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Its happened. Its 28 Days Later, Night of the Living Dead, and The Walking Dead. Take your pick of any one of the other countless zombie apocalypse movies as your reference point, but lets say its happened and now you need to find the safest states in a zombie apocalypse to migrate to.

There are, of course, studies on this topic, but theyre flawed. Were going to look at why theyre flawed and then Im going to go into the details of my own study on this topic and go through the results that I find.

By the time youre done reading this article, youll have an understanding of my logic and Id appreciate it if you left a comment letting me know where your state ranked in my analysis and what if any criteria you think I should have included that I left out.

Alternatively, if youd rather watch than read, see my latest YouTube video on this very subject. Other Studies

Could a zombie apocalypse really happen? Its a reasonable question, but its a question that has different meanings depending on whos posing the question. Fans of zombie fiction post the question as a make believe, hypothetical imagination of a post-collapse world. Preppers, on the other hand, they often speak of the zombie apocalypse as a means to describe any type of situation where the collapse happens and everyone is fighting each other for survival. Its a safer way to describe what might one day come.

When people talk about the safest states in a zombie apocalypse, theyre often using criteria for the former, reanimated humans. The undead. That said, what makes one state safer in a zombie apocalypse also makes a state safer in a more real world collapse situation. A zombie reading zombie fiction.

Google best states for a zombie apocalypse and youll get a few results, most of which reference each other. There are a few problems with their analyses. For starters, theyre not studies performed by real preppers, so they just throw criteria at the study without really thinking it through.

The reason that they even do these studies is because their articles are whats called link magnets. Link magnets are articles that they hope other sites will link to. When that happens, it gives Google algorithm credibility to the site, making their sites rank higher in search results. And for them, it works. Unfortunately, theyre not reliable sources on this subject at all. CableTV

One of those studies is from the website Cable TV. Think about it, do you want to get your zombie apocalypse advice from

You only need to look at their results to find out why their study is so flawed. Any prepper knows, California is about the WORST state in the nation to be in if you want to survive the apocalypse. If anything, the apocalypse will probably START in California.

Among the other worst states on their list include Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire. Look, if youre going to call my home state of Maine out for anything, youd better know what youre talking about. California is a safer state to be in than Maine during a zombie apocalypse? Pfffft!

What exactly is their logic based on?

To find out where the best place to survive a zombie apocalypse was, we looked at the population density in each state, the gross receipts of farms per capita, and the states electricity percentage from solar.

I can get behind using population density as a metric, but there are problems with using gross receipts of farms per capita and the states use of solar power. The problem with using gross receipts of farms per capita, and thats probably a big reason why they listed North Dakota as the safest, is because this favors massive farming states where gigantic, industrial scale farms plant single-season crops of one, maybe two types, and rely on RoundUp or other pesticides and commercial fertilizers to make the crops grow.

What happens when the seasons seeds dont get delivered? What happens when RoundUp doesnt roll out?

Give these farms one season without being resupplied with seeds and chemicals and the farms are done. No new seeds to plant. No fertilizer to spread. No fuel to run their massive farm equipment. No pesticides to kill insects. There are not nearly enough people in these states to farm those same lands by hand even if they could. They might be able to process enough food for themselves, but so will people in other states. Being in a large-scale farmland state doesnt offer you an inherent advantage over some other state OTHER THAN that you have low population density, which well account for separately.

Similarly, what does it matter if a state gets a lot of its power from solar? For a zombie apocalypse, it doesnt matter at all. The entire grid is going to go down. Replacement parts, skilled workers, that grid isnt going to come back up for a long time, it doesnt matter the source. And if energy resources did matter, better to favor states that have coal resources like Wyoming, West Virginia, or Pennsylvania. Or maybe the most-forested states, like Vermont, New Hampshire, and the most forested state of all Maine! Lawn Love

Another one of the top results is from a site called Lawn Love whose study covers the best cities in a zombie apocalypse. Because nothing screams zombie survival expertise like a lawn care business

Granted, this list is on the best cities for surviving a zombie apocalypse, but look at the results. Number one is Orlando, Florida? Seriously!? There are 2700 people per square mile in Orlando. Their criteria include the number of supermarkets per 100,000 residents note: this doesnt account for the many thousands of TOURISTS that would be trapped around all the Disney resorts. The zombie apocalypse could very well START at Disney.

