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REDDING, Calif. Five days after giving birth, Melissa Crespo was already back on the streets, recovering in a damp, litter-strewn water tunnel, when she got the call from the hospital.

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Her baby, Kyle, who had been born three months prematurely, was in respiratory failure in the neonatal intensive care unit and fighting for his life.

The odds had been against Kyle long before he was born last summer. Crespo, who was abused as a child, was addicted to fentanyl and meth a daily habit she found impossible to kick while living homeless.

Crespo got a ride to the hospital and cradled her baby in her arms as he died.

I know this happened because of my addiction, Crespo said recently, just after a nurse injected her on the streets of downtown Redding with a powerful antipsychotic medication. Im trying to get clean, but this is an illness, and its so hard while youre out here.

Crespo, 39, is among a growing number of homeless pregnant women in California whose lives have been overrun by hard drug use, a deadly coping mechanism many use to endure trauma and mental illness. They are a largely unseen population who, in battling addiction, have lost children whether to death or local child welfare authorities.

She and other women are now receiving care from specialized street medicine teams fanning across California to treat homeless people wherever they are whether in squalid encampments, makeshift shantytowns clustered along rivers, or vehicles they stealthily maneuver from one neighborhood to another in search of a safe place to park.

This is a really impoverished community and the big thing right now is maternity care and prenatal care, said Kyle Patton, a family doctor who leads the street medicine team for the Shasta Community Health Center in Redding, about 160 miles north of Sacramento in a largely rural and conservative part of the state.

Patton, who dons his hiking boots and jeans to make his rounds, has managed about 20 pregnancies on the streets since early 2022, and even totes a portable ultrasound in his backpack to find out how far along women are. Hes also helping homeless mothers who have lost custody of their children try to get sober so they can reunite with them.

I didnt expect this to be a huge part of my practice when I got into street medicine, Patton said on a hot June day as he packed his medical van with birth control implants, tests to diagnose syphilis and HIV, antibiotics, and other supplies.

The system is broken and people lack access to health care and housing, so managing pregnancies and providing prenatal care has become a really big part of my job. Kyle Patton is a family practice doctor who leads the street medicine team for the Shasta Community Health Center in Redding, California. Patton focused on street medicine during his medical residency.(Angela Hart/KFF Health News) Patton stocks up on medical supplies, such as wound care essentials and syphilis tests, from the Shasta Community Health Center, as he prepares to make his rounds to treat homeless people.(Angela Hart/KFF Health News) Pattons team is among dozens fanning across California to treat homeless people wherever they are from creekside encampments to litter-strewn sidewalks.(Angela Hart/KFF Health News) Patton routinely tests patients for sexually transmitted infections, gets them on prenatal vitamins, and treats underlying conditions like high blood pressure that can lead to a high-risk pregnancy.(Angela Hart/KFF Health News) Patton treats a homeless patient who developed an open wound on her leg, which Patton suspects is from drug use. He makes his weekday rounds to Redding encampments in his fully stocked medical van. (Angela Hart/KFF Health News)

Street medicine isnt new, but its getting a jolt in California, which is leading the charge nationally to deliver full-service medical care and behavioral health treatment to homeless people wherever they are.

The practice is exploding under Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, whose administration has plowed tens of billions of dollars into health and social services for homeless people. It has also standardized payment for street medicine providers through the states Medicaid program, called Medi-Cal, allowing them to be paid more consistently. The federal government expanded reimbursement for street medicine this month, making it easier for doctors and nurses around the country to get paid for delivering care to homeless patients outside of hospitals and clinics.

State health officials and advocates of street medicine argue it fills a critical gap in health care and could even help solve homelessness. Not only are homeless people receiving specialized treatment for addiction, mental illness, chronic diseases, and pregnancy; theyre also getting help enrolling in Medi-Cal and food assistance, and applying for state ID cards and federal disability payments. Email Sign-Up

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In rare cases, street medicine teams have gotten some of the states sickest and most vulnerable people healthy and into housing, which supporters point to as incremental but meaningful progress. Yet they acknowledge that its no quick fix, that the expansion of street medicine signals an acceptance that homelessness isnt going away anytime soon and that there may never be enough housing, homeless shelters, and treatment beds for everyone living outside.

