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In France, politics is happening at a ferocious pace.

This country – big, wealthy, influential and vital to the stability of Europe – is suddenly facing a moment of tumult. Change, and perhaps really big change, is looming.

There are election posters up everywhere, candidates staring out at you with fixed grins and slogans. But there is one face that seems to appear more than anyone else – Marine Le Pen.

Posters of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella
Posters of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella

A fixture in French politics for a quarter of a century, she has stood for president, rebuilt her party, and even remoulded France’s far-right conversation. But now, more than ever, she sits on the brink of real power.

After Sunday’s election, the polls suggest that her far-right Rassemblement National (RN) will be the biggest winner, even allowing for the curious complexities of the French system.

A left-wing alliance will probably come second with the centre-ground party of President Emmanuel Macron trailing along in third.

If – and it’s a huge, wobbly, unreliable if – the RN were to get most seats in the National Assembly, the country would be transformed.

More on Emmanuel Macron

Madame Le Pen’s protege, the 28-year-old Jordan Bardella, would inevitably be installed as prime minister, working uneasily alongside a president who loathes pretty much everything that the RN stands for.

Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron. Pic: Reuters
Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron. Pic: Reuters

Mr Bardella would want much tougher laws against immigration, and against supporting immigrants.

He would also want to unwind some of Macron’s economic reforms and is much more sceptical about European integration than Macron.

How, you might wonder, could these two politicians work together in any meaningful way?

It would pave the way for instability, but also for the RN to flex real political clout.

And it would also lead to Ms Le Pen, once again, running for president. And as I write this, she is the favourite to win that contest, too.

But back to that big “if”.

Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella could soon take a key role within France's government. Pic: Reuters
Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella. Pic: Reuters

France has a two-round voting system, with a week in between ballots. Candidates knocked out in the first round often advise their supporters who to back in the decisive second ballot. People might change their minds anyway.

The results from the first influence the way people behave in the second. A higher turnout may help the RN, except in the big cities, where it will probably help their opponents. It is a confusing, noisy mechanism almost everyone agrees on two things.

Firstly, the RN, led by Le Pen but also focused upon Mr Bardella, is destined to win more seats than any other party. And, secondly, this is all the more frenetic because it came out of the blue.

Make no mistake, a month ago, none of this was predicted. Sure, everyone knew that the Renaissance party of President Emmanuel Macron was likely to suffer a bloody nose during the European elections.

The RN, powered by disaffection with Macron and the populist, anti-immigration, “France First” rhetoric of Ms Le Pen and the youthful Mr Bardella, was certain to prosper.

But history is littered with mid-term elections that produce curious results. Macron, surely, would just shrug it off.

Jordan Bardella. Pic: Reuters
Jordan Bardella could soon take a key role within France’s government. Pic: Reuters

Except he didn’t.

Humbled by the scale of his defeat, Macron went on French television within minutes to announce that he was doing the very thing that his enemies in the RN had demanded – using his presidential power to dissolve parliament and call for fresh elections within weeks.

His logic was that the nation – his nation – would somehow come to its senses and turn its back on radical politics in general, and the RN in particular. And the evidence is that, fuelled by his own iron-clad self-belief, he got that wrong.

So what’s happening? More than anything, this is about two big political waves meeting each other. The first one has to do with Macron himself, whose popularity has simply declined. The second has to do with the ripple of populism that is moving through so many countries.

When he stormed to the presidency seven years ago, he was seen by many as the fresh new start that France needed – a dynamic young man, just 39 years old, who would shake up the nation and bring back some sense of dynamism and glory.

In the run-off against Ms Le Pen, he pitched himself as the politician of optimism, and her as a figure of hate. It worked – he won easily.

His follow-up victory a couple of years ago was less overwhelming but still comfortable. But then he lost control of the parliament and his control waned.

The old complaints came back – that he is, to quote an accusation I’ve heard countless times – the “president for the rich”; that he doesn’t understand the problems of normal people; that his interest is in promoting himself, not his country.