The Lawn Love studys criteria includes the number of homes with basements, kitchens with plumbing, the number of hospitals, etc. If theres anything Night of the Living Dead taught is its DONT go into the basement in a zombie apocalypse! Also, hospitals will be the WORST places to be in a zombie apocalypse. Thats where people will go once infected.

As I said, these studies are FLAWED.

Miami, by the way, they rank as the 8th safest city, ahead of Boise, Idaho. I dont know about you, but if Im given a chance to survive the zombie apocalypse and I can choose between Miami and Boise it wouldnt be Miami. Safest States in a Zombie Apocalypse My Results

Given the poor logic Ive found in other studies, I set out to conduct my own analysis. Not everything the other studies used was flawed, and I salvaged some aspects of those studies while tossing other criteria aside.

So, this begs the question, what criteria should be used in determining the safest states to ride out a zombie apocalypse. My Methodology Population Density

Certainly, population density should be near the top. The fewer people there are, the fewer zombies there are. Simple. This alone isnt enough, because if we look just at that, Alaska wins by a landslide, but you want a balance. Trying to eke out post-collapse life by yourself in the Alaskan outback good luck with that. Too many people means too many zombies, but too few people means too few resources and partnerships for survival. Gun Ownership

Many studies on this topic also reference gun ownership as a determining factor. This is a good factor to consider. It doesnt account for ammunition per capita assuming that can be measured but its probably safe to assume that the more guns a state has the more ammo it has. Ammo will only last so long in a zombie apocalypse, however. Then it comes down to citizens ability to FIGHT. Residents Health

Residents health should also be considered. The more fit the citizens are, the faster they can run, and the longer they can fight. Access to Water

Food is an important factor, so we could look at the length of the growing season, and that would favor states in the south, but dont underestimate the power of winter in a zombie apocalypse. Yes, it will be cold, but have you ever seen a zombie tr to move in knee-deep snow? Winter would be the perfect time to walk the landscape in snowshoes and drive a spear tip into the head of the undead. For that reason, Im going to value longer summer and longer winter equally and discard growing season as a factor.

Whats more important than the availability of food is the availability of potable water. Nevada is the 9th least densely populated state, but what happens after the grid fails the tap water goes off, and youre left searching for fresh water to drink in Nevada. Good luck with that.

So, lets see what we get when we run these four factors: Population density Household firearm ownership rates Population health Water resources

I weigh them all equally. Results

Here I entered all 50 states and where they rank under each category. You can see the sources for my numbers here.

The lower the number the higher the rank, so if I total a states rank in each category and divide by four, I then have the states overall rank.

I sort the total score column from low to high and then we have the results!

Safest states in a zombie apocalypse: Alaska North Dakota Vermont Utah Idaho Wyoming Maine Montana South Dakota Minnesota

Alaska, despite my comments about how its remoteness can be a detriment, comes out as the safest state in a zombie apocalypse with a score of 10.5. Its health score was its worst score, but high rankings in population density, gun ownership and water availability compensated for it.

North Dakota, similar to the other study, tied with Vermont for the 2nd and 3rd spots, each with a score of 15. North Dakota was better in population density, but Vermont residents are much healthier, the healthiest in the nation.

The fourth safest state, with a score of 16.5, is Utah where the health of its residents helped push it into the top 10.

Idaho and Wyoming tie for the fifth and sixth spots with a score of 16.75. Wyoming is very rural with many gun owners. Idaho came out a bit ahead with water and health.

The seventh and eighth spots are a tie between Maine and Montana, each with a score of 17.25. Maine was rather well-balanced across all four categories. Montana did well in population density and gun ownership.

