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Young EV startup Avatr appears to be the latest Chinese automaker sharing plans to expand to new markets in Europe. Following the debut of its second-ever EV model the 12 (pronounced “one-two”), Avatr – backed by big tech names like CATL, Huawei, and Changan – will not only sell its EVs in Europe but also intends to build them there too.

Avatr Technology is an EV startup founded in 2018 that began as a Chinese joint venture between NIO and state-owned Changan Automobile before the former transferred its entire stake over to the latter in 2020.

In addition to Changan, Avatr is now also backed by the world’s largest battery manufacturer CATL, and electronics manufacturing powerhouse Huawei. the joint venture debuted its first EV model, the 11 (“one-one”) SUV in late 2021 before going on sale in China last year.

The startup has since promised to launch three additional new models over the course of the next three years, which continued this week at IAA Mobility in Munich – Europe’s largest auto show. Avatr not only debuted its second model – a fastback sedan called the 12, but also shared details about selling its EVs in Europe.

Avatr to bring EV production to EU, which models TBD

Earlier this week, Avatr pulled the sheet off the 12 sedan (seen above), which although will be built in China by three inherently Chinese companies, was designed at the company’s studio in Munich alongside its 11 SUV sibling.

According to Avatr CEO Tan Benhong, the startup may expand beyond mere design in Europe and is exploring local production to support plans to enter new markets overseas within the next two years. Benhong elaborated by saying Avatr is specifically targeting the premium market in Europe and specifically called out BMW as a competitor on its own turf in Munich.

Avatr’s chief would not discuss what vehicles might make their way over to Europe first, but with two more EVs in its development pipeline, the startup should have three if not four to choose from if and when it does actually enter new markets in the EU.

For now, the focus will remain on the new 12 sedan, which appears to have taken some design inspiration from the Tesla Model 3 – at least on the front and steering wheel controls (see image above). The fastback sits atop the same CHN platform as the 11 SUV and features HarmonyOS 4.0 from Huawei as CATL EV batteries.

Avatr has already confirmed it will be one of the first automakers to implement CATL’s new fast-charging ShenXing LFP cells, but has not confirmed they will be in the 12 sedan. CATL also recently announced plans for production in Europe for that specific battery technology, which could further support Avatr in the coming years should it seek an EU plant.

Electrek’s Take

This is a young company so we will cut them some slack, but in seeing the 12 up close, it looks like a copy of a copy of a Tesla – common design practice in China for some. We have seen other automakers start the same way and find their own design language, but right now Avatr just feels like yet another Chinese automaker expanding from one saturated EV market to try and compete on a continent filled with legacy automakers without any brand identity. That’s tough.

Having software support from Huawei and battery tech from CATL provides a deep breath of optimism for this startup however, especially if the 12 or any Avatr EVs beyond feature the ShenXing batteries and the charging speeds being touted.

I’ll keep an eye on this one, but feel Avatr will need to step up its game (and its identity) if it wants to truly compete in Europe. Next step for me will be trying to get behind the wheel of one and see if my attitude changes. Will work on it!

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Drone company DJI unveils new electric bike brand Amflow




Drone company DJI unveils new electric bike brand Amflow

After teasing the launch of its first two-wheeled product, the drone and camera powerhouse DJI has now unveiled an electric mountain bike under the Amflow brand. Take a look at the new Amflow PL, powered by DJI’s own new drive system.

Amflow is described as a new electric mountain bike brand incubated by DJI and is responsible for the eMTB’s ultra-light carbon fiber frame design.

The e-bike’s motor is all DJI. As the company explained, “DJI’s long history of R&D in motor, battery technology, and software development drove the creation of the DJI Avinox Drive System, which powerfully combines torque, battery capacity, 2-inch OLED touchscreen, remote controls, and a charger/supercharger.”

According to the company, the motor system includes a compound planetary gearset that helps it provide its “industry-leading power-to-size ratio.”

