2 years agoon
adminThis article was featured in One Story to Read Today, a newsletter in which our editors recommend a single must-read from The Atlantic, Monday through Friday. Sign up for it here.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.s speech is warbling, crackling, scratchysort of like Marge Simpsons. His voice, he told me, is fucked up. The official medical diagnosis is spasmodic dysphonia, a neurological disorder that causes involuntary spasms in the larynx. He didnt always sound this way; his speaking style changed when he was in his 40s. Kennedy has said he suspects an influenza vaccine might have been the catalyst. This idea is not supported by science.
He was telling me about his life with one arm outstretched on the velvet sofa of his suite at the Bowery Hotel in Lower Manhattan. It was the end of May, and a breeze blew in through the open doors leading to a private terrace. Two of his aides sat nearby, typing and eavesdropping. A security guard stood in the hallway.
Kennedy was finishing a plate of room-service risotto, and his navy tie was carefully tucked into his white button-down shirt. Hes taller, tanner, and buffer than the average 69-year-old. He is, after all, a Kennedy. His blue eyes oscillate between piercing and adrift, depending on the topic of discussion.
He told me that hes surrounded by integrative medical peoplenaturopaths, osteopaths, healers of all sorts. A lot of them think that they can cure me, he said. Last year, Kennedy traveled to Japan for surgery to try to fix his voice. Ive got these doctors that have given me a formula, he said. Theyre not even doctors, actually, these guys.
I asked him what, exactly, he was taking.
The stuff that they gave me? I dont know what it is. Its supposed to reorient your electric energy. He believes its working.
When he was 19, Kennedy jumped off a dock into shallow water, which he says left him nearly paralyzed. For decades, he could hardly turn his head. Seven years ago, at a convention of chiropractors, a healer performed a 30-minute manipulation of energymaking chanting noises while holding his hands six inches over Kennedys body. The next morning, his neck felt better. I dont know if they had anything to do with each other, but, you know, it was weird, he said.
Though hes been a member of the premier American political dynasty his whole life and a noted environmentalist for decades, most people are just now discovering the breadth and depth of Kennedys belief system. He has promoted a theory that Wi-Fi radiation causes cancer and leaky brain, saying it opens your blood-brain barrier. He has suggested that antidepressants might have contributed to the rise in mass shootings. He told me he believes that Ukraine is engaged in a proxy war and that Russias invasion, although illegal, would not have taken place if the United States didnt want it to.
Kennedy reached a new level of notoriety in 2021, after the publication of his conspiratorial treatise The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. It has sold more than 1 million copies, according to his publisher, despite censorship, boycotts from bookstores and libraries, and hit pieces against the author. The book cemented his status as one of Americas foremost anti-vaxxers. It also helped lay the foundation for his Democratic presidential primary campaign against Joe Biden.
Read: The 2024 U.S. presidential race: A cheat sheet
On the campaign trail, he paints a conspiratorial picture of collusion among state, corporate, media, and pharmaceutical powers. If elected, he has said he would gut the Food and Drug Administration and order the Justice Department to investigate medical journals for lying to the public. His most ominous message is also his simplest: He feels his country is being taken away from him. Its a familiar theme, similar to former President Donald Trumps. But whereas Trump relies heavily on white identity politics, Kennedy is spinning up a more diverse web of supporters: anti-vaxxers, anti-government individuals, Silicon Valley magnates, freethinking celebrities, libertarians, Trump-weary Republicans, and Democrats who believe Biden is too old and feeble for a second term.
So far, Kennedy is polling in the double digits against Biden, sometimes as high as 20 percent. What had initially been written off as a stunt has evolved into a complex threat to both Biden and the establishment wing of the Democratic Party. Put another way: Kennedys support is real.
He is tapping into something burrowed deep in the national psyche. Large numbers of Americans dont merely scoff at experts and institutions; they loathe them. Falling down conspiratorial internet rabbit holes has become an entirely normal pastime. Study after study confirms a very real epidemic of loneliness. Scores of people are bored and depressed and searching for narratives to help explain their anxiety and isolation. Scroll through social media and count how many times you see the phrase Burn it down.
