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The Terraform Labs co-founder was still in Montenegro as his lawyers and the courts considered requests for extradition to the U.S. and South Korea.

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General election: ‘Do not give matches back to arsonists’, urges Labour amid poll complacency warning




General election: 'Do not give matches back to arsonists', urges Labour amid poll complacency warning

Wes Streeting has urged voters not to hand “the matches back to the arsonists to finish the job” as he warned against complacency over polls predicting a Labour landslide.

Speaking to Sky News’s Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips, the shadow health secretary stressed the choice at the election as he branded the Tory manifesto “Liz Truss’s budget on steroids” and raised the prospect of “a nightmare on Downing Street” if the governing party was returned.

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Mr Streeting made his comments as fresh polls signalled a further grim outlook for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, with one indicating the Conservatives on course to pick up just 72 seats.

Meanwhile, cabinet minister Mark Harper insisted the Tories were fighting for every vote, but repeated his party’s warning that a vote for Reform UK would give Labour a large majority and “a blank cheque” in office.

It comes after a separate survey on Thursday night put Nigel Farage’s party ahead of the Tories for the first time with 19% of the vote, compared with 18% for the Conservatives.

Mr Streeting said: “I just warn people, against this backdrop of breathtaking complacency in the media about the opinion polls, do not give the matches back to the arsonist to finish the job.”

More on Conservatives

He added: “Do people want to see Liz Truss’s mini budget on steroids, which is the Conservative manifesto, being delivered if there’s a nightmare on Downing Street on 5 July or do they want to see a stable economy with economic growth, shared prosperity, enable us to invest in our public services without clobbering working people with taxes, that’s the choice at this election.”

Despite the polls, Mr Harper told Phillips: “I’m still very much up for this fight.

“The Conservative Party across the country, led by the prime minister, is fighting for every vote.

“But the polls do tell us one thing. They do show people that if people don’t vote Conservative and some of the people vote for the smaller parties, and Labour does end up with a very large majority, they’re going to have a blank check.

“They are trying very hard in this campaign not to spell out how they’re going to pay for any of their promises. We know there is a black hole. We can have a debate about how big it is.

“We’ve said it’s going to be £2,000 for every family in the next over the parliament, but there’s definitely a black hole.

“We’ve set out the taxes that they might have to raise and they haven’t ruled them out.”

He added: “I’d say very simply to those voters who are thinking about voting Reform who have voted Conservative – they want to see lower taxes, they want to see migration under control, if they vote Reform they’re going to get a Labour government with a large majority and it’s going to deliver the opposite of what they want.”

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‘Waiting in various states of freezing cold’: Behind the scenes of covering the election campaign




'Waiting in various states of freezing cold': Behind the scenes of covering the election campaign

Covering a general election campaign as a journalist can largely be summed up in two words – battle bus.

Not too dissimilar to the coaches that rockstars use for their tours, battle buses are the vehicles each political party uses to transport their leaders, candidates, and advisers around the country during the election campaign.

Sky’s political correspondents have each been following a different party – often joining them on their battle buses.

Here we take you behind the scenes on the campaign trail this week for the Conservatives, Labour, and the Liberal Democrats.

Conservatives – Darren McCaffrey

Monday, 10 June

Boarding the battle bus
Boarding the battle bus

It’s just after 7am on a pretty miserable Monday morning and we’re going to the South East of England today.

Unsurprisingly, by the way, the prime minister is not on the bus – he very rarely is. But we are.

Let’s see what this week holds for not the best start, I think it’s fair to say, for the Conservatives’ campaign…

Tuesday, 11 June

At Silverstone racetrack for the Conservative Party manifesto launch
At Silverstone race track for the Conservative Party manifesto launch

Good morning from Silverstone. It’s Tuesday. It’s the big day for the Conservatives.

I say we’re at Silverstone, the track is just there, but we’re not allowed outside, because apparently there’s a big Hollywood film being filmed with Brad Pitt, so we’re not allowed to film outside.

We’re here for the Tory party manifesto launch, which is happening behind there – but we’re also not allowed to go there at the moment either.

So we’re stuck in this room with tea and lots of other journalists, waiting for Rishi Sunak a little later on.

At Silverstone for the manifesto launch
At Silverstone for the manifesto launch

So it’s all over. The PM has made his speech.

It’s interesting what’s happening here though, in the very far corner, you have to be a little bit quiet, there are lots of journalists who have been briefed about what’s in the speech, so they can ask questions about what’s in the manifesto and they’re being probed on that at the moment by the lobby – that’s what happens at these events.

Wednesday, 12 June

At Kings Cross station
At Kings Cross station

It’s Wednesday morning, we’re heading north to meet the PM in Lincolnshire a bit later this morning.

We’re meant to be on the 9.03am train but it’s been cancelled so we’re all waiting around not quite knowing what’s about to happen or what time we’re going to get there.

This is just a sign of how the campaign goes – a bit of confusion sometimes.

We’re on the way to Grimsby.

The prime minister is on the bus and this is our chance to go to the back of the bus where he is and have a little chat with him – off-camera – but it’s a chance to ask him some questions to see how the campaign is going. Let’s go!

Speaking to Rishi Sunak on the Tory battle bus
Speaking to Rishi Sunak on the Tory battle bus

Rishi Sunak: “When I’m on the road, I’m an avid games player. I do Connections, Wordle, Sudoku, Solitaire

“I’ve got everyone doing it. Connections is really fun, my kids got me onto it.”

So that’s another visit done.

Frankly, I’m pretty tired. I’ve lost count of the number of visits we’ve done, but me and the bus are going to roll on to the next one – with less than three weeks to go now until polling day.

Labour – Serena Barker-Singh

Doing lives in Grimsby ahead of Sky's leaders programme
Doing lives in Grimsby ahead of Sky’s leaders programme

Wednesday, 12 June

We’ve just got to Grimsby.

We’re setting up to do some lives, teeing up what Labour’s launching today and also nodding to the fact that we’ve got our debate later.

On the way to a Labour campaign event
On the way to a Labour campaign event

So I just interviewed Keir Starmer – well you get one question – each broadcaster gets one question.

I asked him about tax. It’s quite a difficult day where there are lots of different bits that people can ask.

So I asked whether he’s going to stick to the promises in his manifesto tomorrow once he’s in government.

Interviewing Sir Keir Starmer
Interviewing Sir Keir Starmer

Liberal Democrats – Matthew Thompson

At an event with the Disabled Sailing Association
At an event with the Disabled Sailing Association in Devon

Tuesday, 11 June

This is the glamour of being on the campaign with the Lib Dems.

It’s mainly hanging around in various states of being freezing cold waiting for Ed Davey to do something completely daft.

At a Lib Dem event with Sir Ed Davey (behind, right)
At a Lib Dem event in Somerset with Sir Ed Davey (behind, right)

Wednesday, 12 June

In Stratford on Avon
In Stratford on Avon

With Sir Ed Davey at a campaign event in Stratford on Avon
With Sir Ed Davey at a campaign event in Stratford on Avon

“Go to uni, they said… become a journalist, they said… report the news, they said!”

Welcome to Stratford-on-Avon.

This is a part of the world that hasn’t been Liberal since 1906 and you might say it needs something of a sizable swing for the Lib Dems to win it back from the Conservatives.

One man who’s fairly confident of getting that sizable swing, swinging beside me, is Sir Ed Davey.

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Bitcoin whale watching is ‘useless’ for information — Traders




<div>Bitcoin whale watching is 'useless' for information — Traders</div>

Bitcoin whale watching is “good for social media” but not for valuable analysis, according to traders.

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