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Abigail Arellano keeps her son Samuels medical bills in a blue folder in a cabinet above the microwave. Even now, four months after the 11-year-old was shot at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade, the bills keep coming.

This story also ran on KCUR. It can be republished for free.

Theres one for $1,040 for the ambulance ride to the hospital that February afternoon. Another for $2,841.17 from an emergency room visit they made three days after the shooting because his bullet wound looked infected. More follow-ups and counseling in March added another $1,500.

I think Im missing some, Arellano said as she leafed through the pages.

The Arellanos are uninsured and counting on assistance from the fund that raised nearly $2 million in the aftermath of the shooting that left one dead and at least 24 other people with bullet wounds. She keeps that application in the blue folder as well.

The medical costs incurred by the survivors of the shooting are hitting hard, and they wont end soon. The average medical spending for someone who is shot increases by nearly $30,000 in the first year, according to a Harvard Medical School study. Another study found that number goes up to $35,000 for children. Ten kids were shot at the parade.

Then there are lifes ordinary bills rent, utilities, car repairs that dont stop just because someone survived a mass shooting, even if their injuries prevent them from working or sending kids to school. Samuel Arellano (center) stands with his parents, Abigail and Antonio, outside their home in Kansas City, Kansas. The family was uninsured when Samuel was shot at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade in February. The family is counting on assistance from the fund that raised nearly $2 million in the aftermath of the shooting that left one dead and at least 24 other people with bullet wounds.(Bram Sable-Smith/KFF Health News) Abigail Arellano keeps the stack of medical bills amassed since her son, Samuel, 11, was shot in a blue folder in a cabinet above the microwave in the familys kitchen. (Peggy Lowe/KCUR 89.3) Samuel Arellano (center) lifts his shirt with help from his mother, Abigail Arellano (left), and aunt Eunice Salas (right), to reveal where he was shot at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade in February. (Bram Sable-Smith/KFF Health News)

The financial burden that comes with surviving is so common it has a name, according to Aswad Thomas of the nonprofit Alliance for Safety and Justice: victimization debt. Some pay it out-of-pocket. Some open a new credit card. Some find help from generous strangers. Others cant make ends meet.

We’re really broke right now, said Jacob Gooch Sr., another survivor, who was shot through the foot and has not yet been able to return to work.

We’re, like, exhausting our third credit card.

As is common after mass shootings, a mosaic of new and established resources emerged in this Missouri city promising help. Those include the #KCStrong fund established by the United Way of Greater Kansas City, which is expected to begin paying victims at the end of June.

Survivors must navigate each opportunity to request help as best they can and hope money comes through.

GoFundMes, Generous Strangers, and a New Line of Credit

Mostly, its the moms who keep the bills organized. Tucked above the microwave. Zipped inside a purse. Screenshots stored on a phone. And then theres a maze of paperwork: The Missouri state victims compensation form is five pages, including instructions. Its another six pages for help from the United Way.

Emily Tavis keeps stacks of paperwork with color-coded binder clips in her basement: Black for her partner, Gooch Sr.; blue for her stepson, Jacob Gooch Jr.; pink for herself. All three were shot at the parade. Jacob Gooch Sr. and Emily Tavis received an outpouring of emotional and financial support in the days after they were both shot at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade. Goochs son was also shot. By June, however, the couple had opened a new credit card to help cover their bills.(Christopher Smith for KFF Health News)

Tavis was able to walk after a bullet ripped through her leg, and she considered declining the ambulance ride because she was worried about the cost she lacked insurance at the time.

Gooch Sr. was unable to walk because hed been shot in the foot. So they shared an ambulance to the hospital with two of their kids.

“Im not paying for this s—. I didnt ask for this life, Tavis, laughing, recalled thinking at the time. They soon realized 14-year-old Gooch Jr. had a bullet in his foot as well.

Tavis and Gooch Sr. received separate $1,145 bills for the ambulance. Gooch Jr. did not, possibly because he has health coverage through Medicaid, Tavis said.

She sends the medical bills to victims compensation, a program to help with the economic losses from a crime, such as medical expenses and lost wages. Even though Tavis and Gooch live in Leavenworth, Kansas, their compensation comes from the program in Missouri, where the shooting occurred.

