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People slammed Pink Floyds Roger Waters as an anti-Semite long before the Oct. 7 attacks triggered a wave of Jewish hate across the globe.

Waters, the bands co-founder and a still-active rocker at 80, has walked a razor-thin line over the years between criticizing Israel and attacking the people who call the nation home.

He may have crossed said line even for his staunchest defenders.

Waters recently spoke out against fellow rock icon Bono of U2 fame. The Irish superstar reacted swiftly to the Oct. 7 massacre by Hamas which killed 1,200 people and kidnapped hundreds more.

Rape. Torture. Beheadings.

The news accounts proved so grisly Bono addressed them from, where else, a concert stage mere hours after the attacks.

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for Live Nation

He paid particular attention to Hamas assault on a music festival dedicated to peace by tweaking the bands 80s smash, Pride (In the Name of Love).

The altered lyrics?

From: Early morning, April four / Shots ring out in the Memphis sky / Free at last, they took your life / they could not take your pride.

To: Early morning, October 7th / As the sun is rising in the desert sky / Stars of David, they took your life / But they could not take your pride.

In the light of whats happened in Israel and Gaza, a song about non-violence seems somewhat ridiculous, even laughable, but our prayers have always been for peace and for non-violenceBut our hearts and our anger, you know where thats pointed. So sing with usand those beautiful kids at that music festival.

The band shared the concert clip via its social media accounts. How could anyone object to U2s tribute, which wasnt aggressive, only heartfelt? What possible argument could be lobbied against it? Shouldnt musicians be particularly outraged by a terrorist attack on a concert?

Tell that to Waters.

He spat out his disgust for what Bono said on Al Jazeera TV : Anybody who knows Bono should go and pick him up by his ankles and shake him until he stops being a [giant] s*** we have to start speaking to these people and saying, Your opinion is so disgusting and degrading, when you stand up for the Zionist entity

What he did in the Sphere in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago, singing about the Stars of David, was one of the most disgusting things Ive ever seen in my life.

Remember, Waters is an 80-year-old man.

If that rhetoric came as an isolated outburst some may be willing to forgive if not forget. Except its part of a pattern, one that leaves less and less doubt of Waters intentions.

Jim Dyson/Getty Images

We saw something similar late last year when he sat down for an interview with independent journalist Glenn Greenwald roughly a month after Hamas savagery.

Lets wait and see what happened, was my first reaction [to the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks]. My second reaction was how the hell did the Israelis not know this was going to happen? Theres something very fishy about that.

Theres no proof the Israeli government knew such an attack was coming. Its hard to imagine any government would allow that kind of atrocity to be perpetuated on its people for political purposes.

Greenwald pressed Waters on whether he thought the Oct. 7 attacks were justified.

We dont know what they did do. But was it justified for them to resist the occupation? Yeah.

We knew fairly quickly what Hamas did. The terrorists filmed much of their barbaric acts on GoPro-style cameras, smartphones, and other devices, eager for the world to witness their barbarism. Journalists and Hollywood dwellers got to see a montage of the clips shortly after Oct. 7.

Canadian journalist Matt Gurney called the footage just about the worst thing I have ever seen.

Waters also downplayed the fact that Israeli citizens were targeted in the melee.

The thing was thrown out of all proportion by the Israelis making up stories about beheading babies.

No one has credibly disputed that 1,200 people that day, or that the terrorist group kidnapped men, women, senior citizens and even toddlers following the attacks.

Waters ex-bandmate David Gilmour made up his mind a while ago on whether Waters harbors hate against Jewish people. Last year, Gilmour used his X account to promote the documentary The Dark Side of Roger Waters, a film accusing the singer of anti-Jewish sentiments.

The film, from the Campaign Against Antisemitism, featured first-person accounts by Jewish musicians who worked with Waters Norbert Stachel and Bob Ezrin who claimed they heard him utter anti-Semitic comments.

Gilmours wife, Polly Samson, added fuel to the fire by saying Waters was antisemitic to [his] rotten core.