Even though Kennedy remains a long-shot candidate, his presence in the 2024 race cannot be ignored. My goal is to do the right thing, and whatever God wants is going to happen, Kennedy told me. He now earnestly believes that in 12 months, he will be the Democratic nominee for president.
Every individual, like every nation, has a darker side and a lighter side, Kennedy told me. And the easiest thing for a political leader to do is to appeal to all those darker angels.
He was talking about George Wallace, the segregationist Alabama governor and subject of Kennedys senior thesis at Harvard.
Most populism begins with a core of idealism, and then its hijacked, he said. Because the easiest way to keep a populist movement together is by appealingyou employ all the alchemies of demagogueryand appealing to our greed, our anger, our hatred, our fear, our xenophobia, tribal impulses.
Does Kennedy consider himself a populist? He considers himself a Democrat, his communications director, Stefanie Spear, told me in an email. The most charitable spin on Kennedys candidacy is that he aims to be the iconoclastic unifier of a polarized country. He looks in the mirror and sees a man fighting for the rights of the poor and the powerless, as his father did when he ran for president more than half a century ago.
Kennedy markets himself as a maverick, someone outside the system. But hes very much using his lineageson of Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, nephew of President John F. Kennedy and Senator Ted Kennedyas part of his sales pitch. Now living in Los Angeles with his third wife, the actor Cheryl Hines, he nonetheless launched his campaign in Boston, the center of the Kennedy universe. The phrase IM A KENNEDY DEMOCRAT is splashed across the center of his campaign website. Visitors can click through a carousel of wistful black-and-white family photos. There he is as a young boy with a gap-toothed smile, offering a salute. There he is visiting his Uncle John in the Oval Office.
Alan Brinkley: The legacy of John F. KennedyRobert F. Kennedy and his wife, Ethel, with their seven children, in February 1963. (Ethel was expecting their eighth child in June.) The boys, from left, are Robert Jr., 8; David, 7; Michael, 4; and Joe, 10. The girls, from left, are Kathleen, 11; Kerry, 3; and Mary Courtney, 6. (AP)
In reality, his relationship with his family is more complicated. Several of his siblings have criticized his anti-vaccine activism around COVID. Last year, at an anti-vaccine rally in Washington, D.C., Kennedy suggested that Jews in Nazi Germany had more freedom than Americans today. In response, his sister Kerry Kennedy tweeted, Bobbys lies and fear-mongering yesterday were both sickening and destructive. I strongly condemn him for his hateful rhetoric. (He later issued an apology.) In 2019, a trio of notable Kennedys wrote an op-ed in Politico pegged to a recent measles outbreak in the United States. RFK Jr., they said, has helped to spread dangerous misinformation over social media and is complicit in sowing distrust of te science behind vaccines. Several Kennedys serve in the Biden administration, and othersincluding RFK Jr.s younger sister Rory and his first cousin Patrickare actively supporting Bidens reelection effort.
Multiple eras of Kennedys life have been marked by violence and despair. He was just 14 years old when his father was assassinated. His second wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy, struggled with mental illness and died by suicide while the couple was estranged and in the process of divorcing. He told me he believes that almost every American has been exposed, mostly within their own families, to mental illness, depression, drug addiction, alcoholism. In 1983, Kennedy himself was arrested for heroin possession and entered rehab. He recently told The Washington Post that he still regularly attends 12-step meetings.
Kennedy maintains a mental list of everyone hes known who has died. He told me that each morning he spends an hour having a quiet conversation with those people, usually while out hiking alone. He asks the deceased to help him be a good person, a good father, a good writer, a good attorney. He prays for his six children. Hes been doing this for 40 years. The list now holds more than 200 names.
I asked him if he felt that his dad or uncle had sent him any messages encouraging him to run for president.
I dont really have two-way conversations of that type, he said. And I would mistrust anything that I got from those waters, because I know theres people throughout history who have heard voices.
He laughed.
