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“The Three Morrissey Boys.”

R. Thomas Morrissey would say this whenever he was with his two sons, Jake and Josh. Suggesting this was a rallying cry or even an allegory that it was “them against the world” would cheapen the sentiment. For Tom, this was a way to express how much he loved his sons and the time they spent together.

Just saying “the Three Morrissey Boys” brings back so many memories for Jake and Josh. Like those times they would spend hours together on the ice. Those days and nights shared shooting pucks in the garage. Especially that one day back in 2013 when the Winnipeg Jets made Josh a first-round draft pick, one who would eventually become one of the NHL’s top defensemen.

Here they were. The Three Morrissey Boys. Tom didn’t need to say it. He couldn’t say it. By this point, the cancer that ravaged Tom’s body took away his ability to speak. So the sons sat next to their dad in the hospice bed at Tom’s house. Jake held one hand while Josh held the other.

You can talk about loss and how to prepare for losing one of the most important people in your life, one who has shaped you. But nothing can actually prepare you for when it happens. On that summer day in August 2021, Jake and Josh went to their dad’s house in suburban Calgary. There was no script. There was just raw emotion. They were sad. They were scared. They were concerned.

Jake and Josh found the words. They thanked their father for everything he did for them. All Tom, who already had a previous bout with cancer, could do in that moment was squeeze their hands with all the strength he could muster while giving them a half smile.

That was the last time the Three Morrissey Boys were physically together. Tom died Aug. 8, 2021, the day before what would have been his 70th birthday, from glioblastoma.

“I think about him every day in one way or another,” Josh said. “There are days when you think about him more. This year, certainly, when it comes to hockey, that is probably what we talked about most. Whether it was calling him after games or talking to him about something cool going on or a play we saw another guy make in the league. Those are the times we would chat and I think about that. I miss having those conversations.”

But they are never apart.

“Getting named to the All-Star Game was amazing and emotional for me,” Josh said. “The first person I would have called to tell was my dad. He would have been very proud. Those kinds of situations are when I think about him the most for sure.”

People back home in Calgary will tell you. So will anyone who follows the Jets. Morrissey has always been this good of a player. He may not have had the bombastic offensive numbers of other defensemen until this season, but the talent has always been there.

The 28-year-old has been central to the Jets going from missing the playoffs last season to being in the fight for the postseason this year. He is on pace to finish with a career-high 76 points in 79 games. He can do everything that’s required to be a legitimate top-four defenseman in the contemporary game, which is why he is a serious contender for the Norris Trophy, the award for the NHL’s best defenseman.

While Morrissey is having the best season of his career, there is still a feeling that he is something of an unknown. He’s not Erik Karlsson, who has had more than a decade and two Norris Trophies to make his mark. He’s not Adam Fox or Cale Makar, both of whom left college early and won a Norris within their first three seasons in the league.

Exactly who is Josh Morrissey, beyond being a Norris challenger? He’s someone who cares about every detail, thinks about every decision and has a magnetism that makes people feel attached to him whether they have known him for months or years.

Maybe the most important thing to know about him? He’s his father’s child.

“People tell us now that we are both getting older, they look at Josh and I, and say, ‘You are mirror images of your dad,'” said Jake, who is currently seeking a master’s degree. “The way you move. The way you act.

“He instilled so many lessons in us that we were both molded in his image. Whether that was putting everyone else before yourself or dedicating yourself to any endeavor. Without doing that, neither of us would have turned into what we are today. Even though our dad is physically gone from this earth, his spirit lives through us.”

SHANE MARCHAND ENROLLED both of his sons in D-Rules, a hockey camp in Calgary that was created for defensemen. Marchand said the camp taught young defensemen the importance of footwork while providing tutelage on when they should lead the rush, how they should lead it, the intimate details of quarterbacking at even strength and on the power play.

These are all things one would expect a young defenseman to know given the way hockey has evolved. But this was more than a decade ago, when the premium on puck movers was quite different.

