Much of the media is at it again, hyping up a manufactured fear of electric bikes. (Side note: I know that sentence makes me sound all MAGA, but even as a card-carrying liberal, I can call out media bias). The issue this time centers around American teenagers on e-bikes and the manufactured choice between supposed “freedom or danger.”
While not alone, the New York Times has been at the forefront of a slew of anti e-bike articles. The latest example attempts to offer a balanced presentation of the arguments for and against teenagers riding electric bikes. But it betrays that guise of impartiality with an underlying implication that there are two sides in the argument: Parents who don’t want their kids on e-bikes and irresponsible parents who do. Case in point: The example in favor of teens on electric bicycles used in a recent NYT article featured an anonymous mom who lets her 14-year-old son ride an illegally modified 70 mph (120 km/h) electric motorcycle. That would be like presenting the debate about gun control and using the example of a 14-year-old whose mom lets him drive a battle tank.
Unlike the NYT article which was ostensibly marketed as unbiased news, I have the privilege of telling you outright that this is an opinion piece, and thus, I’m sharing my own views. As someone who has worked in the e-bike industry for nearly 15 years and also once spent an entire seven years in a row as a teenager, I figure I’m as qualified as anyone to discuss the issue of e-bikes and teens.
E-bikes: An imperfect yet amazing solution
Look, I’m not going to sugar coat this or tell you that every teenager should have an e-bike. There are real safety concerns here. Not everyone is ready for an electric bike. E-bikes can go fast (most are limited to either 20 or 28 mph in the US (32-45 km/h) depending on the classification, though some people modify them to go faster). There are dangers, but there are also incredible upsides to electric bicycles as well. And balancing those two is the key here.
Everything in life comes with some level or risk. But you once put your small child on their first bike so they could learn to ride, didn’t you? You eventually removed the training wheels and gave them some taste of freedom riding around with their friends, even if just in the neighborhood. There may have been some skinned knees and ruined pants along the way, but it was worth the risk.
Now those same cute little kids have grown up into teenagers, the kind that want to get to school or go to the movies with their friends. And instead of needing their parents to drive them like they did a decade ago, we now have the glorious invention of electric bikes. Unlike pedal bikes, which most Americans don’t want to ride very far due to the effort required, e-bikes can actually move teenagers nearly anywhere in their city with ease. What was several years ago just a way for older folks to enjoy riding again has now turned into one of the biggest revolutions in teenage freedom since the repeal of child labor laws.
E-bikes give teenagers personal agency. In cities without good public transportation (i.e. most of the country), a teen can ride an e-bike several miles to get to school, visit friends, get to work or just enjoy some fresh air. Parents enjoy that freedom as well, no longer serving as a personal chauffeur for their teens.
So many people miss the amazing potential of an e-bike: This is a fully-functional transportation device that can increase the resources in a city that are available to teens while simultaneously teaching them responsibility and freeing up their parents. And it even comes at such a low cost compared to nearly every other form of transportation other than walking.
Sure, there will always be some people who act as gatekeepers, working under the impression that there’s an arbitrary age at which someone becomes responsible enough for anything. For some reason Americans think teens are ready for guns and war at 18 but that it takes another three years until they can handle a sip of wine. Car rental companies think young adults aren’t ready to drive cars until their 25th birthday. You have to be 35 to run for President of the United States, yet senility apparently isn’t a disqualifier (the fun thing is that one works for both parties). Our society is full of arbitrary guidelines for responsibility, but the real world isn’t so black and white.
I hope we’re all open-minded enough to realize that there is truly a spectrum of responsibility. There are 16 year olds who can be safe, conscientious and responsible e-bike riders, and there are adults who shouldn’t set foot near an e-bike. In the same way, there are 16 year olds who can be safe, conscientious car drivers despite there also being adults that should probably have their car driver’s licenses revoked.
It’s time we stopped babying teenagers and treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve. Sure, they still need parental guidance and benefit from the wisdom of age and experience. But this notion that they aren’t “ready” for an e-bike is simply misguided, and I would argue insultingly coddles them. There are teenagers on the other side of the world that ride a 40 mph (64 km/h) scooter or moped to work a 12-hour shift everyday. Those teens are no different than your own kids, other than that they weren’t as fortunate to be born into the same money and privilege. Instead, they had to grow up learning responsibility. And having agency over their own transportation became part of that.
You don’t even have to go halfway around the world. Just go a quarter of the way, to Europe, where you’ll find kids that look just like yours but ride their bikes to school every day. I know, it’s even harder to dismiss it when they have the same complexion. And if your immediate response is “Yeah, but those countries have bike lanes,” well then look at that, it seems we all came to the same solution!