The program pays only for economic losses not covered by other sources like health insurance, donations, and crowdsourced fundraisers. Gooch Sr. and Jr. both had health insurance at the time of the parade, so the family has been sending only the uncovered portion to victims compensation. Email Sign-Up

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The family initially received a lot of support. Friends and relatives made sure they had food to eat. The founder of an online group of Kansas City Chiefs fans sent $1,000 and gifts for the family. A GoFundMe page raised $9,500. And their tax refund helped.

They knew money might get tight with Gooch Sr. unable to work, so they paid three months rent in advance. They also paid to have his Ford Escape fixed so he could eventually return to work and bought Tavis a used Honda Accord so she could drive to the job she started 12 days after the parade.

And because the donations were intended for the whole family, they decided to buy summer passes to the Worlds of Fun amusement park for the kids.

But recently, theyve felt stretched. Gooch Sr.s short-term disability payments abruptly stopped in May when his health insurance prompted him to see an in-network doctor. He said the short-term disability plan initially didnt approve the paperwork from his new doctor and started an investigation. The issue was resolved in June and he was expecting back pay soon. In the interim, though, the couple opened a new credit card to cover their bills.

In the interim, the couple opened a new credit card to cover their bills. Emily Tavis considered declining an ambulance ride after being shot in the leg at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade because she was worried about cost. She started a new job 12 days after the parade, but even now that she has health insurance through work, she is attuned to the costs of seeking care. (Christopher Smith for KFF Health News) Emily Tavis was shot in the leg at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade. (Christopher Smith for KFF Health News) Jacob Gooch Sr. shows the trajectory of the bullet that shot through his foot at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade. (Bram Sable-Smith/KFF Health News) Unable to work after being shot at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade in February, Jacob Gooch Sr. initially received short-term disability payments. But that assistance abruptly stopped in May when he started seeing a new doctor who was in network with his health insurance. The issue was resolved in June and he was expecting back pay soon.(Christopher Smith for KFF Health News)

We’ve definitely been robbing Peter to pay Paul, Tavis said.

Ideally, the money that eventually comes from the United Way, victimscompensation, and, they hope, back pay from short-term disability will be enough to pay off their debts.

But, Tavis said, You gotta do what you gotta do. Were not going to go without lights.

United Way Payout Expected at End of June

With every mass shooting, donations for survivors inevitably flow in, just like peanut butter goes with jelly, because people want to help, said Jeff Dion, executive director of the Mass Violence Survivors Fund, a nonprofit that has helped many communities manage such funds.

Typically, he said, it takes about five months to disburse the money from these large community funds. Victims can potentially get money sooner if their community has a plan in place for these types of funds before a mass shooting. Funds may also advance money to people with urgent financial needs who are certain to qualify.

The United Way hung banners in the Chiefs colors on Kansas Citys Union Station with its #KCStrong campaign within days of the shootings. Driven by large donations from the team, the NFL, quarterback Patrick Mahomes, other individuals, and local companies, it ultimately raised more than $1.8 million.

The promise of a large payout has kept the injured hopeful, even as many felt confused by the process. Some people interviewed for this story did not wish to say anything negative, fearing it would hurt their allocation. Visitors at Union Station in Kansas City, Missouri, on Feb. 19 look at the memorial set up following the shooting at the Chiefs’ Super Bowl celebration.(Carlos Moreno/KCUR 89.3)

United Way officials announced in April that donations would be closed at the end of that month. On May 1, the organization posted a notice saying it would issue claimant forms and that the Jackson County Prosecutors Office was helping verify shooting victims. The United Way affiliates board of trustees plans to meet June 26 to determine allocations, with payments arriving as early as June 27. The Injured They Were Injured at the Super Bowl Parade. A Month Later, They Feel Forgotten.

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Kera Mashek, a spokesperson for United Way of Greater Kansas City, said payouts will be made to 20 of the 24 shooting survivors. The other four either couldnt be verified as victims or turned down the funds, she said. Claimants do not include the 67 people prosecutors say were trampled in the melee, she said.

Pending board approval, money will also be disbursed to 14 community groups that support nonviolence initiatives, mental health concerns, and first responders, Mashek said.

To criticism that the United Way didnt communicate well with the victims, Mashek said it tried to respond in a timely manner.

We’ve tried to keep that line of communication open as fast as possible and most people have been very patient, she said. I think that they will be very grateful and very, I believe, pleasantly surprised with the amount of funding that they receive.