Tom Morrissey founded that camp with the belief that skilled puck-moving defensemen would be the future of the game. He loved coaching and teaching, and wanted to share what he taught his sons with other youths who wanted the same thing.

Marchand sees those skills every time he watches Josh Morrissey play and recalls the camp, which helped the development of Marchand’s son, Charlie, who played four seasons of Division I hockey at Bentley University. Josh said other campers went on to reach the NHL, such as Brendan and Kaiden Guhle.

“[Tom] thought there was a gap in hockey training with defensemen because a lot of it was focused on forwards and goalies,” Marchand said. “Josh was the focal point to start with, but it turned into a program that in the early years, it was an elite group he took and worked with. … Tom was so against [the old way defensemen were taught to play in the offensive zone] that he would tell them, ‘Come on. You are good, smart, young, have good feet and have good vision. Why not use it?'”

Parents play numerous roles beyond simply being mom and dad to their children. That applied to Tom too. He was a junior high and high school teacher. He was a coach who guided his high school basketball team to a provincial championship. Later on, he was a small business owner who became a financial planner.

All these professions reflected Tom’s love for being around people and helping them however he could. Jake and Josh still meet random people who tell them their dad was an important part of their lives.

“There were students who he taught 35 years earlier that came to the funeral that told us how much they loved him as a teacher,” Jake said. “There were hundreds of families that if even their kid was not the greatest player or had a chance to make it pro, our dad had the same amount of care with them. Not because he wanted to see them make it to the NHL, but he wanted them to be the best versions of themselves and to feel like they matter.”

Josh continues to hold dear the many lessons Tom taught the boys. Being a coach’s son showed him the value of always putting the team first. As the son of a teacher, Josh always tries to show a sense of gratitude for those willing to make him better. And when your dad is a financial planner and a small business owner, it means projecting a certain image. That’s why Josh tries to project himself in a way that balances being authentic and presentable.

The relationships he has fostered with Jets coach Rick Bowness and longtime winger Blake Wheeler are examples. Bowness is in his first year with the Jets, while Wheeler has been with the franchise for more than a decade, going back to when they were the Atlanta Thrashers.

Bowness knew quite a bit about Morrissey as a player, but admits he didn’t know Morrissey was this good until he saw him up close. Since then, Bowness has been adamant about what he wants for Morrissey.

Bowness began building a relationship with Morrissey this past summer, right after he was hired by the Jets. Bowness said he speaks with every player as much as he can to get to know them. That way, they can build a sense of trust.

From that trust, Bowness challenged Morrissey to be the sort of defenseman who can not only enter the Norris discussion, but win the award. Bowness believes Morrissey has that type of ability.

“What’s fun about the whole thing is he’s starting to realize how good he is,” Bowness said. “I don’t think that was there at the start of the year and that has grown over the course of the season. … With a player like Josh, you keep challenging him. When he has a tough night or a bad shift or a bad game, you challenge him. He’s a very proud individual and wants to be as good as he can be.”

That drive to be great goes beyond creating goals or stopping them. Bowness said Morrissey, who is an alternate captain, was part of a group of players who told their new coach they wanted to have more of a voice in the Jets’ dressing room.

Bowness recalled a 4-2 win the Jets had in late January against the St. Louis Blues. They were down 2-0 before Morrissey scored the first of his two goals in a run of four unanswered goals by Winnipeg. Morrissey also led all skaters with more than 27 minutes of ice time.

“He went out and won the game for us,” Bowness said. “He is doing his talking on the ice. He’s a very intelligent, articulate man and has a ton of respect and has his teammates’ attention.”

Bowness speaks about Morrissey in an emphatic tone. He doesn’t just say Morrissey is a good kid; he says it in a way that almost dares anyone to say something to the contrary.

Wheeler has the same passion. The difference is Bowness has known Morrissey for only about nine months, whereas Wheeler has been around Morrissey for several years. The way Wheeler speaks about Morrissey is similar to that of an older brother who has watched his younger sibling grow into an adult.

Wheeler said Morrissey initially made his mark with the Jets by being an extremely quiet rookie who always was very respectful of the veterans. What stood out to those older players was how Morrissey found a balance between wanting to learn from his teammates while figuring out how he needed to improve in order to help the team.