All of this comes after Waters infamous stage antics where he performed under an inflatable pig emblazoned with the Star of David and strode across the stage wearing a Nazi-like uniform . The latter, he said, was his way of opposing fascism and bigotry.

The most intriguing part of it all? Weve seen actors face professional blowback recently for sharing anti-Israeli comments, including Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon . Cancel Culture also erased Roseanne Barrs career for a horrid Tweet.

Waters, on the other hand, has endured few repercussions for his chronic words and actions.

City Council members in Frankfurt, Germany, briefly stopped a planned May 2023 concert by the rocker, declaring that Waters repeatedly called for a cultural boycott of Israel and drew comparisons to the apartheid regime in South Africa and put pressure on artists to cancel events in Israel.

A court overruled the decision .

* * *

Christian Toto is an award-winning journalist, movie critic and editor He previously served as associate editor with Breitbart News Big Hollywood. Follow him at@HollywoodInToto.

The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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Justin Timberlake charged with drink-driving




Justin Timberlake arrested for 'driving while intoxicated'

Justin Timberlake has been charged with drink-driving, authorities have said.

The SexyBack singer had been in Long Island, New York state, reportedly having dinner with friends, before he left a restaurant and was pulled over by police, who arrested him.

The 43-year-old, who is often referred to as the “Prince of Pop”, was arraigned later on Tuesday in Sag Harbor, at the eastern end of Long Island, and then released, according to a statement from the Suffolk County district attorney’s office.

His next court date is scheduled for July 26.

Timberlake’s representatives did not immediately return requests for comment.

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Sag Harbor is a coastal village in the Hamptons, around 100 miles (160km) from New York City. In the summer, it is a hotspot for wealthy visitors.

Timberlake was scheduled to appear in Chicago for two dates this week before two further shows at New York’s Madison Square Garden next week.

Later dates on his The Forget Tomorrow World Tour include Boston, Baltimore, and Cleveland.

He arrives in Europe later in the summer, starting in Krakow, Poland, on 26 July, and will move on to Birmingham, Manchester and London in August.

He released his latest solo album, Everything I Thought It Was, in March.

A young Timberlake was a Disney Mouseketeer, when his castmates included future girlfriend Britney Spears.

Pic: Reuters
Singer Britney Spears and boyfriend, Justin Timberlake of the group "'N Sync" arrive at the 29th annual American Music Awards in Los Angeles January 9, 2002. Spears is a perfomer at the awards show which honors performers of Pop, Rock, Rap, Country and Latin Music. REUTERS/Adrees Latif FSP
Singer Britney Spears and then boyfriend, Timberlake, in 2002. Pic: Reuters

He rose to fame in the popular boy band NSYNC and embarked on a solo recording career in 2002.

As an actor, Timberlake has won acclaim in movies including The Social Network and Friends With Benefits.

He has won 10 Grammy awards and four Primetime Emmy Awards.

Last year, Timberlake was in the headlines when Spears released her memoir, The Woman In Me.

Several chapters are devoted to their relationship, including deeply personal details about a pregnancy, abortion and painful breakup.

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Dozens of police officers are powerless on French beaches as people smugglers exploit loopholes to pack dinghy




Dozens of police officers are powerless on French beaches as people smugglers exploit loopholes to pack dinghy

So here’s a story of a morning at the beach. There’s no ice cream, no sandcastles and no sense of fun in this tale – but there are criminal gangs, dune buggies and desperate people.

This beach in Calais is an illustration of the lengths people will go to, the risks they will take, just to try to get to Britain. And things start early.

We arrive at the beach at about 4am. There is a beautiful orange sunset on the way and barely a whisper of wind. But down on the shore, things are happening.

A group of people are getting on to a dinghy and slowly heading out into the Channel.

As we arrive, the boat is making its way toward Britain, while the people smugglers are heading back toward their hiding places in the dunes.

More will follow. A little later, we see another boat come around the headland, chugging slowly along.

As we’re watching, a crowd of people – men, women and children – start hurrying down the beach.

We can see them as they head towards the shore, splashing through the water to try to get on to the boat.