Its hard to be the arbiter of your own sanity. Its dangerous.
The morning before we met, I watched a recent interview Kennedy had given to ABC News in which he said, I dont trust authority. In our conversation, I asked him how he planned to campaign on this message while simultaneously persuading voters to grant him the most consequential authority in the world.
My intention is to make authority trustworthy, he said, sounding like a shrewd politician. People dont trust authority, because the trusted authorities have been lying to them. The media lies to the public.
I was recording our conversation on two separate devices. I asked him if the dual recordings, plus the fact that he could see me taking notes, was enough to convince him that whatever I wrote would be accurate.
Your quotes of mine may be accurate, he said. Do I think that they may be twisted? I think thats highly likely.
I wondered why, if that was the case, he had agreed to talk with me at all.
Ill talk to anybody, he said.
That includes some of the most prominent figures in right-wing politics. He told me that hed met with Trump before he was inaugurated, and that he had once flown on Trumps private plane. (Later he said he believes Trump could lead America down the road to darkness.) He told me how, as a young man, he had spent several weeks in a tent in Kenya with Roger Ailesthey were filming a nature documentaryand how they had remained friends even though Kennedy disapproved of Ailess tactics at Fox News. He also brought up Tucker Carlson. I asked if hed spoken with the former Fox News host since his firing earlier this spring.
Ive texted with him, Kennedy said.
Whats he up to? I asked.
Hesyou know what hes up to. Hes starting a Twitter thing. Yeah, Im going to go on it. Theyve already contacted me.
Kennedy told me hes heard the whispers about the nature of his campaign. Some people believe his candidacy is just a stalking-horse bid to help elect Trump, or at least siphon support away from Biden.
One week before Kennedy entered the race, the longtime Trump ally and self-proclaimed dirty trickster Roger Stone wrote a curious Substack post titled What About Bobby? in which he suggested the idea of a Trump-Kennedy unity ticket. In a text message to me, Stone said his essay was nothing but a whimsical piece of writing, noting that the idea had legal and political obstacles. A photo of the two menplus former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, a notable conspiracy theoristhad been circulating on the internet; Stone called it opposition research from Bidens team. Contrary to Twitter created mythology, I dont know Robert Kennedy, he texted. I have no role in his campaign, and certainly played no role in his decision to run.
I asked Kennedy about a recent report that had gotten some attention: Had Steve Bannon encouraged him to enter the race?
From the July/August 2022 issue: American Rasputin
No, he said. I mean, let me put it this way: I never heard any encouragement from him. And I never spoke to him. He then offered a clarification: He had been a guest on Bannons podcast during the pandemic once or twice, and the two had met a few years before that.
When I asked Bannon if he had urged Kennedy to challenge Biden, he said, I dont want to talk about personal conversations. He told me he believes Kennedy could be a major political figure. I was pleasantly surprised when he announced, he said.
Hes drawing from many of those Trump votersthe two-time Obama, onetime Trumpthat are still disaffected, want change, and maybe havent found a permanent home in the Trump movement, Bannon said. Populist left, populist rightand where that Venn diagram overlapshes talking to those people. Bannon told me the audience for his podcast, War Room, loves Kennedy. I think Tuckers seeing it, Rogans seeing it, other peoplethe Tucker-Rogan-Elon-Bannon-combo-platter right, obviously some of us are farther right than othersI think are seeing it. Its a new nomenclature in politics, he said.
And obviously the Democrats are scared to death of it, so they dont even want to touch it. They want to pretend it doesnt exist.Photograph by Chris Buck for The Atlantic
Perhaps more than anyone in politics, Kennedy is the embodiment of the crunchy-to-conspiracist pipelinethe pathway from living a life honoring the natural world to questioning, well, everything you thought you knew. For much of his life, he was a respected attorney and environmentalist. In the 1980s, Kennedy began working with the nonprofit Riverkeeper to preserve New Yorks Hudson River, and he later co-founded the Waterkeeper Alliance, which is affiliated with conservation efforts around the world. Like many other environmentalists, he grew distrustful of government, convinced that regulatory agencies had fallen under the thrall of the corporations they were supposed to be supervising.