Even if there is all the money and space to build it, local communities are going to fight these projects, said Barbara DiPietro, senior director of policy for the Tennessee-based National Health Care for the Homeless Council. So street medicine is shifting the idea to say, If not housing, how can we manage folks and provide the best possible care on the streets?

The expansion of street medicine and other services doesnt always play well in communities overwhelmed by growing homeless populations and the rise in local drug use, crime, and garbage that accompany encampments. In Redding and elsewhere, many residents, leaders, and business owners argue that expanding street medicine merely enables homelessness and perpetuates drug use. Patton searches for a homeless patient in Redding, California, with another street medicine team member, Shelly Martin, after a major encampment has been cleared. We have to be all things to our patients like, we have to provide the health care, social support, case management, even find the housing, Patton says.(Angela Hart/KFF Health News)

Patton acknowledges the process of getting people off drugs is long and messy. More often than not, they relapse, he said, and most expectant mothers lose their babies.

This is true especially of homeless mothers like Crespo, who has been using hard drugs for nearly two decades but is desperate to get clean so she can reconnect with her four living children; they range in age from 12 to 24, Crespo said, and she is estranged from all of them. Two other children have died, one from lymphoma at age 15 and baby Kyle, in August 2022, primarily due to complications from congenital syphilis.

Patton is treating Crespo for mental illness and addiction and has implanted long-acting birth control into her arm so she wont have another unexpected pregnancy. He has also treated her for hepatitis C and early signs of cervical cancer.

Although shes still using meth as is her boyfriend, Kyles father shes six months sober from fentanyl and heroin, which are more deadly and addictive. Youd think I could just get clean, but it doesnt work that way, said Crespo. Its an ongoing fight, but Im healing.

Patton doesnt see Cespos continued drug use as a failure. His goal is to establish trust with his patients because overcoming addiction which often is rooted in trauma or abuse can take a lifetime, he said.

Were playing the long game with our patients, he said. Theyre really motivated to seek treatment and get off the streets. But it doesnt always work out that way. Stephanie Meyers has had four children while living on the streets but does not have custody of them. Patton implanted long-acting birth control in her arm in June. Its not illegal to be homeless with a child, but most of the time they find a reason you cant keep them, Meyers says.(Angela Hart/KFF Health News)

Street Medicine Takes Off

Patton is a young doctor. At 39, hes on the leading edge of a movement to entrench street medicine in California, home to nearly a third of all homeless people in America. He has specialized in taking care of low-income patients from the start, first as an outreach worker in Salt Lake City and, later, in a family medicine residency in Fort Worth, Texas, focused on street medicine.

In the past two years, the number of street medicine teams operating in California has doubled to at least 50, clustered primarily in Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area, with 20 more in the pipeline, said Brett Feldman, director of street medicine at the University of Southern Californias Keck School of Medicine.

Teams are usually composed of doctors, nurses, and outreach workers, and are funded largely by health insurers, hospitals, and community clinics that serve homeless people who have trouble showing up to appointments. That may be because they dont have transportation, dont want to leave pets or belongings unattended in camps, or are too sick to make the trip. Shasta Community Health Center street medicine nurse Anna Cummings prepares an injection while Keri Weinstock, a psychiatric nurse practitioner, speaks with patient Linda Wood. We are in a rural area with limited resources, so our biggest barrier is finding places to house people, Weinstock says. (Angela Hart/KFF Health News) Cummings and Weinstock look for their patients in a homeless encampment. They have about 25 patients who need antipsychotic medication every month. So many of our patients werent engaged in health care before, Weinstock says. (Angela Hart/KFF Health News) Kerry Hankins receives a shot of antipsychotic medication from Cummings. I have hallucinations. Ive been in and out of institutions since I was 10 years old, Hankins says. Meds help a lot. Im competent now. (Angela Hart/KFF Health News)

Feldman, who helped persuade Newsoms administration to expand street medicine, notched a critical success in late 2021 when the state revamped its medical billing system to allow health care providers to charge the state for street medicine services. Medi-Cal had been denying claims because providers had treated patients in the field, not in hospitals or clinics.