During the violent riots in Nanterre last year, Mr Macron’s government looked hopelessly leaden, while his efforts to raise the retirement age caused widespread fury.

His opponents from the centre have fragmented but his rivals on the left and right have become emboldened.

So while Mr Macron has tried to sound reasonable and emollient, he’s faced strident, unapologetic rhetoric from left and right, which has found an ever-greater audience.

Mr Macron is still a young man by the standards of global political leaders but perhaps his nation is now fed up with him, particularly at a time when so much space in the European political arena is being taken by leaders who favour strident opinions over considered nuance.

Giorgia Meloni, prime minister of Italy and leader of Fratelli di Italia, at a rally for the European Parliament elections. Pic: AP
Giorgia Meloni, prime minister of Italy. Pic: AP

The French just have to look over their border with Italy, after all, to see how Giorgia Meloni’s brand of right-wing populism has prospered.

Look, perhaps, at the success in the Netherlands of Geert Wilders, a man who, like Ms Le Pen, spent decades in the political margins, confident that one day his time would come.

Or consider the volume of support given to the farmers who brought France’s motorways to a halt, angry with governments in Paris and Brussels.

The RN has tapped into that discontent and also benefited from it.

FILE - Anti-Islam lawmaker Geert Wilders of the PVV, or Party for Freedom, casts his ballot for the European election in The Hague, Netherlands, Thursday, June 6, 2024. The four parties negotiating to form a coalition government in the Netherlands have reached agreement on a new team of Cabinet ministers, far-right leader Geert Wilders said Tuesday, June 11, 2024. It's another key step toward forming the first Dutch government led by a far-right party Wilders, whose Party for Freedom won national elections more than six months ago, did not immediately give details. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong, File)
Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders of the PVV, or Party for Freedom, voting in the European election in The Hague, Netherlands. Pic: AP

Sky News Data has analysed voting data from across France and drawn a few clear links that occur again and again.

In places where unemployment is high, such as near the border with Spain, or where disposable income is low, such as northwest France, the RN scores highly.

Madame Le Pen herself represents one of these places in the assembly – the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais. It includes Henin-Beaumont, a coal-mining town where she used to be a councillor and which is now an RN stronghold.

All around it are slag-heaps, now covered in grass. They are a reminder of the town’s past and also induce a widespread and lingering sense of resentment that the area, and its people, have been left behind.

If politics is a horseshoe, this is Mr Macron’s problem. The far-left leaders, like Jean-Luc Melenchon, condemn the President for not doing enough to protect workers and for damaging the fabric of society. So, too, do Ms Le Pen, Mr Bardella and the far-right.

Read more:
Growing unease in Paris suburbs over National Rally’s lead

French economy hit by Macron’s election gamble
Mbappe urges young people to ignore extremes

Their solutions are different, with Mr Melenchon’s rhetoric focusing on tax rises for the rich and stronger workers’ rights, while Ms Le Pen talks about immigration and protectionism, but perhaps the specifics don’t matter.

The fact is that after years of leadership from the centre, France is now increasingly looking to its margins.

We know the RN will do well, so the question is now just how well. And if they don’t take an absolute majority, and if Mr Macron resists appointing Mr Bardella as prime minister, what happens then?

Will the French government grind to a halt, gummed up by political divisions that stop anything being done?

Could Macron, as proud a leader as you’ll find, ever really be pushed into resignation?

We simply don’t know. And that is what makes this election so enthralling but also slightly unnerving.

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Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party leads in first round of French election




Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally party leads in first round of French election

Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party will get the biggest vote share in the first round of France’s parliamentary elections, according to exit polls.

As polls closed on the first round of voting on Sunday, National Rally had a strong lead at 33%, followed by the left-wing New Popular Front coalition on 28.5%.

President Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance party are polling third with an estimated 22%.

Addressing supporters in Henin-Beaumont, northern France, Ms Le Pen said: “For the moment nothing is won, and the second round will determine the outcome.”