I asked Kennedy if there was a link between his earlier work and his present-day advocacy against vaccines. The most direct and concrete nexus is mercury, he said.
In the 2000s, Kennedy said, he read a report about the presence of mercury in fish. It struck me then that we were living in a science-fiction nightmare where my children and the children of most Americans could now no longer engage in this seminal primal activity of American youth, which is to go fishing with their father and mother at their local fishing hole and come home and safely eat the fish, he said.
As an environmentalist, Kennedy traveled around the country giving lectures, and about two decades ago, mercury poisoning became a focal point of these talks. He soon noticed a pattern: Mothers would approach him after his speeches, telling him about their childrens developmental issues, which they were convinced could be traced back to vaccines that contained thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative. They all had kind of the same story, Kennedy said. Which was striking to me, because my inclination would be to dismiss them.
Read: Inside the mind of an anti-vaxxer
He said that one of these women, a Minnesotan named Sarah Bridges, showed up on his front porch with a pile of studies 18 inches deep, telling him, Im not leaving here until you read those. Kennedy read the abstracts, and his beliefs about vaccines began to shift. He went on to become the founder of Childrens Health Defense, a prominent anti-vaccine nonprofit.
When I contacted Bridges, she noted that she is a college friend of Kennedys sister-in-lawand clarified that she had approached Kennedy while visiting his familys compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts. Nevertheless, she confirmed that she gave Kennedy a stack of documents related to thimerosal, and that this likely was the beginning of his anti-vaccine journey.
Bridgess family story is tragic: One of her children ended up in the hospital after receiving the pertussis vaccine. He now lives with a seizure disorder, developmental delays, and autismconditions Bridges believes were ultimately caused by his reaction to the vaccine, even though studies have shown that vaccines do not cause autism. Bridges says she received compensation from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, colloquially known as vaccine court, for her sons brain damage.
Bridges doesnt consider herself an anti-vaxxer. She told me that she still talks with Kennedy once in a while, but that she was surprised to learn he was running for president. Shes a lifelong Democrat, and declined to say whether she would support him in the election. She did tell me that she has received two doses of the COVID vaccine. She views the extremity of her sons reaction as the exception, not the rule. I think the American public is smart enough that we can have a nuanced conversation: that vaccines can both be a public good and there can beand there, I think, isa subset of people who dont respond to them, she said.
Kennedys campaign manager, the former Ohio congressman and two-time presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, strongly objects to anyone labeling his candidate anti-vax. When I used the term to describe Kennedy, Kucinich told me that such a characterization was a left-handed smear and a clipped assessment that has been used for political purposes by the adherents of the pharmaceutical industry who want to engage in a sort of absurd reductionism. Kennedy, he said, stands for vaccine safety.
I asked Kucinich to specify which vaccines Kennedy supports. He seemed flummoxed.
No! he said. This is no. Were notlook, no.
At one point, Kennedy looked me dead in the eye and asked if I knew where the term conspiracy theory came from. I did not. He informed me that the phrase was coined by the CIA after his uncles assassination in 1963 as part of a larger effort to discredit anyone who claimed that the shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald, hadnt acted alone. This origin story is not true. A recent Associated Press fact-check dates the terms usage as far back as 1863, and notes that it also appeared in reports after the shooting of President James Garfield in 1881.
JFKs assassination and Kennedys fathers, just five years apart, are two of the defining moments of modern American life. But they are difficult subjects to discuss with surviving family members without feeling exploitative. Kennedy doesnt shy away from talking about either murder, and embraces conspiracy theories about both.
I think the evidence that the CIA murdered my uncle is overwhelming, I would say, beyond a reasonable doubt, he said. As an attorney, I would be very comfortable arguing that case to a jury. I think that the evidence that the CIA murdered my father is circumstantial but very, very, very persuasive. Or very compelling. Let me put it that wayvery compelling. And of course the CIA participation in the cover-up of both those murders is also beyond a reasonable doubt. Its very well documented. (In a written statement, a CIA spokesperson said: The notion that CIA was involved in the deaths of either John F. Kennedy or Robert F. Kennedy is absolutely false.)