Ninth place, with a score of 19, goes to South Dakota. Again, low population density and high gun ownership rates pushed it up the safest state list.

Rounding out the top ten is Minnesota, with a score of 19.75. Average ratings in most categories except for health, where it ranks seventh in the nation. Safest StatesPopulation DensityGun OwnershipHealth RankWater ResourcesState ScoreAlaska13271110.5North Dakota410143215Vermont201612315Utah112352716.5Idaho74164016.75Wyoming22194416.75Maine1322211317.25Montana31244117.25South Dakota59253719Minnesota213471719.75Oregon1215223120Wisconsin262823921.5Hawaii38473222.5Washington293591923New Hampshire303662223.5Louisiana251349823.75Nebraska829174625Colorado1430104825.5Virginia3732151825.5Alabama248472526Massachusetts48502426Michigan333832126Mississippi197502826Kansas1019294726.25Arkansas176483526.5Oklahoma1611463627.25Connecticut474541427.5Nevada921354527.5Iowa1533204327.75Maryland464218527.75South Carolina3217422027.75New York4446111228.25North Carolina3626361528.25Rhode Island494813328.25West Virginia225454228.5California4043122129Kentucky2812433329New Jersey504981029.25Georgia3418402629.5New Mexico625375029.5Texas2727343029.5Missouri2320393930.25Arizona1824314930.5Delaware454130630.5Florida434033730.75Tennessee3114443430.75Illinois3944262433.25Ohio4139381633.5Pennsylvania4237282934Indiana3531413836.25The complete results of the study I conducted.

Sources of data: Worst States in a Zombie Apocalypse

The absolute worst states to survive a zombie apocalypse using this methodology goes to Indiana. Sorry, hoosiers, youre all gonna die. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Tennessee, and yes, even Florida, you are all in tough shape as well.

Is the criteria I used to rank the states ideal? I dont know, but I think its better than what some other states did. There would be exceptions in every state, of course. Southern California is going to be worse off than Northern California, for example. Rural Pennsylvania will fare better than the Philadelphia area. I have years worth of experience slaying zombies. Ill survive the zombie apocalypse will you!?

Those are my thoughts. Sorry if your state didnt rank as highly as you may have liked, but hey not everyone can survive the zombie apocalypse. In fact, most wont.

Stay safe out there.

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Artist behind ‘disturbing’ sculpture says it’s not intended to cause upset




Artist behind 'disturbing' sculpture says it's not intended to cause upset

The artist who created a sculpture which has been called “disturbing” and “shocking” says he’s been “surprised” at the backlash but welcomes difficult conversations it might inspire.

Jason deCaires Taylor told Sky News: “I don’t strive of my artwork to divide people or cause upset. But I do try to talk about issues that are pertinent and relevant to our current times.”

Pic: Jason deCaires Taylor
Pic: Jason deCaires Taylor

The 50-year-old artist has a history of producing political work but says this one contained “no political intentions at all” and is based on the painting which inspired Shakespeare‘s tragic heroine Ophelia.

The Alluvia – which is made from recycled glass and steel and features LEDs which light up at night – was installed in the River Stour, in Taylor’s hometown of Canterbury in Kent around a week ago.

However, comments posted on Canterbury City Council’s official Facebook page have included accusations that the work is “tone-deaf” and “offensive”.

One wrote: “I can’t be the only person who finds this deeply offensive. She looks like a drowned woman. How did the council not see the link to women as victims of crime or the sad fact so many drown off the Kent coast as refugees.”

Another said: “I find this sculpture absolutely appalling. It’s not just offensive, it’s downright disturbing. The imagery of a submerged figure, reminiscent of a drowning victim, is both morbid and utterly tone-deaf given the tragic drownings that occur along our coastlines. What on earth were the council thinking?”

Others stood up for the work, with one commenting: “More people seem to be “disturbed”, “offended” and “shocked” by this than they do by images of actual drownings which are happening daily along our coasts. Rather than wasting your hate on an artwork that is designed to provoke, why not put some of that energy into something constructive?”