As for Morrissey’s ability? Wheeler said flashes of what Morrissey could become had always been there, which is what makes this season so rewarding.

“His skating is really elite,” Wheeler said. “There aren’t many guys who look like they are moseying along and are actually skating faster than everyone on the ice. He makes everything look so easy. I think that is the sign of an elite player, when you make the extraordinary look so ordinary.”

Over the course of a 15-minute interview, Wheeler repeatedly mentioned his eight-year age gap with Morrissey. Not in a way that’s negative, but in reflecting how he has seen Morrissey grow over time.

Even then, Morrissey and Wheeler still have so much in common. Their bond was built over Wheeler’s love of wine, and in short order, he got Morrissey to join the club. They go to nice dinners and talk about anything and everything over a few glasses of wine.

They confide in each other about what is going on in their lives. Wheeler says he’s confident he will remain close with Morrissey even after he retires. That’s what makes watching the rest of the world take notice of Morrissey feel so special for Wheeler.

That’s also what made it so hard to watch one of his best friends endure the loss of his father.

“You can tell when you meet someone, whenever you have these dads trips and parents come on the road, you get a sneak peak at where it all comes from,” Wheeler said. “Tom was certainly a great guy to have around. You could tell that they shared a pretty strong bond.”

WHEELER SAID IT is natural for fans to expect a player to perform at his best once it’s game time. He admitted everyone is that way, and he can be guilty of it himself whenever he watches the NFL.

But he added that it’s important for fans to consider the bigger picture too, that they don’t know what a player might be dealing with in their personal lives. Such as a parent who is dying.

“I don’t think words can describe what [Josh] went through,” Wheeler said. “As a friend and as someone who tries to look out for Josh’s best interests over the years, it was hard to watch him go through that. That’s something someone in their mid-20s should not have to go through, but he handled himself incredibly well and tried to not let it show.”

Glioblastoma, as defined by Mayo Clinic, is a form of cancer that starts as a growth of cells in the brain or spinal cord. The National Brain Tumor Society states the five-year survival rate for glioblastoma is less than 7%, while the average survival length is estimated to be eight months.

This was what Tom Morrissey, who everyone says was the “eternal optimist,” had developed.

Tom was three months into his treatment when the truncated 2020-21 season started. But with COVID-19 restrictions and the nature of a hectic NHL schedule, it was difficult for Josh to spend time in Calgary with his father and stay with the team. The NHL placing all the Canadian teams in one division at least made it easier for Morrissey to go back to Calgary, but hospital restrictions meant he could not really see his dad that much.

Josh got to see Tom on one of those trips back to Calgary. There was an understanding that his dad’s health was not going to get better.

That made the phone calls after Josh’s games that season even more valuable. It was more than just a way for father and son to connect. It was a way for Josh to be there for Tom on days when he could not physically be with him.

“Probably the most difficult game I had was the last game against Montreal, when we lost in the second round of the playoffs, because I knew we were facing elimination,” Josh said. “I basically knew there was a very high chance that if we lost that game, it would be the last game he could see me play.”

The Jets lost in overtime. Josh said he sat in his locker room stall after the game and just cried because he knew his father would never get a chance to see him play hockey again.

Before Tom died, he told Jake and Josh that he did not want them to dwell on his passing or to feel sorry for themselves. Tom wanted his sons to remember him and the fun times they had while living their lives without any regrets.

Hearing those words brought a renewed sense of optimism that continues to impact Josh to this day. It’s not that he didn’t enjoy playing in the NHL. He did, but to hear the person who was instrumental in his path tell him to concentrate on having fun made a difference.

Josh talks about Tom with reverence, even when he’s asked what might be a rather difficult question: Who is Josh Morrissey beyond being a hockey player?

Josh loves fashion. He has always enjoyed dressing well, and there is something he particularly appreciates about finding a great suit. He gets that from Tom, the financial planner who always wore a suit to work, which made Josh understand the value of looking the part.

