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Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) introduced a measure Friday that aims to prevent the Biden administration from enforcing a new rule that expands the definition of sex in federal healthcare nondiscrimination law to include “gender identity.”

Opponents of the rule, which was proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services and is set to go into effect on July 5, argue that it threatens to override state laws banning gender transition surgeries and could force faith-based healthcare providers to perform the procedure, as well as abortions. 

Conservatives also fear the rule amending the Affordable Care Act will mandate that transgender surgeries be covered by all health insurance providers, including taxpayer-funded programs such as Medicaid and Medicare. 3 Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) introduced a measure Friday that aims to prevent the Biden administration from enforcing a new rule that expands the definition of sex in federal healthcare nondiscrimination law to include “gender identity.” Getty Images

Marshalls joint resolution, backed by six other Senate Republicans, expresses disapproval of the HHS rule under the Congressional Review Act, which allows Congress to overturn regulations with a bare majority vote in each chamber.

Time is of the essence; we will fight like hell to overturn this radical ruling by Joe Biden’s HHS,” Marshall told The Post. 

“This is a dangerous abuse of power, the Kansas Republican added. Our founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves if they knew that the President of the United States was trying to fund sex-change surgeries at the taxpayer’s expense.

Marshall, who was a practicing obstetrician before entering politics, argued that gender is not fluid, and sex is not negotiable.

While all voice of reason seems to be lost at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, we will continue to sound the alarm, he said. The HHS should be worried about Americans safety, health and wellbeing and stop doing the radical Left’s bidding by promoting child mutilation surgeries.  3 Marshall said the “founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves if they knew that the President of the United States was trying to fund sex-change surgeries at the taxpayer’s expense. Aaron Schwartz / CNP /

The new regulation restores Obama-era provisions covering transgender individuals which the Trump administration rolled back in 2020.

Since the Obama administration, courts have issued conflicting rulings related to the provisions in Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act. 

The lengthy HHS rule states in part that covered entities must not, Deny or limit health services, including those that have been typically or exclusively provided to, or associated with, individuals of one sex, to an individual based upon the individual’s sex assigned at birth, gender identity, or gender otherwise recorded or Deny or limit health services sought for purpose of gender transition or other gender-affirming care that the covered entity would provide to an individual for other purposes if the denial or limitation is based on an individual’s sex assigned at birth, gender identity, or gender otherwise recorded. 3 Marshalls joint resolution, backed by six other Senate Republicans, expresses disapproval of the HHS rule under the Congressional Review Act. REUTERS

Some conservatives have interpreted this to mean that physicians who, for example, offer hormones to adult women for a variety of ailments or symptoms will be legally required to provide them to transgender youths. 

Marshalls effort to use the Congressional Review Act to strike down the regulation is unlikely to succeed. 

CRAs are seldom successful, and even if the House of Representatives with its threadbare GOP majority and the Democratic-controlled Senate approve Marshalls joint resolution, President Biden will not sign it into law. 

I am happy to fight this fight, Marshall said of his long-shot effort. Nothing is more important than protecting our children. 

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Phils expect Turner back Monday after 6 weeks out




Phils expect Turner back Monday after 6 weeks out

BALTIMORE — The Philadelphia Phillies expect to have star shortstop Trea Turner back Monday, according to manager Rob Thomson.

Thomson said Sunday that Turner would be activated the following day “unless something weird happens.” He hasn’t played since May 3 because of a left hamstring strain.

Turner hit .343 with 10 stolen bases in 33 games before going on the injured list.

The Phillies have kept right on rolling without him. They led the National League East by eight games entering Sunday’s series finale at Baltimore.

Philadelphia hosts San Diego on Monday in its first home game since June 5 — immediately before the team traveled to London for a couple of games against the New York Mets. The Phillies followed that trip with series at Boston and Baltimore.

“It seems like we’ve been gone for a month,” Thomson said.

Edmundo Sosa has played well in Turner’s absence. He hit his fifth homer of the season Saturday.

“He’s huge. I think for the last couple of years, probably the baseball world looked at him as a utility man. Now they’re looking at him like a shortstop,” Thomson said. “So his value is very high right now, as it should be because he’s played very well.”

Sosa figures to have a role going forward as an infield backup — and possibly in the outfield.

“If he’s not playing every day, there’s nothing wrong with getting him some outfield work,” Thomson said. “Just to see what it looks like, just to get him comfortable.”

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Cubs’ Hendricks earns starting job back vs. Giants




Cubs' Hendricks earns starting job back vs. Giants

CHICAGO — Veteran Cubs pitcher Kyle Hendricks will start Wednesday’s game against the Giants, the team announced Sunday.

It will be Hendricks’ first start since giving up eight runs in a May outing against the Pittsburgh Pirates. He has made five relief appearances since then, including three scoreless ones this month.

“We’re down pitchers right now,” manager Craig Counsell said before announcing the move.

The Cubs lost two starters just this week, including Ben Brown to a neck injury and Jordan Wicks to an oblique strain. Wicks came out of Friday’s game against the St. Louis Cardinals after 1⅔ innings, giving way to Hendricks who threw 4⅓ shutout innings in emergency duty.

Despite the 3-0 loss, that outing, along with several other recent ones, earned Hendricks another chance at starting.

“In a lot of ways, Kyle continues to impress you even though he’s had a tough go of it so far,” Counsell said. “He’s worried about the things he can control.”

Hendricks, 34, was demoted to the bullpen after struggling throughout his first seven starts of the season as his ERA ballooned to over 12.00. Those struggles led to speculation that the longest-tenured Cubs player might lose his roster spot, but pitching injuries have continued to pile up for Chicago, giving the right-hander more opportunities.

The team is also down relievers Yency Almonte, Julian Merryweather and Adbert Alzolay.

It’s unclear how long Hendricks will pitch against the Giants after spending the past month in the bullpen, but the Cubs are hopeful he will just continue to get outs as he is coming off arguably his best appearance of the season.

“Kyle pitched wonderfully,” Counsell said after Friday’s game. “Gave us a chance to win.”

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Jays’ Bichette (calf) remains out vs. Guardians




Jays' Bichette (calf) remains out vs. Guardians

Two-time All-Star shortstop Bo Bichette will miss his second straight game Sunday due to right calf soreness as the Toronto Blue Jays wrap up a three-game series against the Cleveland Guardians.

Isiah Kiner-Falefa replaced Bichette at shortstop this weekend, while left fielder Davis Schneider returned to Toronto’s starting lineup after a one-game absence.

Bichette, 26, is hitting .237 with four homers and 28 RBIs in 66 games this season.

A second-round draft pick in 2016 and an All-Star in 2021 and 2023, Bichette is hitting .293 with 93 homers and 340 RBIs in 595 games since making his debut with Toronto in 2019.

Schneider, 25, is hitting .230 with eight homers and 33 RBIs in 63 games this season.

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