Another wrote: “It’s a beautiful piece of art and nowhere near as disturbing as the previous sculptures that it has replaced. What kind of world do we live in when anything that offends or “triggers” someone, must be removed??”

The Alluvia on the bed of the river Stour near the Westgate bridge in Canterbury, Kent. Pic: Jason deCaires Taylor
Pic: Jason deCaires Taylor

The Alluvia on the bed of the river Stour near the Westgate bridge in Canterbury, Kent. Pic: Jason deCaires Taylor
The Alluvia on the bed of the river Stour near the Westgate bridge in Canterbury, Kent. Pic: Jason deCaires Taylor

The sculpture had replaced two similar female forms, also created by Taylor, which had been in the water since 2008 but which had been damaged due to dredging.

‘If it fosters care and sympathy, that’s good’

Taylor told Sky News: “I was surprised… 99.9% of all the feedback that I’ve received has been very positive… But at the same time, I appreciate everybody takes something different from everything they see.”

While he says there is “no connection” between the work and the ongoing migrant crisis taking place further along the Kent coast, he hopes it could inspire empathy for what’s happening out in the Channel.

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He said: “It’s an extremely tragic situation, and I don’t think ignoring it is the solution. If [this work] can foster any kind of care and sympathy for that situation, then I think that’s a good thing.”

More than 21,000 people arrived in the UK in small boats between January and September, according to government figures, with at least 45 people dying in Channel crossings this year.

Taylor also said the fact the subject is a young woman is because it draws reference from Sir John Everett Millais’s celebrated painting, on display at Tate Britain.

The Alluvia on the bed of the river Stour near the Westgate bridge in Canterbury, Kent. Pic: Jason deCaires Taylor
Pic: Jason deCaires Taylor

‘Art without questions is pointless’

Some of Taylor’s past sculptures have raised issues around the climate crisis, Brexit and the plight of those risking their lives on the perilous migration route from West Africa to Spain.

Taylor says: “Art should ask questions. They should make people think about things that should elicit emotions, that’s really critical.

“If things were ignored and if you tried to please everybody with all your artwork, I think you’d make something very benign and quite frankly, pretty pointless.”

He also feels our age of information overload could be part of the reason for the negative feedback.

“We’re so inundated with images and media, with having our phones interrupting us and screens everywhere we look that people look for divisiveness and things that cause clickbait. I think there is an element of people sort of seeking out controversy.”

Taylor said the majority of negative comments online had come from people who had not been to Canterbury and seen the work in real life, with one call for the statue’s removal coming all the way from Orkney.

Responding directly to calls for his work to be taken out of the river, he said: “People are perfectly in their rights to have [an] opinion. But I would urge them to go and see it first.”

The Alluvia on the bed of the river Stour near the Westgate bridge in Canterbury, Kent. Pic: Jason deCaires Taylor
Pic: Jason deCaires Taylor

‘A dead body doesn’t light up at night’

Chair of Canterbury Commemoration Society Stewart Ross, the charity that commissioned the work, told Sky News: “Some people find it offensive and shocking, we have no objection to that. All public art is open to discussion”.

Comparing calls for the work to be removed to the destruction of art during the Reformation, he said: “I feel strongly about this [call for censorship]. It’s what the Taliban do. If you don’t like it, don’t look.”

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Mr Ross said the “confected anger” around the sculpture was “unnecessary” and that the charity was simply “trying to do its best,” adding: “People have been comparing it to a dead body, but I have yet to meet a dead body that lights up in the night”.

Taylor, who has been working as an artist for over 25 years, has sculptures in marine locations around the world including Australia, Mexico, Grenada and Norway. Prices for his sculptures start at around £1,300.

He first donated the two original Alluvia figures to the city of Canterbury in 2008.

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Middle Eastern funds are plowing billions of dollars into hottest AI start-ups




Middle Eastern funds are plowing billions of dollars into hottest AI start-ups

Sovereign wealth funds out of the Middle East are emerging as key backers of Silicon Valley’s artificial intelligence darlings.