She warned voters to “be careful” in the coming days, and urged them to “mobilise” ahead of the second round on 7 July.

The result is almost double the 18% National Rally achieved in the 2022 elections and puts them in good stead to become the largest party in France’s lower house.

Supporters of Marine Le Pen, French far-right leader and far-right Rassemblement National (National Rally - RN) party candidate, celebrate after partial results in the first round of the early French parliamentary elections, in Henin-Beaumont, France, June 30, 2024. REUTERS/Yves Herman
Supporters of Marine Le Pen, French far-right leader and far-right Rassemblement National (National Rally – RN) party candidate, celebrate after partial results in the first round of the early French parliamentary elections, in Henin-Beaumont, France

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Who are National Rally?

More on France

France has a semi-presidential system – these elections are for the 577 seats in the National Assembly.

Mr Macron is the president and was elected in a separate presidential vote.

The system means there is both a president and prime minister – who have separate powers.

Mr Macron called an early parliamentary election after his Renaissance party was decimated by Ms Le Pen’s anti-immigration one in the European elections.

Her 29-year-old protégé and party leader Jordan Bardella has enjoyed a spike in popularity, particularly among younger voters on TikTok, amid increasing discontent with Mr Macron.

Jordan Bardella, President of the French far-right Rassemblement National. Pic: Reuters
Jordan Bardella, President of the French far-right Rassemblement National. Pic: Reuters

He told supporters in Paris on Sunday evening: “Three weeks after the European elections the French people have given a verdict and they have confirmed their clear hopes for change.

“This is giving us hope throughout the country.”

He warned of the “dangers” of the second-place left-wing coalition and said its leader Jean-Luc Melenchon could put France in “existential peril”.

Mr Bardella therefore urged his supporters to rally ahead of the next vote and said “victory is possible” on 7 July.

Although the two-round vote means the final result may not be totally clear until next week, if National Rally ends up as the largest party, Mr Macron would be compelled to make him prime minister.

The French president and prime minister have been from different political parties only three times in its history.

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France faces a new political reality as Le Pen’s prodigy stands on the brink of power




France faces a new political reality as Le Pen's prodigy stands on the brink of power

A new political reality has been revealed in France, it has a new face and a new name – 28-year-old Jordan Bardella.

Frontman of the hard-right, he has helped propel National Rally to a clear-cut lead in the first round of parliamentary elections.

Bardella, the party’s choice for prime minister, stands on the brink of power if National Rally secures a majority in the second round of voting.

“I want to tell our supporters to mobilise so that they carry out a final effort next Sunday – next Sunday’s vote will be one of the most important in the history of modern France,” he said.

With roots in the collaborationist regime of Vichy France, National Rally has been re-engineered by Marine Le Pen as she has worked to make it electable – and acceptable – to the public.

Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella campaigning for the National Rally. Pic: AP
Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella campaigning for the National Rally in June. Pic: AP

A key part of that scheme rests with Le Pen’s fresh-faced prodigy. Bardella told the media that a National Rally government would respect the country’s traditional republican values.

“I will always be the guarantor of your rights and freedoms and our republican values which unite us all. I promise you freedom, equality and fraternity,” he said.

More on Emmanuel Macron

They were challenged from the left by the New Popular Front, a hastily organised alliance of socialists, communists, greens and hard-left grouping France Unbowed.

Early results suggest they have finished a strong second, around 28% of the vote.

There is no doubt about losers here. Emmanuel Macron‘s centrist coalition, Ensemble, performed poorly, gaining just 21% of the vote.

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Extreme right is at ‘gates of power’

Now a case of damage control

When he called this snap election, Macron was taking a gamble the drubbing his alliance received in recent European elections would not be repeated. He was wrong.

Macron’s prime minister, Gabriel Attal, said it’s now a case of damage control: “Our goal is clear, we must stop the right from gaining an absolute majority in the first round.”

