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Comparing the UK economy with its pre-pandemic size has become an almost totemic way of highlighting its sluggish performance post-COVID.

It has certainly been a gift for Opposition politicians and in particular when – in September last year – the Office for National Statistics (ONS) produced evidence that the UK was the only economy in the G7 group that remained smaller than it was in February 2020.

However, today brought news that the UK economy actually fared better in the post-COVID period than previously thought.

The ONS unveiled a series of revisions for past GDP growth – affecting both 2020 and 2021.

It said that the UK economy contracted by 10.4% in the main pandemic year of 2020 – less worse than the 11% contraction previously reported.

And it said UK GDP grew by 8.7% in 2021 – considerably better than the previously reported growth of 7.6%.

Put together, it means that at the end of 2021 – rather than being 1.2% smaller than it was going into the pandemic as previously reported – the UK economy was actually 0.6% bigger.

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Some will say that this is all just rear-view mirror stuff and does not really matter.

But it does.

Even in its most recent estimates for quarterly growth, the ONS was suggesting that, during the three months to the end of June, the UK economy remained 0.2% smaller than it was during the final three months of 2019, the last full quarter before the pandemic struck.

Carry these revisions across to the latest data though, and it means that, rather than being at the bottom of the G7, the UK’s economic recovery post-pandemic was well ahead of Germany and not far behind those achieved by France and Italy.

The Treasury was also quick to point out that, as of the end of 2021, the UK’s recovery trailed only those of the US and Canada in the G7.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt said: “The fact that the UK recovered from the pandemic much faster than thought shows that once again those determined to talk down the British economy have been proved wrong.

“There are many battles still to win, most of all against inflation so we can ease cost of living pressures on families. But if we stick to the plan we can look forward to healthy growth which according to the IMF will be faster than Germany, France, and Italy in the long term.”

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The ONS explained the rather dramatic upward revision thus: “These revisions are mainly because we have richer data from our annual surveys and administrative data, we are now able to measure costs incurred by businesses [intermediate consumption] directly and we can adjust for prices [deflation] at a far more detailed level.”

Part of the revision can be explained by the fact that the ONS now has a more detailed understanding of how much people were being paid in the 2021-22 financial year following the availability of more up-to-date information from HM Revenue & Customs. More up-to-date information on household spending during 2021, for example on telecoms services, has also been incorporated into the assessment of GDP.

Put together, these led to some pretty dramatic upgrades in parts of the services sector, which makes up four-fifths of UK GDP. The ONS now thinks the services sector as a whole grew by 10.9% in 2021, way ahead of the previous estimate of 7%, which is a pretty extraordinary upward revision.

The biggest contributors to that, according to the ONS, was from the wholesale and retail trade, and repairs to cars and motorcycles in particular.

Another contributor was accommodation and food services, which is now reckoned to have grown by 31.3% in 2021, up from the previous estimate of 30.9%.

Clearly the rush among Britons to eat out and stay in hotels after lockdowns ended was even bigger than previously thought.

Other sectors where activity was stronger than previously assumed were professional scientific and technical activities and healthcare services.

The commercial property sector, previously thought to have contracted during the year in question, is also now reckoned to have enjoyed growth.

These revisions are really important in terms of how we view the UK’s economic performance.

As Simon French, the chief economist and head of research at the investment bank Panmure Gordon was quick to note, the entire UK economic narrative, post-pandemic, has just been revised away. All those headlines about the UK economy not being back at pre-COVID levels, or bottom of the G7, are now obsolete.

He added: “But as a macro guy who has had to talk to international investors [about] why gilts and UK equities do or do not deserve [to trade at] a discount, this has cast huge doubt on recent investor conclusions.

“I may be biased but this deserves to lead every UK economic and business story today – to provide symmetry to the coverage that the sluggish post-pandemic recovery that has shaped investor/business/household sentiment.”

That is a key point.

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Inflation: ‘We’re getting poorer’

There has been much hand-wringing in recent months about why international investors are shunning UK assets and why some UK companies have sought to switch their main stock market listing from London to New York.

Much of that negativity will have been informed by headlines about the UK’s lacklustre growth post-pandemic.

There is a word of caution, though. One is that the national statisticians of other countries are embarking on similar revisions to their GDP statistics using something called the “SUTS” – supply and use tables – framework. This approach is reckoned to provide a more accurate assessment of how a particular industry or sector has performed and, by extension, the economy as a whole. The statistics offices of the UK and the US are, at present, the only ones to have done this.

As the ONS pointed out today: “This means that the UK has one of the most up-to-date sets of estimates for this period of considerable economic change. Other countries follow different revision policies and practices, which can result in their estimates being revised at a later date.

“It is important this is considered when comparing the UK with other countries and our international comparison position is likely to change once other countries fully confront their datasets over time.”

