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MPs have approved the government’s plan to revive the power-sharing executive in Northern Ireland, despite some unhappiness from unionists in Westminster.

The Commons passed the necessary legislation on Thursday afternoon to approve the fresh post-Brexit trading arrangements, and it will now head to the Lords for its final sign off.

The government’s deal to remove routine checks on goods moving from Great Britain to Northern Ireland has won widespread applause and is set to herald the return of Stormont following a two-year hiatus.

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As a result, Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson has written to the Speaker of the Stormont Assembly to confirm the conditions now exist for the return of the power-sharing executive.

He has also indicated he expects the Assembly to sit on Saturday.

The deal – reached after intense talks with the DUP which collapsed the Northern Ireland Assembly in protest at the prime minister’s Windsor Framework – will also mean the Withdrawal Act is amended so EU law will no longer apply automatically in Northern Ireland.

More on Northern Ireland

Thursday’s sign off came after the government fast-tracked two pieces of domestic legislation in parliament giving effect to the commitments made in its Safeguarding The Union command paper published on Wednesday.

Sir Jeffrey told the Commons that Northern Ireland had been “placed in a situation where we were separated from the rest of the United Kingdom in key elements of the benefits that ought to have flown from Brexit”, and he saw it as his mission to “repair the damage”.

But with the new agreement, he said his party had secured “real changes” to post-Brexit trade across the Irish Sea.

However, while Sir Jeffrey and other parties welcomed the deal, some other unionist politicians raised concerns.

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Sky News’ Sam Coates explains the new NI power-sharing deal.

Former DUP leader Lord Dodds told peers they needed to “realise that there are still many unionists who are deeply worried and concerned that the Irish Sea border… still exists, since many goods coming from Great Britain, British goods coming to Northern Ireland, especially in manufacturing, still need to go through full EU compliance checks, procedures”.

He added there were also worries about “the continued sovereignty, jurisdiction and application of EU laws over large swathes of our economy in 300 areas, to which the Stormont brake doesn’t apply and we cannot make or amend laws within those areas”.

“These are fundamentally important constitutional and economic issues and many unionists still are concerned about these issues,” said Lord Dodds.

Over in the Commons, Sammy Wilson, the DUP MP for East Antrim, said it would still leave EU border posts in Northern Ireland – something that has been disputed.

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Speaking in the Commons yesterday, Mr Wilson branded the government “spineless, weak-kneed and ‘Brexit-betraying'”.

And he again raised concerns in today’s debate, claiming some good would still face unnecessary checks.

But Northern Ireland minister – and former leading Brexiteer – Steve Baker rejected his assessment, saying: “We have had eight years of drama.

“For us to arrive at this moment where we have reduced EU law to this extent, and where we have put in place a red lane to protect the legitimate interests of Ireland and the EU, that is something we should all be very proud of after everything we’ve faced and all of the risks that could have put us in a far, far worse position.”

Sir Jeffrey added: “It is work in progress. I do not stand here this afternoon and pretend that we have completed the task.

“I recognise that there are ongoing concerns about how these new arrangements will work in practice. And it will be our task to hold the government to account on its commitments.”

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Northern Ireland: What happens now?

Veteran Tory Brexiteer Sir Bill Cash also raised concerns about “issuing orders from Westminster to Northern Ireland if the people don’t want it”.

And on the other side of the debate, the leader of the SDLP, Colum Eastwood, said his party didn’t support the plan as it was “undermining north-south cooperation” on the island of Ireland, and was “far too much focused on east-west”.

He told MPs: “Moving on from this point, we need to ensure that any future negotiation is done with all parties and both governments so everybody can feel comfortable with the result.”

Sir Jeffrey said “detractors” of the deal had been “very vocal”, but added: “We have restored Northern Ireland’s place within the United Kingdom’s internal market.”

Despite the concerns raised, the plan was passed in the Commons without MPs calling for a vote – known as going through “on the nod”.