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Read more
Who are National Rally?
Macron calls snap French election
Profile of National Rally leader Bardella

What happens next? Well, we will see a feverish week of campaigning as those candidates who have entered the final round seek to cement their advantage.

In constituencies where three people advance into the second round, parties will engage in frantic horse-trading to give their candidate the advantage.

People climbed on the statue at Republique plaza during a protest against the far-right National Rally party which came out strongly ahead in first-round legislative elections, Sunday, June 30, 2024 in Paris. France's high-stakes legislative elections propelled the far-right National Rally to a strong but not decisive lead in the first-round vote Sunday, polling agencies projected, dealing another slap to centrist President Emmanuel Macron. (AP Photo/Thomas Padilla)
Protesters against National Rally clamber on to the statue at the Republique Plaza in Paris on Sunday

Protesters and police clash

The country’s new political reality is also a moment of instability – both politically and on the streets.

After the results were announced, protesters erected barricades and broke windows in cities around the country.

Police responded with tear gas and baton charges.

The hard-right now have the national assembly within their grasp – but the implications of their success are unpredictable.

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Jay Slater: Search for missing British teenager in area of Tenerife called off by police




Jay Slater: Search for missing British teenager in area of Tenerife called off by police

The search for Jay Slater in an area of Tenerife has been called off, police have said, nearly two weeks after his disappearance.

The British teenager, from Oswaldtwistle, near Blackburn in Lancashire, has been missing in Tenerife since 17 June, when he vanished the morning after a rave.

The Civil Guard called for volunteers to join a new search in the Masca area – near his last-known location – on Saturday.

It has now confirmed to Sky News that the search has ended. Police are keeping the investigation open and could yet open up searches in the south of the island, but have not provided an update.

A handful of volunteers turned up to help rescue teams on Saturday, forming a total group of 30 to 40 people scouring a huge area of rugged and hilly terrain.

view of the Los Carrizales ravine where British teenager Jay Slater is being searched for, with the island of La Gomera in the distance, on the island of Tenerife, Spain, June 27, 2024. REUTERS/Borja Suarez
The Los Carrizales ravine where Jay Slater was being searched for. Pic: Reuters

Mr Slater, 19, had been on holiday with friends on the Spanish island and was last pictured at Papayago, a nightclub hosting the end of the NRG festival, late on 16 June.

After the event ended, he got in a car travelling to a small Airbnb in Masca with two men, who police said on Saturday are “not relevant” to the case.

His last known location was the Rural de Teno Park in the north of the island – which is about an 11-hour walk from his accommodation.

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‘I just want him back’

A local cafe owner told Sky News he tried to catch a bus back to Los Cristianos, where he was staying.

Ofelia Medina Hernandez said she spoke to the teenager at 8am on 17 June, telling him a bus was due at 10am – but he set off walking and she said she later drove past him “walking fast”.

A missing persons poster for Jay Slater in Tenerife
A missing persons poster for Jay Slater in Tenerife

The apprentice bricklayer called a friend holidaying with him at around 8.30am on 17 June and said he was going to walk back after missing the bus.

He also told his friend he was lost and in need of water, with only 1% charge on his phone.

Read more:
Jay Slater’s family welcomes TikToker in search
Teen’s disappearance in Tenerife shrouded in speculation

On Friday, Mr Slater’s friend Brad Hargreaves told ITV’s This Morning he had been on a video call with him before his disappearance when he heard him go off the road.

He said he could see his friend’s feet “sliding” down the hill and hear he was walking on gravel.

Meanwhile, Mr Slater’s family shared a blurry image of what they believe could be the missing teenager captured on CCTV in a nearby town 10 hours after he was first reported missing.

Mr Slater's family have shared a blurry image of what they believe could be the missing teenager
Mr Slater’s family shared a blurry image of what they believe could be the missing teenager

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Local police and the Civil Guard, along with Mr Slater’s family, have been involved in the search.

Since his disappearance, rumours and conspiracy theories have emerged amid online speculation on social media.

Some social media sleuths have even travelled to Tenerife to try and find him.

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