The 600 Wh battery is quite svelte, too, weighing just 2.9 kg (6.3 lb), with the entire bike tipping the scales at a lightweight 19.2 kg (42 lb). Sure, that’d be a chunky normal mountain bike, but it’s quite an easy lift for an eMTB.

An 800 Wh battery is also available, as is a 500W fast charger that can send the bike from 0-75% charge level in just 1.5 hours.

That DJI Avinox mid-drive motor is said to output 850W of peak power in standard riding modes and up to 1,000W in Boost Mode (despite the cute little sticker reading “250W”). Perhaps even more impressive though is the torque. The Avinox is said to provide 105 Nm of torque that jumps up to 120 Nm of torque in Boost Mode.

Among other ride modes is Auto Mode, that adapts assistance in real-time based on surface conditions and riding position.

“As engineers with a passion for mountain biking, we have seen a lot of tech innovation that has never found its way into the eMTB scene,” said Peter Archer, Amflow Senior Product Specialist at Amflow. “We have married our tech expertise with our passion and today we’re introducing Amflow to the mountain biking community with our very first product, the Amflow PL. We believe this is a significant moment for the eMTB industry with innovative technology and ultra-light material combining to turn any terrain into a wonderland of possibilities for eMTB riders.”

The Avinox drive system uses a 2-inch OLED full-color control built-in touchscreen display that also functions as the interactive center of the system. Riders can connect their smartphones via the Avinox app to access a range of smart features, including bike security, data recording and sharing, assist parameter adjustments, and real-time bike status checking. The system is tech savvy enough to include “innovative dual Wireless Controllers with Bluetooth connectivity for added convenience and a clutter-free handlebar setup.”

As much as we’ve learned about DJI’s new motor system, we still don’t know much about the bike itself, other than that it apparently has a super lightweight carbon fiber frame.

With any luck, we’ll learn more about the bike’s details soon. But suffice it to say that DJI has come out swinging with its first e-bike drive system, ready to shake up the status quo that typically sees German mid-drive motors on high-end bikes competing against Chinese mid-drives on more affordable options. With DJI’s design prowess, Chinese mid-drives might be heading for higher end e-bikes near you.

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Philippines overtakes China and Indonesia to be most dependent on coal-generated power




Philippines overtakes China and Indonesia to be most dependent on coal-generated power

Coal-fired power plants in Mariveles, Bataan, the Philippines, on June 6, 2023.

Bloomberg | Bloomberg | Getty Images

The Philippines’ dependency on coal-fired power surged 62% last year, overtaking China, Indonesia and Poland, according to London-based energy think-tank Ember.

The Philippines was also the most coal-dependent country in Southeast Asia in 2023, as adoption of renewable electricity generation remained low. The share of electricity generated from coal in the country climbed to 61.9% last year compared to 59.1% in 2022.

Overall, coal generation in the country also rose by 9.7%, higher than a 4.6% increase in electricity demand, the report said.

“Coal has played important roles in the Philippines’ energy security. In the 1990s, many new coal power plants were being built to meet the growing electricity demand,” Dinita Setyawati, senior electricity policy analyst for Southeast Asia at Ember Climate told CNBC.

Indonesia and the Philippines are the two most coal dependent countries in Southeast Asia and their reliance on coal is growing fast.

“To date, dependency on these coal power plants continues.”

Indonesia — the world’s fifth largest coal producer — followed closely behind, with the share of power generated from coal hitting fresh highs of 61.8% in 2023.

“Indonesia and the Philippines are the two most coal dependent countries in Southeast Asia and their reliance on coal is growing fast,” the report said, adding that the the Southeast Asian region saw a 2% uptick in coal reliance from 31% in 2022 to 33% last year.

China has made strides in reducing its reliance on the dirtiest fossil fuel for electricity generation, with demand standing at 60.7% in 2023 — lower than India at 75.2% and Poland at 61%, according to Ember.