Oil-rich nations like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Qatar have been looking to diversify their economies, and are turning to tech investments as a hedge. In the past year, funding for AI companies by Middle-Eastern sovereigns has increased fivefold, according to data from Pitchbook.

MGX, a new AI fund out of The United Arab Emirates, was among investors looking to get a slice of OpenAI’s latest fundraise this week, two sources told CNBC. The round is set to value OpenAI at $150 billion, said the people, who asked not to be named because the discussions are confidential.

Few venture funds have deep enough pockets to compete with the multibillion-dollar checks coming from the likes of Microsoft and Amazon. But these sovereign funds have no problem coming up with cash for AI deals. They invest on behalf of their governments, which have been helped by rising energy prices in recent years. The Gulf Cooperation Council, or GCC, countries’ total wealth is expected to rise from $2.7 trillion to $3.5 trillion by 2026, according to Goldman Sachs.

The Saudi Public Investment Fund, or PIF, has topped $925 billion, and has been on an investing spree as part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s “Vision 2030” initiative. The PIF has investments in companies including Uber, while also spending heavily on the LIV golf league and professional soccer.

UAE’s Mubadala has $302 billion under management, and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority has $1 trillion under management. Qatar Investment Authority has $475 billion, while Kuwait’s fund has topped $800 billion.

Earlier this week, Abu Dhabi-based MGX joined a partnership on AI infrastructure with BlackRock, Microsoft and Global Infrastructure Partners, aiming to raise as much as $100 billion for data centers and other infrastructure investments. MGX was launched as a dedicated AI fund in March, with Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala and AI firm G42 as founding partners.

UAE’s Mubadala has also invested in OpenAI rival Anthropic, and is among the most active venture investors, with eight AI deals in the past four years, according to Pitchbook. Anthropic ruled out taking money from the Saudis in its last funding round, citing national security, sources told CNBC. 

Saudi Arabia’s PIF is in talks to create a $40 billion partnership with U.S. venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. It also launched a dedicated AI fund called the Saudi Company for Artificial Intelligence, or SCAI.

Still, the kingdom’s human rights record remains an issue for some Western partners and start-ups. The most notable case in recent years was the alleged killing of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018, an event that triggered international backlash in the business community.

It’s not just the Middle East spraying money into the space. French sovereign fund Bpifrance has inked 161 AI and machine learning deals in the past four years, while Temasek out of Singapore has completed 47, according to Pitchbook. GIC, another Singapore-backed fund, has completed 24 deals.

The flood of cash has some Silicon Valley investors worried about a SoftBank effect, referring to Masayoshi Son’s Vision Fund. SoftBank notably backed Uber and WeWork, pushing the companies to sky-high, valuations before going public. WeWork spiraled into bankruptcy last year after being valued by SoftBank at $47 billion in 2019.

For the U.S., having sovereign wealth funds invest in American companies, and not in global adversaries like China, has been a geopolitical priority. Jared Cohen of Goldman Sachs Global Institute said there’s a disproportionate amount of capital coming from nations like Saudi Arabia and UAE, and a willingness to deploy it around the world. He described them as “geopolitical swing states.”

WATCH: OpenAI is the indisputable leader in AI supercycle

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Ex-Harrods director reveals how ‘paranoid’ Mohamed al Fayed created toxic culture at store




Ex-Harrods director reveals how 'paranoid' Mohamed al Fayed created toxic culture at store

A former Harrods director told Sky News he does not see how security at the department store “wouldn’t have known” about Mohamed al Fayed’s behaviour towards women.

Five women have alleged they were raped by Fayed, who died last year at the age of 94, with several others alleging sexual misconduct.

A legal team representing alleged victims confirmed on Saturday morning they have “had over 150 new inquiries” since the airing of a BBC documentary on Fayed.

The Harrods’ ex-director, who reported directly to Fayed, said: “There was security everywhere, all the phones and offices were bugged, with cameras everywhere.