Two years ago, hundreds of QAnon supporters gathered in Dealey Plaza, the site of JFKs assassination. They were convinced that JFK Jr., who died in a plane crash in 1999, would dramatically reappear and that Donald Trump would be reinstated as president. I asked Kennedy what he made of all this.
Are you equating them with people who believe that my uncle was killed by the CIA? he asked. There was pain in his voice. It was the first time in our conversation that he appeared to get upset.
From the June 2020 issue: The prophecies of QRobert F. Kennedy Jr. as pallbearer during his fathers funeral (Photo by Fairchild Archive / Penske Media / Getty)
Unlike many conspiracists, Kennedy will actually listen to and respond to your questions. Hes personable, and does not come off as a jerk. But he gets essential facts wrong, and remains prone to statements that can leave you dumbfounded. Recently, the Fox News host Neil Cavuto had to correct him on air after he claimed that weas in the United Stateshad killed 350,000 Ukrainian kids.
I brought up the QAnon adherents whod flocked to Dallas because I wanted to know how he felt about the fact that so many disparate conspiracies in America were blending together. I asked him what he would say to Alex Jones, the conspiracist who spent years lying about the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Theres only so many discussions that you can have, and only so many areas where you can actually, you know, examine the evidence, Kennedy said. Id say, Show me the evidence of what youre saying, and lets look at it, and lets look at whether it is conceivably real. He told me he didnt know exactly what Jones had said about the tragedy. When I explained that Jones had claimed the whole thing was a hoaxand that he had lost a landmark defamation suitKennedy said he thought that was an appropriate outcome. If somebody says somethings wrong, sue them.
I mean, he said, I know people whose children were killed at Sandy Hook.
Who will vote for Kennedy?
He was recently endorsed by the Clueless star Alicia Silverstone. Earlier this month, Jack Dorsey, the hippie billionaire and a Twitter co-founder, shared a Fox News clip of Kennedy saying he could beat Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis in 2024. He can and will, Dorsey tweeted. Another tech mogul, David Sacks, recently co-hosted a fundraiser for Kennedy, as well as a Twitter Spaces event with him alongside his PayPal mafia ally Elon Musk. Sacks, whose Twitter header photo features a banner that reads FREE SPEECH , has an eclectic history of political donations: Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton, and DeSantis, to name a few.
Kennedy continues to win praise from right-wing activists, influencers, and media outlets. While some of this support feels earnest, like a fawning multithousand-word ode from National Review, others feel like a wink. The New York Post covered his campaign-kickoff event under the headline Never Seen So Many Hot MILFs: Inside RFK Jrs White House Bid Launch.
So far, Kennedy hasnt staged many rallies. He favors long, winding media appearances. (Hes said that he believes 2024 will be decided by podcasts.) He recently talked COVID and 5G conspiracy theories with Joe Rogan, and his conversation with Jordan Peterson was removed from YouTube because of what the company deemed COVID misinformation. The day we met, Kennedy told me that he had just recorded a podcast with the journalist Matt Taibbi.
I asked Taibbi, who wrote for me when I was an editor at Rolling Stone and who now publishes independently on Substack, if he could see himself voting for Kennedy next year.
Yeah, its possible, Taibbi said. I didnt vote for anybody last time, because it was He trailed off, stifling laughter. I just couldnt bring myself to do it. So if he manages to get the nomination, I would certainly consider it.
Years ago, in a long Rolling Stone article, Kennedy falsely asserted that the 2004 election had been stolen. The article has since been deleted from the magazines online archive.
Ive never been a fan of electoral-theft stories, Taibbi said. But I dont have to agree with RFK about everything, he added. Hes certainly farther along on his beliefs about the vaccine than I am. But I think he is tapping into something that I definitely feel is legitimate, which is this frustration with the kind of establishment reporting, and this feeling of a lack of choice, and the frustration over issues like Ukraineyou know, that kind of stuff. I totaly get his candidacy from that standpoint.