Other Resources Available

Abigail Arellano hadnt heard of victims’ compensation, which is common. A 2022 survey from the Alliance for Safety and Justice found that 96% of victims did not receive that support and many didnt know it existed.

Arellano and her husband, Antonio, didnt attend the parade but theyve had medical expenses as well. Antonio has been going to therapy at a local health center to help with the stressful task of guiding his son through the trauma. Its been helpful. But hes been paying around $125 out-of-pocket for each session, he said, and the bills are mounting. The injured Three People Shot at Super Bowl Parade Grapple With Bullets Left in Their Bodies

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One of Samuels sisters set up a GoFundMe that raised $12,500, and Abigail said it helped that the family shared their story publicly and that Abigail reached out to help others in the Latino community affected by the shooting.

It was Abigail, for instance, who connected 71-year-old Sarai Holguin with the Mexican Consulate in Kansas City. The consulate, in turn, helped Holguin register as an official victim of the shooting, which will enable her to receive assistance from the United Way. Holguins bills now include a fourth surgery, to remove the bullet lodged near her knee that she had previously made peace with living with forever until it began protruding through her skin.

Generous and Quick Relief to Victims

Several survivors were relieved and grateful to receive funds from a less high-profile, nondenominational group called The Church Loves Kansas City.

The day after the shooting, Gary Kendall, who ran a Christian nonprofit called Love KC, started a text chain at 6 a.m. with city leaders and faith-based groups, and eventually received pledges of $184,500. (Love KC has now merged with another nonprofit, Unite KC, which is disbursing its funds.)

The first payout went to the family of Lisa Lopez-Galvan, the 43-year-old mother of two and popular DJ who was the sole fatality during the parade shootings. Unite KC spent $15,000 on her burial expenses.

Unite KC spent $2,800 so James and Brandie Lemons could get their health insurance restored because James couldnt work. Unite KC also paid $2,200 for the out-of-pocket surgical costs when James decided to get the bullet removed from his leg.

I appreciate it, an emotional James Lemons said. They dont have to do that, to open their hearts for no reason. James Lemons, who was shot in the right thigh, on June 7, the day he had his stitches taken out after surgery to remove the bullet lodged in his leg. Lemons family was helped by Unite KC with insurance payments to tide them over until Lemons returns to work.(Peggy Lowe/KCUR 89.3)

Erika Nelson was struggling to pay for household expenses and had to take time off from her home health care job to take her injured daughter, 15-year-old Mireya, to doctor appointments. Mireya was shot in the chin and shoulder and is recovering.

A GoFundMe page set up by Nelsons best friend raised about $11,000, but it was frozen after Nelson tried to get into the account and GoFundMe thought it was being hacked. She feared the lights would be shut off in their apartment, because of unpaid electric bills, and was feeling desperate.

I’m struggling with, like, you know, groceries, Nelson said. People were like, Oh, go to food pantries. Well, the food pantries are not open the times I can get off. I can’t just take off work to go to a food pantry.

After meeting with Gary Kendall, Nelson received three months of rent and utility payments, about $3,500. Tell Us About Your Experience

We are continuing to report on the effects of the parade shooting on the people who were injured and the community as a whole.

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A weight off my shoulder. I mean, yeah. In a big way, she whispered. Cause you never know. You never know what can happen in two days, five days, two weeks, two months.

Samuel Arellanos family recently connected with Unite KC, which will pay for his ambulance bill, one of the hospital bills, and some therapy, worth about $6,000. The bill for the initial emergency room trip was about $20,000, his parents said, but the hospital had been reluctant to send it and ultimately covered the cost.

And Unite KC also intends to pay of a $1,300 credit card bill for Emily Tavis and Jacob Gooch Sr.

Unite KC has disbursed $40,000 so far and hopes to connect with more of the injured families, hoping to be as generous and quick as we can, Kendall said. United Way will be like a lightning bolt for victims relief, Kendall said, but his group is aiming for something different, more like a campfire that burns for the next year.

We agree this is a horrific thing that happened. Its a sad state of humanity but its a real part, he said. So we want to remind them that God has not forgotten you. And that although he allowed this, he has not abandoned them. We believe we can be like an extension of his love to these people.