“I just put it down to paranoia, wanting to know he was getting his pound of flesh from us. The nature of the man was to set everyone against each other, to set directors against each other.

“Whether Fayed’s own offices or stuff had surveillance, I wouldn’t know. But to get into his suite of offices you had to have an appointment, PAs had to arrange it, it was very secure.”

Brompton Road, Knightsbridge, Kensington And Chelsea, London, England, United Kingdom, Britain - February 2024. The famous Harrods department store in London. The present Harrods building was constructed in 1905. Typical details of the Edwardian Baroque architecture style.
Harrods department store in London. Pic: iStock

He added: “The only thing I was aware of was that someone said he had lots of PAs and they were all blondes. I thought that he just wanted to surround himself with pretty women.”

More on Crown Prosecution Service

The former director, who spoke to Sky News on the condition of anonymity, said the culture at Harrods was toxic.

“It was very much keep your head down, no one helped each other. It wasn’t a team as you knew Fayed was trying to catch everyone out.

“He was always trying to make fun of people in front of others, which he thought was very funny.”

Harrods said in a statement on Thursday it was “utterly appalled” by the allegations of abuse and apologised to Fayed’s alleged victims.

The department store has also set up a page on its website inviting former employees to come forward if they have allegations.

Meanwhile, Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson has defended Sir Keir Starmer after it emerged the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) declined to bring charges against Fayed while the prime minister was director of public prosecutions.

The CPS considered bringing charges against the former Harrods chairman in 2009 and 2015 but concluded there was not “a realistic prospect of a conviction”.

The minister told Sky News that tackling violence against women was a “personal priority” while Sir Keir was head of the CPS as director of public prosecutions between 2008 and 2013.

Bridget Phillipson speaking to Sky News
Bridget Phillipson speaking to Sky News

“I don’t know the details of what happened in 2009, there sometimes can be issues with the evidence that’s presented by the police, whether that can lead to a conviction,” Ms Phillipson said.

“The first time that I ever knew who Keir Starmer was when I saw him on television as director of public prosecutions, talking about the personal priority that he attached to tackling violence against women and girls, so he’s got a personal commitment to it.

“He turned the CPS around while he was leading it to focus on that. But, clearly, if there have been issues that should be considered, that should happen.”

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner, arriving ahead of the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool. Picture date: Saturday September 21, 2024.
Sir Keir arriving at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool with Angela Rayner. Pic: PA

A Downing Street spokesperson said Sir Keir did not handle Fayed’s case, adding it “did not cross his desk”.

The CPS also provided early investigative advice to the Metropolitan Police in 2018, 2021 and 2023 following allegations made against Fayed.

However, a full file of evidence was never received by the CPS in each of these instances and they were given no further action by police.

Former Victims’ Commissioner Dame Vera Baird accused the CPS of only taking “cases they could win”, saying the organisation was “a den of negativity for all sexual offence allegations and for the people who made them”.

She told Sky News: “They have always been valued for the proportion of cases they win. So you do 20 [cases] and you [win] 15 – 75%, that’s good. But if you only do 10 because 10 are really, really safe, then you get nine of them – that is a super rate of conviction.

“Their interest mitigated for all of that time against the interests of people who severely needed to have the help of the criminal justice system to get over the awful way that they were treated by their assailants. And now it’s very clear that Mr Fayed was one of those.

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She also said the CPS’s treatment of women may have affected its decision to not take charges against Fayed.

“Women who come forward with complaints of this kind are underestimated and undervalued, and to some extent seen as a liability who [is] likely to be volatile or emotionally not very well, largely because of the way they’ve been treated,” she said.

But Dame Vera defended Sir Keir for his “ahead of the game” approach to violence against women while he was director of public prosecutions.

“They were doing their best and for instance, the CPS was the first ever government organisation to have a violence against women and girls strategy.

“Keir initiated a report by a very highly-regarded lawyer about how the CPS should systematically get away from the myths about prosecution and about sex offences, that it impeded them from taking cases forward. That was a very strong thing to do.”

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