Kennedys campaign operation is lean. He told Sacks and Musk that he has only about 50 people on the payroll. Hes beginning to spend more time in the early-voting state of New Hampshire. I asked Kucinich about Kennedys plans for summer: large-scale rallies? A visit to the Iowa State Fair? He could offer no concrete details, and told me to stay tuned.
Read: The case for a primary challenge to Joe Biden
Despite the buzz and early attention, Kennedy does not have a clear path to the nomination. No incumbent president in modern history has been defeated in a primary. (Kennedys uncle Ted came close during his primary challenge to Jimmy Carter in the 1980 election.) Following decades of precedent, the Democratic National Committee wont hold primary debates against a sitting president.
Were not spending much time right now thinking about the DNC, he said. Were organizing our own campaign.
Spokespeople for the DNC, the Biden campaign, and the White House did not offer comment for this article.
Democrats know RFK Jr. isnt actually a Democrat, Jim Messina, who led Barack Obamas 2012 reelection campaign and is in close touch with the Biden 2024 team, said in a statement. He is not a legitimate candidate in the Democratic primary and shouldnt be treated like one. His offensive ideas align him with Trump and the other GOP candidates running for president, and are repellent to what Democrats and swing voters are looking for.
I asked Kennedy what he thought would be more harmful to the country: four more years of Biden or another term for Trump.
I cant answer that, he said.
He paused for a long beat. He shook his head, then pivoted the conversation to Russia.
I think that either one of them is, you know, I mean, I can conceive of Biden getting us into a nuclear war right now.
Kennedys 2024 campaign, like Trumps, has an epic We are engaged in a final showdown tenor to it. But maybe this sentiment runs deeper than his current candidacy. These are the opening lines of Kennedys 2018 memoir, American Values:
From my youngest days I always had the feeling that we were all involved in some great crusade, that the world was a battleground for good and evil, and that our lives would be consumed in that conflict. It would be my good fortune if I could play an important or heroic role.
Read: The martyr at CPAC
Since meeting Kennedy, Ive thought about what he said about populismhow it emerges, how its exploited and weaponized. He seems to believe that he is doing the right thing by running for president, that history has finally found him, as it found his uncle and father. That he is the manthe Kennedyto lead America through an era of unrelenting chaos. But I dont know how to believe his message when its enveloped in exaggeration, conspiracy, and falsehoods.
The United States has grown only more conspiratorial in the half century since the publication of Richard Hofstadters The Paranoid Style in American Politics. There are those who refuse to get the COVID vaccine because of the slim potential of adverse side effects, and then there are those who earnestly fear that these innoculations are a way for the federal government to implant microchips in the bodies of citizens. The line between fact and fantasy has blurred, and fewer and fewer Americans are tethered to something larger or more meaningful than themselves.
Kennedy was raised in the Catholic Church and regularly attended Mass for most of his life. These days, he told me, his belief system is drawn from a wide array of sources.
The first line of the Tao is something to the effect that If it can be said, then its not truththat the path that is prescribed to you is never the true path, that basically we all have to find our own path to God, and to enlightenment, or nirvana, or whatever you call it, he said.
Hes now walking his familys path, determined to prevail in the battle of good against evil. Hes said hes running under the premise of telling people the truth.
But as with so many of the stories he tells, its hard to square Kennedys truth with reality.

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Emerging technology regulations: a comprehensive, evergreen approach
1 hour agoon
March 10, 2025By
Opinion by: Merav Ozair, PhD
Technology is advancing at the speed of light today more than ever. We have surpassed Moore’s law — computational power is doubling every six months rather than every two years — while regulations are, and have been, playing catchup.
The EU Artificial Intelligence Act just came into force in August 2024 and is already falling behind. It did not consider AI agents and is still wrestling with generative AI (GenAI) and foundation models. Article 28b was added to the act in June 2023 after the launch of ChatGPT at the end of 2022 and the flourishing of chatbot deployments. It was not on their radar when lawmakers initially drafted the act in April 2021.