As we catch up and film the scene, three of the Kurdish smugglers start shouting at us. They may not speak English but, safe to say, they know a few swear words.

By now, the sun has risen. Smugglers used to only send people out under the cover of darkness, but now they are more bold.

From Adam Parsons VT

Boat launches happen quickly these days. Smugglers have worked out that it’s much more efficient to launch the boat elsewhere and bring it round to the beach, allowing your passengers to run into the water and clamber aboard.

And, under maritime law, there’s not much the French police can do to get involved.

They’re not allowed to enter the water to stop a boat that hasn’t asked for help and, well, it’s not illegal for migrants to run into the water.

Basically, there are loopholes that smugglers have learned to exploit, and which hinder and frustrate the police. And we’re about to see that play out.

Read more:
People smuggler ‘at peace’ with dying on the job

Police monitor from the beach – but under French law, cannot intervene

A large, black dinghy comes into sight, heading in our direction. This time, though, there is a reaction.

On the beach, the police are gathering, ready to puncture the vessel if it comes on land.

Two teams of officers have arrived on the dune buggies they drive across the beaches; others have walked down. I count 25 officers at one point.

On the water, a police boat – its blue lights flashing – is circling the dinghy, building up waves and trying to knock it off course, to stop it from reaching the waters near the beach, where a group of people are now slowly gathering, a little way from both the water and the police.

The police boat continues to zig-zag, but the dinghy, with five men on board, is resolute.

A police boat near the dinghy
A police boat near the dinghy

It perseveres and, as it nears the water, the men offer up a signal, and there is a sudden surge from the beach.

The group who had been waiting quietly now rush forward, past the police and into the sea. They wade into the water and set out towards the boat.

And we follow them, striding into water that rapidly rises to the top of our legs. Two men stride past, each cradling a child. I can see people scrambling to get on to the boat.

A minute ago, the atmosphere of these people had been deliberate and calm. Now, it feels chaotic.

A woman’s cry, desperate and imploring, rings out. She has drifted away from the boat and, despite wearing a life jacket, she is struggling in the water.

More from Sky News on the migration crisis:
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One of the smugglers comes over and brings her back to the boat, helping her on.

Some children are crying; others simply seem bewildered.

The last two people to get on are men, who pull themselves up and out of the water with a huge effort.

Everyone on board is drenched; many have lost or dropped the bags they’d brought with them. But they are on a dinghy, and now, with a jolt, the engine is pulled into action and they start their journey towards British waters.

We stride back through the water and reach the shore. The police have been watching, filming the boat on their phones, powerless to stop anything happening.

And beyond them is another crowd of migrants, now walking away from the beach. The ones who couldn’t get on to this boat, or who decided it was simply too dangerous.

Those that couldn't make it to the dinghy headed back
Those that couldn’t make it to the dinghy headed back

Among them is Rebaz, from Iraq, who’s trying to get to Britain with his wife and his two small children, one of them just five months old.

In his home country, he insists, his whole family would be at risk. Rebaz says the family, including their baby, has been sleeping out in the cold.

He dreams of getting across the Channel.

“We have tried four times to get across,” he tells me.

“Will you try again?” I ask.

A shrug.

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“Yes, of course because I don’t have any solution. I know it will be very dangerous for me and for my children. But when you don’t have any solution… I will try,” he said.

“I don’t want to take money from anyone. I just want to live a life, be safe and make a life for my children.”

His daughter clings on to his neck as he talks, Rebaz holding her close. He has a desperation to get to Britain, a belief that crossing the Channel will right the wrongs of his life.

And, as long as people have that belief, the smugglers will have customers.

Watch special programme on migration crisis with Yalda Hakim on Sky News from 9pm tonight

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E-coli: Source of outbreak believed to have been found




E-coli: Source of outbreak believed to have been found

An E.coli outbreak that has made more than 200 people sick has been traced to lettuce – so is it safe to eat?

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) told Sky News it is “too early to determine” how the lettuce leaves may have become contaminated – but it is “confident” that is the source.

Three companies have recalled dozens of sandwiches and wraps sold at supermarkets as a precautionary measure.