We didnt even realize our system was denying those claims, so we updated thousands of codes to say street medicine providers can treat people in a homeless shelter, in a mobile unit, in temporary lodging, or on the streets, said Jacey Cooper, the state Medicaid director, who this month leaves for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to work on federal Medicaid policy. We want to transition these women into housing and treatment to give them more hope of keeping their kids.

The state isnt pumping new money into street medicine, but primarily redirecting Medicaid funds that would have paid for services in brick-and-mortar facilities.

Cooper has also pushed insurance companies that cover Medi-Cal patients to contract directly with street medicine teams, and some have done so.

Health Net, with about 2.5 million Medi-Cal enrollees across 28 counties, has contracted with 13 street medicine organizations across the state, including in Los Angeles, and is funding training.

Its a better use of taxpayer funding to pay for street medicine rather than the emergency room or constantly calling an ambulance, said Katherine Barresi, senior director of health services for Partnership HealthPlan of California, which serves 800 homeless patients in Shasta County and contracts with Shasta Community Health Center. Lauren Hansen started using drugs after losing her baby in November 2022. Her placenta had detached late in pregnancy and she needed a cesarean section to remove the fetus. Bleeding and in pain, she had no choice but to recover in her roadside encampment in Redding, California.(Angela Hart/KFF Health News) Hansen says shes addicted to drugs like heroin and fentanyl, which are readily available on the streets of Redding, California. I was sober when I came out here, she says. I lost the baby and got really down on myself. (Angela Hart/KFF Health News)

Theres No Accountability

Redding is the county seat of Shasta County, which has experienced a major political upheaval in recent years, driven in part by the anti-vaccine, anti-mask fervor that ignited during the covid-19 pandemic and the Trump presidency.

Yet residents of all political stripes are growing frustrated by the surge in homelessness and open-air drug use and the spillover effects on neighborhoods and are pressuring officials to clear encampments and force people into treatment.

I dont care if youre left, right, middle whats happening here is out of control, said Jason Miller, who owns a local sandwich shop called Lucky Millers Deli & Market. Miller said hes had his windows smashed three times costing $4,500 in repairs and has caught homeless people defecating and performing lewd acts in his doorway.

Miller moved to Redding 15 years ago from Portland, Oregon, after losing patience with the homeless crisis there, and tries to help, handing out shoes and food.

He said he also understands that many homeless people need more services such as street medicine.

I get what theyre trying to do, he said of street medicine providers. But theres a lot of questioning in the community around what they do. Theres no accountability.

Patton isnt deterred by the communitys skepticism or the cycle of addiction, even among his pregnant patients. The way he sees it, his job is to provide the best health care he can, no matter the condition his patients are in.

Its a lot of wasted energy, judging people and labeling them as noncompliant, he said. My job isnt to determine if a patient is deserving of health care. If a patient is sick or has a disease, I have the skills to help, so Im going to do it.

‘I Have the Willpower

Shasta County, like much of California, is seeing its homeless population explode and get sicker. An on-the-ground count this year identified 1,013 homeless people in the county, up 27% from 2022. Most are men, but women account for a growing share of Pattons patients because more and more are getting pregnant, he said.

County welfare agencies have little choice but to separate babies from their mothers when substance use or homelessness presents a risk to the children, said Amber Middleton, who oversees homelessness initiatives at the Shasta Community Health Center.

We are off the charts with maternal substance abuse, said Middleton, who previously worked for Shasta Countys child welfare agency. A lot of these women are trying to get clean so they can get their children back, but theyre also trying to give themselves the childhood that they never had. Crespo received a shot of an antipsychotic medication from a street medicine nurse on a hot June afternoon. She and her boyfriend, Andy Gothan, are homeless and trying to get off meth and into permanent housing. (Angela Hart/KFF Health News)

Crespo turned to alcohol and drugs to deal with deep emotional pain from her youth, when she was passed among family members and, she said, beaten repeatedly by one of them.