Lately, Josh has been watching the TV series “Yellowstone.” OK, more accurately, he’s obsessed with it. He has watched the first series along with its prequels, “1883” and “1923.” He loves the shows because the scenery reminds him of those days in Alberta when he and Jake would go horseback riding with their dad.

The love he has for wine leads him to talk about how much he has learned and how he has no issue admitting he’s a bit of a nerd on the topic. He can talk about the process of making wine, the different soil conditions, sunlight, irrigation, the age of the wine, you name it.

Could this lead to Josh opening a winery and being a small business owner, like his dad?

Maybe, someday. But for now, the aim for Josh is simple. He wants to be the best player he can be, for himself, the Jets and those who have helped him arrive at this stage in his life. He wants to be a father someday, which is one reason he told Tom how much he appreciated everything he did for him.

“When I am a father one day, I will do the same for my kids,” Josh said. “That will be the thing I will take with me the most. I am my own person and I am a different personality, as is everyone else. But at the end of the day, his care and love for his sons and wanting them to have the best possible lives is what I admire most. I would like to definitely hope I can be that way for my kids one day.”

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Manning’s 1st start ‘a C-plus,’ but Texas cruises




Manning's 1st start 'a C-plus,' but Texas cruises

AUSTIN, Texas — Arch Manning threw for 258 yards with two touchdowns and two interceptions in his first career start at Texas, leading a 51-3 win over UL Monroe in relief of injured starter Quinn Ewers to push the No. 1 Longhorns to 4-0.

After throwing an interception on his first possession, Manning settled in, and Texas scored touchdowns on six of his 10 drives for a 44-3 lead when he left the game early in the fourth quarter. The redshirt freshman competed 15 of his 29 pass attempts.

Manning said there were several throws he’d like back, starting with his first interception, a second-down throw under pressure that ULM defensive back Carl Fauntroy snagged three minutes into the game. When asked how he’d grade his performance, Manning said, “Probably a C-plus, but a win’s a win.”

“To think he was going to come out and play a perfect game, I don’t think anybody in here thought that,” Texas coach Steve Sarkisian said. “I thought he was going to prepare really well, work really hard, do everything he could to play good football. He was gonna have some lessons learned, and I think that’s what tonight was about.”

In the Longhorns’ first game as the No. 1-ranked team in the AP Top 25 since 2008, Manning received plenty of help. Running back Jaydon Blue rushed for 124 yards and scored four total touchdowns, and Texas’ defense held General Booty and the Warhawks (2-1) to 111 total yards on 2.2 yards per play.

Sarkisian said the game plan called for Manning to be aggressive in taking deep shots against ULM’s defense, and the former five-star recruit had some success with eight passes of 15 or more yards, including a 56-yard completion to Isaiah Bond and a 46-yarder to Matthew Golden. Manning connected with 11 receivers on the night.

“Having so many playmakers around you, it definitely brings up the comfort level for me,” he said. “We got a bunch of different receivers catch balls tonight. Just getting them in space and having them make plays is huge.”

Ewers exited Texas’ 56-7 win over UTSA last week after suffering an oblique strain. His status is considered day-to-day, and he could potentially return for the Longhorns’ SEC debut against Mississippi State next week. Manning shared SEC Freshman of the Week honors after producing 276 total yards and five touchdowns against UTSA in Ewers’ absence.

After their first SEC conference game at home against Mississippi State, the Longhorns have an idle week followed by showdowns with No. 15 Oklahoma and No. 2 Georgia in consecutive weeks.

A Texas team with national championship ambitions has played up to those expectations through four games, outscoring its opponents 190-22 and flexing its muscles in its toughest test with a 31-12 road win against then-No. 10 Michigan. With the Longhorns winning 16 of their past 18 games, Sarkisian is confident he has a team with talent, depth and maturity that’s built to contend in the SEC.

“I’m pleased with where we’re at, but it’s like everything I just told the team: The mission is far from over,” Sarkisian said. “We’ve got a lot of work to do and a lot of great games ahead of us.”