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Florida man convicted in cryptocurrency theft home invasions




Florida man convicted in cryptocurrency theft home invasions

Remy St. Felix of West Palm Beach led violent home invasions to steal cryptocurrencies, targeting multiple states over several months.

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Ethereum ETF process is ‘going smoothly,’ says SEC’s Gensler




Ethereum ETF process is ‘going smoothly,’ says SEC’s Gensler

SEC Chair Gary Gensler didn’t comment on when his agency would approve Ether ETFs for trading, but analysts predict it could be as soon as next week.

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Scale of gambling scandal for Tories is different magnitude to Labour’s issue




Scale of gambling scandal for Tories is different magnitude to Labour's issue

After days of furore directed at Rishi Sunak for the election betting scandal, now a Labour candidate is under investigation by the Gambling Commission for his own betting activity – and is immediately suspended. 

Is this an equaliser in one of the grubbiest electoral sagas of recent elections? Quite possibly not.

There is no doubting the utter dismay in Labour HQ at the revelation that they too have a candidate caught up in the betting scandal.

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Tories launch own probe into betting scandal

It lends itself to the easy narrative that there’s a plague on all politicians’ houses – everyone as bad as each other.

However, if the facts are as presented, the scale of the challenge for the Tories is of a different order of magnitude to that now facing Labour.

Labour’s Kevin Craig was suspended immediately after the party was informed by the Gambling Commission of the probe.

We are told that he placed a bet – not on the election date, but that he would lose his race in a general election.

He is certainly guilty of gross stupidity, as he admitted in a statement on Tuesday evening.

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However, if this scenario is as presented, it is hard to see an allegation being mounted that he had insider intelligence on the race – unless it can be proved he was deliberately setting out to lose.

An under-pressure Gambling Commission will investigate every candidate’s name on the spreadsheet from gambling companies of those who placed bets – but it is unclear from available facts where this will go.

The Tory betting saga, however, is more complicated and now on its 13th day.

It was almost two weeks ago that Craig Williams – Rishi Sunak’s closest parliamentary aide and former Montgomeryshire MP – admitted he had placed a bet on the election date – a date he might have known before the public at large.

He denies he committed any offence, and remains under investigation.

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Laura Saunders, standing for the Tories just south in Bristol North West, has also been suspended for putting a bet on the date when her partner worked in Conservative headquarters on the election.

For most of that time, Mr Sunak has been insisting he could not suspend either candidate because of the ongoing probe by the Gambling Commission.

Ministers, as well as opponents, weighed in.

And on Tuesday he reversed that decision under that pressure.

This means there are questions about the prime minister’s own judgement and unwillingness to act on top of questions about the behaviour of those closest to him.

Craig Williams and Laura Saunders. Pics: PA/Laura Saunders for Bristol North West
Craig Williams and Laura Saunders have both been suspended from the Tories. Pics: PA/Laura Saunders for Bristol North West

This story has had massive cut through with the public, topping the charts for any news story in the UK – according to YouGov’s AI news tracker – for the last four days.

There is dismay from the cabinet downwards.

Labour’s own problems have undermined their own ability to go on the attack. But it is not clear that voters will see the two issues on the same scale.

The full list of the candidates running for Central Suffolk and North Ipswich is:

Charlie Caiger, independent;
Tony Gould, Reform UK;
Mike Hallatt, independent;
Brett Alistair Mickelburgh, Lib Dems;
Dan Pratt, Greens;
Patrick Spencer, Conservatives.

The full list of candidates for Bristol North West is:

Caroline Gooch, Lib Dems;
Darren Jones, Labour;
Scarlett O’Connor, Reform UK;
Mary Page, Green Party;
Ben Smith, SDP.

The full list of candidates for Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr is:

Jeremy Brignell-Thorp, Green Party;
Oliver Lewis, Reform UK;
Glyn Preston, Lib Dems;
Elwyn Vaughan, Plaid Cymru;
Steve Witherden, Labour.

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