He would give me black eyes and I would run away, she recalled in tears, admitting she has perpetuated that cycle of violence by punching her former husban when she felt provoked.

She has overdosed more times than I can remember, she said, and credits naloxone, an opioid overdose reversal drug, for saving her life repeatedly.

Patton routinely tests Crespo and other patients for sexually transmitted infections, gets them on prenatal vitamins, and treats underlying conditions like high blood pressure that can lead to a high-risk pregnancy. And hes helping women get sober, often using a drug called Suboxone, which is a combination of two medications used to treat opioid addiction. Its forms include a strip that providers snip to make the needed dose.

A lot of these women have already had children removed, and many are pregnant again, he said. If I can get them on Suboxone, theyre going to have a better chance of being successful as a family when they deliver.

On that sweltering June day, he met Tara Darby, who was on fentanyl and meth and living in a tent along a creek that feeds into the Sacramento River. Patton started her on a course of Suboxone and got her into a hotel with her boyfriend to help her deal with the initial detox. Tara Darby is homeless and addicted to meth and fentanyl. She found out she was pregnant this summer when street medicine doctor Kyle Patton was preparing to get her on anti-addiction treatment. (Angela Hart/KFF Health News) Darby has since relapsed but says she wants to get sober so she can keep custody of her baby when she gives birth. (Angela Hart/KFF Health News) Patton walks out of an encampment in Redding after visiting Darby. (Angela Hart/KFF Health News)

He also administered a pregnancy test and discovered she was already a few months along. Its rough out here. Theres no bathroom or water. Youre nauseous all the time, Darby, 40, said. I want to get out of this situation, but Im terrified about getting clean, the detox, having my baby.

When Patton offered her support from a drug and alcohol treatment counselor, Darby promised to try. I want to do it. I have the willpower, she said.

Across town, Kristen St. Clair was nearly 7 months pregnant and living in a hotel paid for by Shasta Community Health Center. Patton was helping her and her boyfriend, Brandt Clifford, get off fentanyl.

I want to have a healthy, happy life with my baby, said St. Clair, 42, who already had one baby taken from her due largely to her drug use. Im worried its too late now.

But the prospect of getting clean felt daunting. Clifford, the father of her child, and an Iraq War veteran with a traumatic brain injury, had overdosed the previous day and needed five doses of naloxone to come back. We saved your life, man, Patton told Clifford.

Patton snipped a strip of Suboxone, explaining that addiction is complicated. Science is showing that, for whatever reason, certain people were born with the right mix of genetic predisposition and then have had various things happen to them in their lives, which are unfair, he said.

And then when you tried opioids for the first time, your brain said to you, This is the way I am supposed to feel. It takes very little to get hooked. Brandt Clifford prepares to begin taking the anti-opioid medication Suboxone. A Marine veteran with a traumatic brain injury, Clifford served in Iraq as an infantryman during the U.S. occupation and still struggles with the aftermath of war. I like to get high; its my coping mechanism, he says. (Angela Hart/KFF Health News)

Despite their desperation to kick their drug habit, St. Clair and Clifford have since relapsed, Patton reported. St. Clair delivered in early September, and her little boy was taken into custody to withdraw in a neonatal abstinence program, Patton said. Darby, who was evicted from her hotel room after relapsing, was in residential treatment to get sober as of early October.

Crespo is making headway, Patton said. She and her boyfriend, Andy Gothan, 43, are staying at a hotel while Pattons team helps her hunt for a landlord who will accept a low-income housing voucher.

Im so close. Theyve helped me so much, Crespo said. Meth is always around, always available. If I can get inside, itll help me deal with the stress of getting clean without all those triggers.

This article was produced by KFF Health News, which publishes California Healthline, an editorially independent service of the California Health Care Foundation.