So how can lettuce end up carrying E.coli – and does this mean a summer without salad?

How could it happen?

There are three main ways lettuce leaves could have been contaminated with E.coli, according to Professor Jim Monaghan, professor of crop science at Harper Adams University in Shropshire.

E.coli “essentially wants to be inside the guts of warm-blooded animals”, he says, but pathogenic strains can be found in between 10-15% of dairy herds – which means a minority of manure is contaminated with it.

That manure – and the E.coli it carries – can end up on lettuce leaves in cases of direct contamination.

In cases of indirect contamination, the bacteria may get into the soil or water and be transferred to the lettuce that way.

How do farmers prevent contamination?

If farmers use manure to fertilise a field, they have to wait at least a year before they can plant lettuce there.

They must also test the water they are using for irrigation to see if E.coli is present.

“For a lettuce grower, if you’re irrigating a crop with water, if you’re not comfortable drinking that water, then you wouldn’t be irrigating the crop,” Prof Monaghan tells Sky News.

That doesn’t mean they need to irrigate with chlorine-treated tap water, he adds, but it must meet an “acceptable standard”.

Salad growers will also risk assess their sites and avoid planting salad in any areas prone to flooding to avoid potential water contamination.

The FSA has not revealed whether the lettuce came from a UK-based farm or was imported from abroad.

The latest figures show 211 cases of E-coli have been confirmed as of 11 June – and at least 67 people have required hospital treatment.

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How does E.coli spread?

Should you be worried about eating lettuce?

Prof Monaghan says he hasn’t changed his lettuce-buying habits in response to the recent outbreak.

“I have a bag of spinach and two whole head lettuces in my fridge at the moment. So knowing what I know about how UK growers manage their risks, to me that’s fine,” he says.

“But clearly something’s gone wrong.”

However, he notes a couple of things – beyond the usual rules growers must follow – that have reassured him about buying salad.

“One is it would appear that the product that’s caused a problem has left the supply chain,” he says.

The second is that everyone involved in salad production – from growers to salad and sandwich manufacturers – will be “sampling like crazy”.

Does washing salad leaves get rid of E.coli?

Once it reaches the factory, lettuce will be rinsed to remove surface contamination. Then chlorine is used to reduce the level of bacteria before it is rinsed again.

That is “effective to a certain extent”, Prof Monaghan says, but it does not eliminate bacteria entirely.

The same goes for washing lettuce at home – it will reduce the amount of bacteria, but not get rid of it.

Read more:
What are the symptoms of E.coli infection?
Full list of products recalled by sandwich suppliers

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How does the weather have an impact?

The recent wet weather could have created conditions where E.coli can more easily survive.

On a hot, sunny day, leaves will dry off quickly, reducing the chance of water contamination.

They will also be irradiated by UV rays, killing bacteria.

But on wet, overcast days, there is not the same opportunity for bacteria to be killed off, Prof Monaghan says.

We have had a damp start to the summer – and similar weather has been seen in Spain, Italy and France – all countries that import lettuce to the UK.

Why is it so difficult to trace the root cause?

Darren Whitby, head of incidents at the FSA, said identifying the source of the E.coli was a “complex and ongoing investigation”.

Part of the reason it’s so difficult to trace is because the contaminated products are a very small proportion of the sandwiches on supermarket shelves, Prof Monaghan says.

Then there’s the fact the products in question have a shelf life of days.

“Two days after a sandwich is made, you won’t find that sandwich again,” Prof Monaghan says.

“It’s either been eaten or it’s been taken off the shelf.”

The FSA has been investigating the issue along with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), Food Standards Scotland and devolved public health agencies, businesses and local authorities.

Through epidemiological investigations and whole genome sequence analysis, they narrowed down the common foods consumed by people who had fallen ill to a small number of salad leaf products used in sandwiches, wraps, subs and rolls.

Dozens of products were recalled; while no E.coli had been found in them, it was a “precautionary measure” in case they were contaminated.

The fact E.coli was not found in the products indicates it has left the supply chain. “There’s no smoking gun,” Prof Monaghan says.

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