American kids are so overprotected by helicopter parents these days that their development is being stunted. I see parents idling their SUVs next to neighborhood bus stops so they can pick their kids up and drive them two minutes home. Heaven forbid those middle schoolers walk five minutes on the safe, setback sidewalks in the planned community. Of course this doesn’t mean all parents do this; I don’t mean to overgeneralize. But it’s common enough to serve as a warning of what we should collectively strive to avoid.
This national trend towards nannying kids and teenagers has unfortunately spilled over into electric bikes, and it’s a real shame. We’re all hurtling towards climate catastrophe here, whether you accept it or not. (Less-than-fun fact: Your kids will suffer the dangers of climate change regardless of whether or not you acknowledge the problem). The best chance those kids have of spending their middle and old age years in an environment that isn’t downright physically hostile to them is to instill upon them the importance of making environmentally responsible decisions. Transportation is just one sector contributing to climate change, but it’s a large one.
Teaching kids that they can get around without needing a 5,000 pound vehicle is a great early lesson. Instead of trying to teach kids about the value of electric cars, let’s teach them about the value of not using a car.
An e-bike for teenagers means freedom, but it’s also an early lesson in alternative transportation. It teaches kids from a young age that we can move ourselves around in a way that is both efficient and sustainable. We don’t have to burn gallons of fuel to get to school or buy a carton of milk. We don’t have to pave more lanes and expand roads to fit ever-larger cars (both physically bigger and more numerous, each a unique and dangerous trend on its own). Owning and using an electric bike is a lesson in so many fields, from personal responsibility to punctuality and even environmental stewardship.
And look, I know this is going to be controversial. There are certainly going to be many arguments against what I’ve said. That’s fair and valid. I’ve expressed my opinion, but it doesn’t mean it’s the only opinion in the room. I’ll try to address some of what I expect to be the main counterarguments against my position that we should encourage more teenagers to ride e-bikes.
“What’s with all the e-bike stuff? Just put those kids on pedal bikes!”
Sure, I’d love that. I would truly love to see more kids and teenagers riding pedal bikes. I’d support any initiative that pushes that agenda. The problem is that it just isn’t realistic, no matter how much I want it to be. American kids are lazy. I’m sorry, but they are. It’s not their fault, it’s mostly their parents’ fault and the culture. The US has an obesity problem that we can’t ignore. Kids simply don’t want to ride pedal bikes because it’s too much effort. However, we’ve already seen that they take quickly to e-bikes. We can’t wish kids onto pedal bikes, but we can bribe them onto e-bikes with the promise of fun and freedom. And if they happen to accidentally get a little exercise at the same time, that’s great, too.
As much as I’d love to see more kids on pedal bikes, it’s electric bikes that will actually get kids moving, get them traveling on their own and give them true, effective freedom.
“Teenagers don’t know road rules, how can we put them on little electric motorcycles?”
First, stop with this “e-bikes are motorcycles” fear-mongering. You’re better than that, I believe in you.
Yes, a lot of teenagers don’t know the rules of the road yet. Many are delaying getting their drivers licenses or aren’t getting one at all. I personally believe that we should have rider’s education classes similar to driver’s ed, but for cyclists. It’d be a great way to teach new road users the nuance of road rules as well as instill rider training similar to what you learn in a motorcycle license course. California has gone as far as to propose a law that would require unlicensed e-bike riders to get a watered down “bike license” to teach them road laws. That has a few problems, but it’s an interesting rough draft.
“Teenagers ride on sidewalks and endanger pedestrians.”
They shouldn’t do that. Stop them. Fine them. Confiscate their bikes. Punish the parents. If that’s illegal in a certain area, then punish the rule breakers. This isn’t rocket science. Don’t break the law and also punish people who do.
That being said, let’s ask ourselves why people are riding on the sidewalk. The answer is that they don’t feel safe on the road because there aren’t safe, protected bike lanes. Perhaps we should also put effort into solving the root problem here. I know, it’s a crazy idea: Solving the problem instead of covering it with a band-aid. But if we give cyclists a safer place to ride, it will make everyone safer.
“I know my kid is alright, but what about those other kids? I can’t trust them.”
Here’s the thing. Your kid isn’t special; I know you think they are because you made them, but statistically speaking, they aren’t. Think about the average kid out there. There’s a 50% chance your kid is worse than that one. Ok, probably slightly less than 50% chance since Electrek tends to draw a more educated audience. But you get the point.