Angela Hart:, @ahartreports Related Topics California Mental Health Rural Health Homeless Pregnancy Substance Misuse Women's Health Contact Us Submit a Story Tip

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USC WR Lemon exits vs. Michigan after hard hit




USC WR Lemon exits vs. Michigan after hard hit

USC wide receiver Makai Lemon exited Saturday’s 27-24 loss to Michigan with an apparent injury after he was hit hard during a punt return in the first half.

Lemon did not return to the game, and according to the CBS broadcast, he was taken away in an ambulance. USC did not provide an official update on Lemon’s status before the end of the game.

The sophomore wideout spent an extended amount of time lying down on the field after the injury while surrounded by several members of USC’s training and coaching staff before walking off under his own power. He entered the injury tent and then was taken into the locker room.

Tight end Lake McRee also exited the game in the second half with an apparent left leg injury. The broadcast showed McRee visibly emotional on the bench before he walked into the tunnel to the locker room.

McRee has been a mainstay of USC’s offense early on, accounting for 137 yards on nine receptions so far this season.

Lemon has caught four passes for 45 yards and a touchdown for USC this season. Last year, Lemon played both wide receiver and cornerback. As a receiver, Lemon had six catches for 88 yards.

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Anthony Joshua defeated by Daniel Dubois in IBF world heavyweight title at Wembley Stadium




Anthony Joshua defeated by Daniel Dubois in IBF world heavyweight title at Wembley Stadium

Anthony Joshua missed out on the chance to become a three-time heavyweight world champion after he was stopped by British rival Daniel Dubois in the fifth round.

Dubois, 27, knocked down Joshua towards the end of the opening round with an overhand right to the 34-year-old’s chin.

The IBF heavyweight champion then dropped Joshua at the end of round three and twice in the fourth.

A right hook ended the fight with a knockout for Dubois’ first defence of the title.

The fighters went toe to toe at London’s Wembley Stadium in front of a record 96,000 fans.

Anthony Joshua after being knocked down by Daniel Dubois. Pic: Reuters
The 34-year-old was knocked down four times in the opening four rounds, and knocked out in the fifth. Pic: Reuters

Daniel Dubois celebrates after winning his fight against Anthony Joshua. Pic: Reuters
Daniel Dubois became IBF champion after Oleksandr Usyk vacated the title. Pic: Reuters

‘We came up short’

Minutes after retaining the IBF championship, Dubois shouted to the crowd “are you not entertained?” before saying: “I’m a gladiator, you know?

More on Anthony Joshua

“I’m just a warrior to the bitter end. I’m just ready to go. I want to go to the top level of this game and reach my potential. God bless you all.”

Joshua said the loss would not stop him from rebuilding despite admitting “we came up short”.

“You know I’m ready to kick off in the ring, but I’m going to keep my cool, keep very professional, and give respect to my opponent,” he said.

“I’m always saying to myself I’m a fighter for life… We keep rolling the dice. I had a sharp opponent, a fast opponent and a lot of mistakes from my end, but that’s the game.”

Dubois’ victory has sent a message to the whole heavyweight division

Jacquie Beltrao

Sports presenter

Daniel Dubois will feel like he has fulfilled his destiny here at Wembley. His father has trained him to be a champion boxer since he was tiny.

He held the IBF belt, but he has gone in there tonight and defended it in spectacular fashion – he is now in every conversation going forward.

What now for AJ? Can he face rebuilding? And will he even want to?

The Wembley ring walk is notoriously long, and Dubois looked nervous – but so did Joshua, who has done this many times before in front of a full house.

Perhaps he was thinking of what was at stake – the chance to be a three-time heavyweight champion of the world.

But 27-year-old Dubois holds the belt and was keen to prove he was a worthy champion quickly.

Many wondered if Dubois would freeze on the biggest stage: Question asked and answered emphatically.

It was a crushing defeat for Joshua – most were not expecting such a one-sided victory.