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White Sox lose 119th game, 1 away from ’62 Mets




White Sox lose 119th game, 1 away from '62 Mets

SAN DIEGO — The Chicago White Sox tied the American League record with their 119th loss Saturday night, when Xander Bogaerts and Elias Diaz each hit a two-run homer to help the San Diego Padres to a 6-2 win and move closer to a playoff spot.

The White Sox (36-119) matched the AL mark set by the 2003 Detroit Tigers, who finished 43-119. One more defeat for Chicago over its final seven games would equal the post-1900 record of 120 losses by the 1962 expansion New York Mets, and two more would set a record. The 1899 Cleveland Spiders hold the overall major league record for losses at 20-134.

Chris Flexen (2-15) remained winless in his past 23 starts for a White Sox club that lost its 20th straight road series. According to ESPN Research, Chicago, which is now 9-48 since the All-Star break, is on pace for 124 losses.

“They’ve been playing some good baseball these last couple of days,” Bogaerts said of Chicago. “Obviously, we want to win every game by a big margin, but these guys are putting up a fight. They’re trying to be spoilers. Nothing’s been given easy to us these last couple of days. It’s been nice to be able to fight for it a little bit more than people would have expected.”

David Peralta also homered for San Diego (89-66), which maintained a two-game lead over Arizona for the top National League wild-card spot.

The Padres reduced their magic number to two for clinching their second playoff berth in three seasons. They received no help from the Atlanta Braves or the New York Mets, both of whom won Saturday.

Bogaerts gave the Padres a 2-0 lead with his shot to left-center field with no outs in the second inning off Flexen. It was Bogaerts’ 11th homer and it came with rookie Jackson Merrill aboard on a leadoff single.

“It’s a good lineup,” Chicago manager Grady Sizemore said of the Padres. “You make mistakes over the plate, and they might hurt you.”

Peralta homered with one out in the third, his eighth. Merrill, considered by some the front-runner for NL Rookie of the Year, hit an RBI single in the fifth.

Diaz hit a two-run shot in the eighth off former Padres reliever Enyel De Los Santos. It was his sixth of the season.

Lenyn Sosa hit an RBI single in the sixth for the White Sox off Martin Perez (5-5). Bryan Ramos drew a bases-loaded walk from Padres reliever Jason Adam in the eighth.

Perez held Chicago to one run and two hits in 5⅓ innings, struck out six and walked three. And Tanner Scott recorded five outs for his 22nd save.

Flexen gave up four runs and eight hits in five innings, struck out three and walked two.

With history awaiting, the White Sox will start right-hander Sean Burke (1-0, 2.25 ERA) on Sunday, opposed by Padres righty Yu Darvish (6-3, 3.21).

“Hits were hard to come by tonight,” Sizemore said. “But we had good at-bats.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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UNC’s Brown: No plans to resign after 70-50 loss




UNC's Brown: No plans to resign after 70-50 loss

Mack Brown told ESPN on Saturday he’s not resigning after an emotional locker room scene with his players following North Carolina’s embarrassing 70-50 loss to James Madison, which is in only its third season as an FBS school.

Brown, a College Football Hall of Famer, said he told the players that it was his fault and would step away if he couldn’t get things fixed. The 70 points were the most ever given up by the Tar Heels, who fell to 3-1.

“I’m not resigning. I’ll be back at work Monday,” Brown told ESPN.

Brown, 73, is in his sixth season at North Carolina. He told ESPN he was aware of some reports and that messages in emotional locker rooms can be misconstrued, but was adamant that he’s not stepping down.

Brown has led UNC to winning records in four of his five seasons. The Tar Heels won eight games last season and nine the season before when they finished first in the ACC’s Coastal Division. Brown was at Texas for 16 seasons and won a national championship in 2005 and played for another in 2009. He resigned under pressure following the 2013 season, and after taking a break from coaching, returned in 2019 to North Carolina for his second stint in Chapel Hill. Brown was North Carolina’s coach from 1988 to 1997.

The Tar Heels travel to rival Duke next Saturday.

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