As we move more into robotics and the use of virtual reality devices, a “new paradigm of AI architectures” will be developed, addressing the limitations of GenAI to create robots and virtual devices that can reason the world, unlike GenAI models. Maybe spending time drafting a new article on GenAI was not time well spent.
Furthermore, technology regulations are quite dichotomized. There are regulations on AI, like the EU AI Act; Web3, like Markets in Crypto-Assets; and the security of digital information, like the EU Cybersecurity Act and The Digital Operational Resilience Act.
This dichotomy is cumbersome for users and businesses to follow. Moreover, it does not align with how solutions and products are developed. Every solution integrates many technologies, while each technology component has separate regulations.
It might be time to reconsider the way we regulate technology.
A comprehensive approach
Tech companies have been pushing the boundaries with cutting-edge technologies, including Web3, AI, quantum computing and others yet to emerge. Other industries are following suit in the experimentation and implementation of these technologies.
Everything is digital, and every product integrates several technologies. Think of the Apple Vision Pro or Meta Quest. They have hardware, goggles, AI, biometric technology, cloud computing, cryptography, digital wallets and more, and they will soon be integrated with Web3 technology.
A comprehensive approach to regulation would be the most suitable approach for the following principal reasons.
A full-system solution
Most, if not all, solutions require the integration of several emerging technologies. If we have separate guidelines and regulations for each technology, how could we ensure the product/service is compliant? Where does one rule start and the other end?
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Separate guidelines would probably introduce more complexity, errors and misinterpretations, which eventually might result in more harm than good. If the implementation of technologies is all-encompassing and comprehensive, the approach to regulating it should also be.
Different technologies support each other’s weaknesses
All technologies have strengths and weaknesses, and often, the strengths of one technology can support the shortcomings of the other.
For example, AI can support Web3 by enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of smart contract execution and blockchain security and monitoring. In contrast, blockchain technology can assist in manifesting “responsible AI,” as blockchain is everything that AI is not — transparent, traceable, trustworthy and tamper-free.
When AI supports Web3 and vice versa, we implement a comprehensive, safe, secure and trustworthy solution. Would these solutions be AI-compliant or Web3-compliant? With this solution, it would be challenging to dichotomize compliance. The solution should be compliant and adhere to all guidelines/policies. It would be best if these guidelines/policies encompass all technologies, including their integration.
A proactive approach
We need proactive regulation. Many of the regulation proposals, across all regions, seem to be reactions to changes we know about today and don’t go far enough in thinking about how to provide frameworks for what might come five or 10 years down the line.
If, for example, we already know that there will be a “new paradigm of AI architectures,” probably in the next five years, then why not start thinking today, not in 5 years, how to regulate it? Or better yet, find a regulatory framework that would apply no matter how technology evolves.
Think about responsible innovation. Responsible innovation, simplistically, means making new technologies work for society without causing more problems than they solve. In other words: “Do good, do no harm.”
Responsible innovation
Responsible innovation principles are designed to span all technologies, not just AI. These principles recognize that all technologies can have unintended consequences on users, bystanders and society, and that it is the responsibility of the companies and developers creating those technologies to identify and mitigate those risks.
Responsible innovation principles are overarching and international and apply to any technology that exists today and will evolve in the future. This could be the basis for technology regulation. Still, companies, regardless of regulation, should understand that innovating responsibly instills trust in users, which will translate to mainstream adoption.
Truth in Technology Act
The Securities Act of 1933, also known as the “truth in securities” law, was created to protect investors from fraud and misrepresentation and restore public confidence in the stock market as a response to the stock market crash of 1929.
At the core of the act lie honesty and transparency, the essential ingredients to instill public trust in the stock market, or in anything for that matter.
This act has withstood the test of time — an “evergreen” law. Securities trading and the financial industry have become more digital and more technological, but the core principles of this act still apply and will continue to.