Dubois will now most likely take on the winner of Fury v Usyk 2 for all the belts. But the manner of his victory has sent a message to the whole heavyweight division.

Pic: PA
Pic: PA

Pic: PA
Pic: PA

Hearn: AJ will want rematch

Promoter Eddie Hearn then said “it was the first round” where Joshua lost, “after that he was fighting on heart and desire”.

Hearn added: “When you are in there with a massive puncher this is what can happen. He never stopped trying to get up, even when he couldn’t get up.

“Daniel deserves credit, he’s a real world champion. Congratulations to him… I’m sure [Joshua will] exercise that rematch clause, it’s a given, it’s a dangerous fight because he’s growing in confidence all the time but he’ll believe he can beat him.”

Pic: Bradley Collyer/PA Wire
Pic: Bradley Collyer/PA Wire

British champion Dubois, who before tonight had never fought at Wembley, was elevated to the IBF title holder after Oleksandr Usyk relinquished the belt.

Joshua outweighed Dubois by four pounds, despite a career-heaviest weight for his rival, ahead of the fight.

Among those watching was Tyson Fury, the former WBC heavyweight champion, who took a ringside seat.

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Liam plays Oasis hits

Fury is set to fight Usyk for the other three titles in a rematch on 21 December.

Ahead of the fight, Liam Gallagher played some of Oasis’ biggest hits to the sold-out crowd.

Liam Gallagher performing ahead of the IBF World Heavyweight bout at Wembley Stadium. Pic: PA
Pic: PA

Liam Gallagher performed ahead of the World Heavyweight fight between Daniel Dubois and Anthony Joshua at Wembley. Pic: Reuters
Pic: Reuters

The 52-year-old frontman walked on to a massive cheer and said “yes Wembley vibes in the air,” before launching into Rock ‘N’ Roll Star, Supersonic and Cigarettes & Alcohol.

He and Noel Gallagher will play Wembley for their first of seven reunion shows at the stadium on 25 July – 307 days away.

Other famous faces ringside were Irish MMA fighter Conor McGregor, former boxer Ricky Hatton, Spice Girl Emma Bunton and Love Island presenter Maya Jama.

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Second boat boarded by FBI after Baltimore bridge collapse




Second boat boarded by FBI after Baltimore bridge collapse

FBI agents have boarded a boat managed by the same company whose cargo ship crashed into a Baltimore bridge and caused it to collapse.

The two companies in charge of the ship “recklessly cut corners” and ignored electrical problems on the vessel before the crash in March, alleged the US Justice Department on Wednesday.

Three days later, FBI agents boarded the Maersk Saltoro, a second ship managed by the same company, although authorities did not offer further details on the operation.

Six construction workers were killed when the Dali ship had a power outage and crashed into a support column on the Francis Scott Key Bridge.

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The Justice Department alleged that mechanical and electrical systems on the massive ship had been improvised and improperly maintained which led to the power outage.

The Singapore-flagged container ship 'Dali' after it collided with a pillar of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland.
Pic:  Harford County MD Fire & EMS/Reuters
The Dali after it collided with a pillar of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Pic: Harford County MD Fire & EMS/Reuters

Authorities are seeking to recover more than $100 million the government spent to clear the underwater debris and reopen the city’s port, which was only fully reopened in June.

It could become the most expensive marine casualty case in history and the two Singapore-based companies, Synergy Marine Group and Grace Ocean, are trying to limit their legal liability.

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The Justice Department said it will vigorously contest that limitation, arguing that vessel owners and operators need to be “deterred from engaging in such reckless and exceedingly harmful behaviour”.

Darrell Wilson, a Grace Ocean spokesperson, confirmed that the FBI and Coast Guard boarded the Maersk Saltoro in the Port of Baltimore on Saturday morning.

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Mr Wilson has previously said the owner and manager “look forward to our day in court to set the record straight” about the Justice Department’s lawsuit.

The Dali, which was stuck amid the wreckage of the collapse for months before it could be extricated, departed Virginia on Thursday afternoon en route to China on its first international voyage since the March 26 disaster.

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