The point is, no one can trust anyone else’s kid. The best we can do is collectively educate our youth. Instill responsibility and critical thinking from an early age. If you give teenagers responsibility, most will rise to meet it. If for some reason yours doesn’t, then maybe an e-bike isn’t for them. The sheer number of revoked driver’s licenses out there shows that a car isn’t for many adults, either.
Not every human is ready for motorized transportation, but most are and it’s a matter of evaluation. This is a personal decision that parents need to make about their own kids, not something that others can decide for them.
In conclusion
I’ve beaten this horse well past death now, so let me leave it with just one more small whack.
Electric bikes are such a revolution in transportation freedom that we’d be sorely missing out by depriving a future generation from experiencing them at such a useful age. There is simply far too much good that can come from giving teenagers the freedom and responsibility of being in charge of their own mobility.
Yet at the same time, that responsibility is a double-edged sword. Parents need to be aware of their own kids’ ability to exercise that responsibility. E-bikes are not without danger and there is no age that we can be sure of that everyone is ready for any level of responsibility. But one thing is for sure: There are many teenagers that are ready. And there are a lot worse things your teen could be doing right now.
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A Tesla Cybertruck sank in Ventura harbor in California when trying to launch a jetski despite Tesla CEO Elon Musk saying that you could use the truck as a boat.
Elon Musk has often made claims before about how Tesla vehicles could float and briefly serve as a boat.
They have never been taken too seriously because Tesla’s warranty says something different about taking the vehicle into the water.
However, the CEO doubled down on the claim with Cybertruck.
Cybertruck will be waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat, so it can cross rivers, lakes and even seas that aren’t too choppy.
The CEO added that the goal is for a Cybertruck to be able to cross the water between SpaceX’s Starbase and South Padre Island in Texas, which is about 360 meters (1,100 feet).
We have been taking the Cybertruck more seriously with water because we learned that Tesla built a ‘wade mode’ for the truck to be able to go into the water. Tesla says the mode increases the ride height to the max and “pressurizes the battery pack.”
The problem is that it is activated through the off-roading mode, which is not covered under Tesla’s warranty – so we are taking everything with a grain of salt.
Tesla Cybertruck Sank in Ventura
A Tesla owner in California learned the hard way that Cybertruck is not a boat.
The incident happened in Ventura harbor in California on Monday. The Cybertruck owner was launching a jet ski on the boat ramp when he couldn’t get the truck out of the water (via Safety for Citizens)
Beginning shortly before 11:00am, a man had to scramble out of his Cybertruck Monday morning, March 10 of 2025, after the truck fell into the harbor. The man was attempting to launch a jet ski at the time of the accident.
The owner managed to get out, but the truck sank into the water:
The Cybertruck sunk and became completely submerged off the boat launch ramp. A diver from the Coast Guard assisted a tow driver in attaching cables and ropes to the vehicle.
The rescue effort involved the Ventura City Fire Department, Vessel Assist, Tow Boat US, Harbor Patrol, additional Harbor resources, and the Coast Guard.
They shared a few pictures of the rescue effort:
Electrek’s Take
To be fair, it could also be a user error, but either way, I wouldn’t take the Cybertruck into any body of water.
Meanwhile, BYD is just trolling Tesla by actually doing what Elon claimed the Cybertruck would be capable of doing:
It really feels like Tesla is being surpassed based on every metric possible.
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Toyota wants everyone to have access to affordable, convenient EV charging. Through its partnership with EVgo, Toyota opened its first EV fast charger on Monday. The new co-branded stations, with 350kW fast chargers, can serve up to eight EVs.
Toyota, EVgo open first 350kW EV fast charger
The new DC fast charging station opened in Baldwin Park and Sacramento, California, as part of Toyota’s “Empact” vision.
Toyota announced the initiative almost two years ago, aimed at expanding charging access in underserved communities.
“Together with EVgo, we are supporting broader access to charging infrastructure for all battery EV drivers, including those driving Toyota and Lexus BEVs,” Toyota North America General Manager of EV charging solutions, James George, said at the event.
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The new stations are near “amenity-rich” areas with nearby grocery stores, restaurants, shopping malls, and other businesses.
Scott Levitan, EVgo’s executive vice president, explained that charging availability is “essential” as more drivers choose electric. The new charging stations are strategically located to provide affordable, convenient access to the surrounding communities.