Bram Sable-Smith:, @besables Related Topics Health Care Costs Insurance Public Health States Emergency Medicine Guns Investigation Kansas Missouri Out-Of-Pocket Costs The Injured Contact Us Submit a Story Tip

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Sources: QB Ewers not likely to play vs. Bulldogs




Sources: QB Ewers not likely to play vs. Bulldogs

Texas quarterback Quinn Ewers is not expected to play against Mississippi State on Saturday, per sources, as the Longhorns staff is expected to sit him out in order for him to be fully healthy for the game against Oklahoma on Oct. 12.

A final decision on Ewers is expected later Saturday, per sources, but the decision is trending toward allowing him to use Texas’ week off following the Mississippi State game to get healthy. Ewers has been considered week-to-week since injuring his oblique against UTSA on Sept. 14.

Ewers finished the week at nearly 70%, as he practiced Tuesday, was limited Wednesday and ended up limited in practice Thursday to allow him to fully heal. Per sources, the Texas coaching staff wanted to give Ewers the extra rest to ensure he’d return at full strength.

The decision means that Texas will against start backup quarterback Arch Manning, who will make his first career start in an SEC game. Manning made his first start against Louisiana Monroe, completing 15 of 29 passes for 258 yards. He had two touchdown passes and two interceptions.

Ewers’ oblique injury came in the wake of him displaying one of the season’s best performances at Michigan in Week 2, as he threw for 246 yards and three touchdowns in a blowout Texas win in Ann Arbor.

Mississippi State enters the game on a three-game losing streak, which includes back-to-back blowout home losses to Toledo and Florida. The Bulldogs are trending toward finishing at the bottom of the SEC, as they have one of the country’s worst defenses. They are No. 111 nationally in total defense and No. 107 in scoring defense.

Mississippi State will also be without its starting quarterback, as starter Blake Shapen is out for the year after suffering a shoulder injury against Florida. Michael Van Buren, a true freshman, will make his first career start for the Bulldogs.

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Sources: Georgia DL Williams is a game-time call




Sources: Georgia DL Williams is a game-time call

Georgia defensive lineman Mykel Williams is a “true game-time decision” for the No. 2 Bulldogs at No. 4 Alabama on Saturday night, according to ESPN sources.

Williams has missed the previous two games with a Grade 2 ankle sprain, which he suffered against Clemson in the opener. He’ll be evaluated in pregame warmups and a decision will be made on his status.

Williams has been limited in practice this week, and it’s expected that if he does play it’ll be at less than 100 percent. He’s also unlikely to play a heavy snap count if he does play, as he’s working his way back.

Williams is a marauding defensive end who is the best player in Georgia’s front seven and is a high-end NFL prospect. ESPN’s Mel Kiper Jr. has him ranked No. 4 overall player for the 2025 NFL draft.

Williams started the season hot before injuring his ankle against Clemson, as he had two tackles for loss and three quarterback pressures in that game.

They will be an onus on Georgia’s defensive line, especially on the ends, to help slow Alabama quarterback Jalen Milroe in Tuscaloosa.

Georgia’s defensive line will benefit from the return of senior Warren Brinson, who is listed as probable after missing the past two games. Sophomore defensive lineman Jordan Hall is questionable for the SEC showdown.

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Sources: Utah’s Rising game-time call vs. Arizona




Sources: Utah's Rising game-time call vs. Arizona

Utah quarterback Cam Rising, who has been snakebit by injuries the past two years, is again expected to be a game-time decision against Arizona on Saturday night, sources told ESPN.

Rising has missed No. 10 Utah’s past two games after an injury to his throwing hand that he suffered against Baylor on Sept. 7. He missed all of last season after an ACL tear in the Rose Bowl following the 2022 season.

Rising’s status will undergo the same evaluation process with the Utah staff as before the Oklahoma State game last week. He’ll throw the ball pregame, and his ability to deliver spin and velocity on the ball will determine whether he’ll play, per sources.

As Rising has struggled to recover and get back on the field, one factor that could weigh into the decision is the chance to get him back fully healthy in two weeks. Utah has a bye before they play at Arizona State on Oct. 11.

Rising has practiced this week but remained limited as the staff has attempted to rest his finger.

Freshman Isaac Wilson has started the past two weeks, leading the Utes to victories over Utah State in Logan and in Stillwater against the Cowboys.

Wilson has shown both moments of promise and interspersed those with moments that have illuminated his youth. He threw for 207 yards on 17-of-29 passing against Oklahoma State. He also threw two interceptions. He threw for three touchdowns and 239 yards against Utah State.

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