Based on the principles of responsible innovation, we could design a “Truth in Technology Act,” which would instill public trust in technology, internationally, now and in the future. Fundamentally, we seek these products and services to be safe, secure, ethical, privacy-preserving, accurate, easy to understand, auditable, transparent and accountable. These values are international across regions, industries and technologies, and since technology knows no boundaries, neither should regulations.
Innovation may create value, but it may also extract or destroy it. Regulation helps limit the latter two types of innovation, while well-designed regulation may enable the first kind to survive and flourish. A global collaboration may find ways to incentivize innovation that creates value for the good of the global economy and society.
It might be time for a Truth in Technology Act — an international, comprehensive, evergreen regulation for the good of the citizens of the world.
Opinion by: Merav Ozair, PhD.
This article is for general information purposes and is not intended to be and should not be taken as legal or investment advice. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed here are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.
Mike Amesbury to quit as MP after punching man in street – triggering by-election
1 hour agoon
March 10, 2025By
Mike Amesbury has announced he will stand down as an MP after he was convicted of punching a man in the street.
A by-election will now be triggered in his seat of Runcorn and Helsby, where constituents will vote to elect a new MP.
Amesbury, who was suspended from the Labour Party, was jailed on 24 February for 10 weeks after he pleaded guilty in January to assault by beating of 45-year-old Paul Fellows in Main Street, Frodsham, Cheshire, in the early hours of 26 October.
However, following an appeal, his sentence was suspended for two years, so he does not have to serve it in prison.
Amesbury, 55, told the BBC on Monday he will begin the “statutory process” of closing up his office before resigning as an MP “as soon as possible”.
His resignation will trigger a by-election – the first of Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour government.
He said he regrets the attack “every moment, every day” and said he would have tried to remain as an MP if he had been given a lighter community sentence.
Parliamentary rules state any prison sentence, even suspended, given to an MP triggers a recall petition.
A by-election will then be called if 10% of constituents vote to remove him as their MP.
Amesbury has continued to take his £91,000 salary after he was sentenced, including when he spent three nights in prison before his appeal was successful.
He told the BBC he carried out casework while behind bars as his office manager forwarded on emails.
“Life doesn’t stop as an MP,” he said.
Labour suspended Mr Amesbury from the party shortly after the incident, so he has been sitting as an independent MP in the Commons.
The party said he would not be readmitted to Labour and had called for a by-election, saying Mr Amesbury’s constituents “deserved better” after his “completely unacceptable actions”.
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Destroyed Cybertruck used in Vegas bombing is for sale, Musk said Tesla would rebuild it
1 hour agoon
March 10, 2025By

The Tesla Cybertruck used in the Las Vegas bombing appears to have landed in an auction for sale as salvaged, still destroyed. CEO Elon Musk said Tesla would put it back on the road.
Good luck with that.
In January, a Tesla Cybertruck exploded at the Trump Tower in Las Vegas.
The driver is believed to have shot himself in the head right before the vehicle exploded. Evidence proved that some firework mortars and gas canisters were inside the Cybertruck’s bed.
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After the explosion, Tesla CEO Elon Musk praised the Cybertruck for “containing” the explosion and reducing the damage.
He even went as far as claiming that the powertrain was still working and that Tesla would rebuild the Cybertruck and bring it back on the road:
“Once we get this Cybertruck back to Tesla, we’ll buff out the scratches and get it back on the road.”
When questioned about the seriousness of this statement, he affirmed, “No, I mean it.”
They clearly haven’t yet because the Cybertruck has now shown up as a salvaged vehicle for auction on IAA’s site:

It’s not clear if Tesla had an opportunity to get the truck until now, but they certainly could buy it now.
Electrek’s Take
Good luck rebuilding the truck. Maybe they can salvage the battery pack and motors in a new truck, but there’s no way or point to salvage the chassis.
Elon has already confirmed that Tesla engineers have looked at the car. I’m sure that they had the opportunity to get it from the insurance company.
I bet that Tesla doesn’t want the car, and it won’t be back on the road as Elon claimed. You can add it to the list of lies he told this year. Are we in the hundreds already? And we are only in March.
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