Toyota and EVgo open first 350kW EV fast charging station (Source: EVgo)
State Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio, D-Baldwin Park, said the new stations will “support the city’s residents and visitors,” adding, “Fast charging stations provide critical infrastructure that will amplify the use of clean energy transportation across Senate District 8.”
Toyota and EVgo’s initiative is “a win for our environment and for the future of sustainable mobility in Sacramento.”
2025 Toyota bZ4X Limited AWD Supersonic Red (Source: Toyota)
As one of the nation’s largest public fast-charging operators, EVgo has already deployed over 1,100 stations across 40 US states. As more drivers choose an EV, EVgo will continue partnering with automakers like Toyota to expand fast-charging access.
2025 Toyota bZ4X Nightshade edition (Source: Toyota)
EVgo and Toyota also expanded their partnership to offer one year of free public charging to those who buy or lease a new 2025 bZ4X.
The 2025 Toyota bZ4X starts at $37,070, or $6,000 less than the 2024 model. It also gained a stealthy new “Nightshade” edition, Toyota’s first EV to receive the new trim.
2025 Toyota bZ4X trim
Starting Price (excluding $1,395 DPH fee)
Price reduction (vs 2024MY)
Range (mi)
Limited FWD
Limited AWD
2025 Toyota bZ4X prices and range by trim
At 184.6″ long, Toyota’s electric SUV is slightly longer (3.7″) than the RAV4. However, the rear feels more roomy with a longer wheelbase and flat floor design.
On the inside, the 2025 model remains about the same. It includes a standard 12.3″ touchscreen with wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto support.
If you’re ready to test out Toyota’s electric SUV for yourself, we can help you get started. With leases starting at just $259 per month, the 2025 bZ4X is a steal this month. You can use our link to find Toyota bZ4X models at a dealer near you and take it for a spin.
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Brooklyn-based e-bike conversion kit maker CLIP has launched BOLT, a front-mounted electric motor designed to transform standard bicycles into e-bikes. The company is marketing the device as the world’s most affordable quick-install e-bike upgrade, with a focus on making electrified transportation accessible in low-to-moderate income communities and emerging markets.
Unlike traditional e-bikes, which often start at around US $1,000 and go up quickly from there, BOLT is positioned as a low-cost alternative. The device features a 450W motor and a swappable battery system, providing pedal assistance up to 15 mph (25 km/h).
The kit installs on the front fork of most adult bicycles, making it an option for riders who want an e-bike experience without purchasing a dedicated electric bicycle.
While CLIP has previously targeted the business-to-consumer (B2C) market with its easily mountable e-bike conversion kits, BOLT will be distributed primarily through business-to-business (B2B) channels. The company seems to have its sights set on bike sharing and other commercial operators of bike fleets.
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In the US and Europe, CLIP is selling the system to businesses for $250, including two 144 Wh battery packs. In emerging markets, BOLT will be offered at a $100 price point, excluding the battery, with users paying a $5 per month subscription fee to access rechargeable battery swaps through local partners.
“BOLT is designed to make e-bike commuting truly accessible and equitable for people everywhere, from New York to New Delhi,” said Som Ray, Founder and CEO of CLIP. “BOLT removes the price barriers of traditional e-bikes while maximizing environmental impact to scale sustainable transportation worldwide.”
CLIP is framing BOLT as both an environmental and social mobility tool, citing the high cost of traditional e-bikes as a barrier to widespread adoption. The company states that over 60% of its riders come from low-to-moderate-income communities, and it plans to partner with local organizations to expand access.
The product is being marketed as a low-impact alternative to full e-bike production, with CLIP claiming that BOLT requires 50 times fewer resources to manufacture and has a 30 times smaller logistics footprint compared to conventional e-bikes. The system is manufactured in Kolkata, India, with localized assembly in North America, Europe, and India.
CLIP has positioned BOLT as a disruptive force in e-bike affordability, which tracks with the device’s rather rare design. Instead of a traditional hub motor or mid-drive motor, CLIP uses a friction drive that presses against the front tire of the bike, forcing it to roll forward. The device’s front-mounted motor configuration is notably different from mid-drive or rear-hub e-bike motors. Additionally, its business-to-business sales model means that individual riders will not be able to purchase the system directly, relying instead on third-party distribution networks.
The company has yet to announce specific partnerships or large-scale deployments, though it has set ambitious climate goals. It claims that widespread adoption of BOLT could eliminate up to 3.7 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually.
As BOLT appears set to enter the market, its impact on the growing e-bike sector remains to be seen. With its low price point and modular design, the system could appeal to budget-conscious riders if it proves to be a viable and reliable alternative to traditional e-bikes.
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