of the weather influencing phenomena around the world are currently neutral and therefore unable to give a good steer on the long range forecast for the UK and Ireland.

So, as often happens, we’ll be left to the mercies of areas of high pressure and areas of low competing for precedence over our islands.

A game of two halves? Could go either way? Precisely!

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Bramley: Thames Water tells hundreds of people in Surrey not to drink tap water




Bramley: Thames Water tells hundreds of people in Surrey not to drink tap water

Hundreds of people living in a village in Surrey have been warned not to drink tap water after tests carried out by Thames Water.

A total of 616 homes in Bramley, near Guildford, have been told not to use their water supply for drinking, cooking, or brushing their teeth, in what the company calls a “precautionary” measure.

They can, however, continue to use it to shower, and wash their hands.

Tests on Thursday suggested “a possible deterioration in quality” of drinking water “in some areas”, linked to a historical fuel leak from a petrol station, Thames Water said.

Bottled water would be delivered to affected properties, the company added on Thursday evening.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, the Tory candidate standing for election in the constituency, said bottled water stations were being set up in the village.

Mr Hunt said on the X social media platform that he had spoken with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), Thames Water, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), a local councillor, and Asda – which operates a petrol station on the site of the fuel leak.

Bramley is part of the South West Surrey constituency, represented by Mr Hunt for the Conservatives until Parliament was dissolved on Thursday.

Mr Hunt is running against candidates from Labour, Lib Dems, Green, and Reform, in the new seat of Godalming and Ash, which will replace the constituency in July’s general election.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt. Pic: PA
Jeremy Hunt. Pic: PA

Complaints from locals about the fuel leak date back to 2021 and Mr Hunt said it posed a risk to the broadband and telephone services of 880 BT customers as the company’s ductwork passes the site.

Tess Fayers, Thames Water’s operations director for the Thames Valley and home counties, said: “We are asking 616 Bramley properties not to drink the tap water following recent water sampling results.

“The health and safety of our customers is our number one priority, and we would like to reassure residents that this is a precautionary measure.

“We are in the process of delivering letters and bottled water to the affected properties…

“We are also identifying locations to set up bottled water stations”.

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A Waverley Borough Council spokesperson said: “We are working closely with Thames Water and other agencies to try and mitigate the impact on residents, and we will support residents wherever possible.”

An Asda spokesperson said it was working to address the issue and recognised “the impact this has had on the residents of Bramley and share their frustrations.”

“We are continuing to work closely with Thames Water and other partners to address the issues we inherited after acquiring the Bramley site,” the spokesperson added.

“We are committed to working with all parties to resolve this situation as quickly as possible.”

A “boil water” notice was put in place for about 17,000 households in Brixham, Devon, earlier this month after a parasite outbreak caused by a contaminated water supply.

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The number of confirmed cases of cryptosporidium has now reached 100, the UKHSA said on Thursday.

Thousands of homes in Surrey were left without water in November following Storm Ciaran, with more than a dozen schools forced to close.

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