The world’s biggest coal producer, China has made notable progress in renewable energy development. As a result, there’s been a slowdown in the rate of emission increase — from an average of 9% annually between 2001 and 2015, to 4.4% annually between 2016 and 2023, the energy think tank said in May, adding that clean electricity contributed to 35% of China’s total electricity generation.

Indonesia, Philippines lag in renewables

Indonesia and the Philippines are still years away from replacing coal as the main source of power capacity, and increasing renewable energy in its electricity mix is paramount.

“Indonesia and the Philippines have seen limited growth in their renewable electricity generation, as their wind and solar potential remains almost entirely untapped,” the report said.

Ember pointed out that wind and solar generation in the Philippines only increased from below 1 terawatt hours in 2015 to 3.7 TWH last year. This is significantly slower than growth in the rest of the region, where wind and solar generation climbed 46 TWh from 2015 to 2023 — mostly driven by Vietnam, the report said.

“Scaling up on renewable energy sources should be done in parallel with stopping the pace of coal-fired power generation in Indonesia and the Philippines,” Ember’s Setyawati told CNBC.

Indonesia’s government has to scale up its renewable energy ambitions, she said, adding that new policies to boost solar and wind power development should be introduced.

“For example, incentives for rooftop solar users, relaxation of local content requirements for wind and solar power producers and public research funding in solar and wind technologies.”

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Hydrogen trucks retreat from Australia as battery electric sales surge




Hydrogen trucks retreat from Australia as battery electric sales surge

Hydrogen fuel cell specialists Hyzon have announced plans to quit Australia even as sales of battery electric commercial trucks climb.

For a while, it seemed like Hyzon had found something of a home in Australia. Recently, the American startup had announced pilot programs that would see its hydrogen fuel cells put to work in transit buses in Brisbane, tow trucks (above) in Victoria, and five 154-ton severe duty trucks scheduled to service a zinc refinery operation in north Queensland.

Alas, it seems like it’s not enough – Hyzon said Monday that, after a review of its business operations, it has “started realigning its strategic priorities along several lines to focus on the company’s core North American markets and the refuse industry.”

The company said it was hoping to raise new capital to get its 200 kW HFCs into series production, and has retained investment bank PJT Partners to evaluate a number of options, up to and including an outright sale of the company.

Meanwhile, BEVs are doing great

Commercial delivery EVs; courtesy ANC.

Meanwhile, Australia’s commercial BEV sales are booming. The entire country saw just under 100 battery electric trucks sold in 2022, but that number jumped to 256 in 2023 and continues to climb in 2024.

As if to underscore that fact, ANC (a leading, UPS-style last mile delivery partner for many of the Australia’s large retailers) has announced plans to spend more than $45 million.

ANC is calling the initiative “Project Spark,” and it’s being backed by a $12.8 million grant from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) specifically designed to address the barrier presented by the initially higher up-front costs of EVs. ARENA is also working to provide EV buyers with discounted leasing options, and generally “improved” EV charging infrastructure.

Project Spark is expected to add 112 new BEVs to Australia’s roads within the next year.

“It promises to kick-start a step change in electrifying last mile delivery in Australia by lowering the total costs to own and run electric trucks,” said Darren Miller, CEO of ARENA. “The project demonstrates use cases for battery electric trucks in last mile operations, tackling constraints that have so far made it hard for the industry to transition away from internal combustion engine vehicles.”

Electrek’s Take

MAN Trucks says hydrogen will never work, bets the farm on batteries
Image via MAN Trucks.

No one said it better than MAN CEO, Alexander Vlaskamp, who said that it was “impossible” for hydrogen trucks to effectively compete with BEVs. That interview is definitely worth a re-read, but to see companies like Hyzon suffering in even the most hydrogen-friendly markets out there is to believe Vlaskamp, even if you already believed him, just that little bit more.

SOURCES | IMAGES: Hyzon, ANC; via the Driven.

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