And there is a broader point to make, too, which is that it is debatable whether GDP is that meaningful a measure, these days, of how the economy is doing and how all of us, as individuals, are living their lives.

As Savvas Savouri, economist at the hedge fund manager Toscafund and one of the Square Mile’s smartest economists, has told clients in the recent past: “GDP is a nonsensical measure of the modern UK economy… it fails to do justice to the ever-growing service-side of the UK economy.

“After all, measuring the production of textiles is very much easier to do than capturing the volume and value of coding for gaming, e-commerce and e-finance, architectural design, writing of legal contracts, insurance underwriting, academia to students from overseas and so forth.”

The ONS would doubtless argue, in response, that this is why it is seeking to finesse its methodology.

And, for now, it is helping paint a more encouraging picture of the UK economy.

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Surprise fall in retail sales in December, ONS figures show




Surprise fall in retail sales in December, ONS figures show

There has been a surprise contraction in retail sales in December, despite the month being key for many retailers due to Christmas shopping, official figures show.

Retail sales fell 0.3% last month, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

No drop at all was expected, not least a 0.3% drop. Sales growth of 0.4% had been forecast by economists.

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The figures are of significance as they measure household consumption, the largest expenditure across the UK economy.

Low household consumption can mean economic growth is harder to achieve. The government has repeatedly said growth is its top priority.

Who did well and who didn’t?

More on Retail

The December drop is due to a “very poor” month for food sales, which sank to the lowest level since 2013, hurting supermarkets in particular, the ONS said.

The data is in contrast to reports from supermarkets themselves, which reported stellar Christmas trading.
It suggests that small shoppers bore the brunt of the decline.

Clothes and household goods shops had a better month and reported strong Christmas trading, it added.

These retailers rebounded from falls in recent months.

The ONS also revised down November retail sales growth. Rather than growth of 0.2% in a time of Black Friday discounting, sales rose just 0.1%.

What does it say about the economy?

When the data is not seasonally adjusted to account for Black Friday falling later last year, a brighter picture is shown.

“Our figures when not adjusted for seasonal spending show overall retail sales grew more strongly than in recent December”, the ONS senior statistician Hannah Finselbach said.

Behind the headline figure is more positive news, sales volumes excluding petrol increased 2.9% compared to December 2023.

It caps off a week of news that paints a mixed picture of the economy.

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Inflation in the UK falls

While prices are rising at a slower pace than expected, overall growth is weaker than expected.

Friday’s data means it’s now more likely the economy flatlined in the final three months of the year.

Analysts Pantheon Macroeconomics said the statistics raise the risk of a small GDP fall during the quarter.

No growth was already recorded from July to September, the ONS said.

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Russia sanctions: Fears over UK enforcement by HMRC




Russia sanctions: Fears over UK enforcement by HMRC

Fears have been raised over the robustness of Britain’s trade sanctions against Russia after the main government department enforcing the rules admitted it has no idea how many cases it is investigating.

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), which monitors and polices flows of goods in and out of the country, says it had no central record of how many investigations it’s carrying out into Russian sanctions. It also said that while it had issued six fines in relation to sanction-breaking since 2022, it would not name the firms sanctioned or provide any further detail on what they did wrong.

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The disclosures were part of a response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request from Sky News, as part of its wider investigation into the sanctions regime against Russia.

In recent months we’ve reported on data showing flows of goods, including dual-use items which can be turned into weapons, from the UK into Caucasus and Central Asian states. We’ve shown how luxury British cars are being transported across the border from the Caucasus into Russia. And we’ve shown the contrast between rhetoric and reality on the various rules clamping down on trade in Russian fossil fuels.

But despite the challenges facing the sanctions regime, information on the enforcement of those sanctions is quite scant. The Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) has so far only imposed a single £15,000 fine for breach of financial sanctions – in other words those moving money in or out of Russia or helping sanctioned individuals do so.

HMRC has so far issued six fines in relation to Russian sanctions, but it refused to name any companies or individuals affected by the fines – or to provide any further details on what they were doing to break the rules. And, unlike other organisations, such as OFSI, it has never said how many cases it is working on – giving little sense of the scale of the pipeline of forthcoming action.

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Asked by Sky News to provide such details under FOI legislation, HMRC said: “The number of current investigations which may involve these sanctions, regardless of the eventual outcome, is not centrally recorded.

“To determine how many investigations are within scope of your request would require a manual search of a significant number of records, held by different business areas. Not all investigations reach the level of formal cases being opened, but these investigations are still recorded as compliance activity which would need to be manually reviewed to provide an answer.”

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October: Are Russia sanctions working?

Mark Handley, a partner at law firm Duane Morris, has spent years monitoring the information released on sanctions cases. He said: “If you’re trying to organise an organisation like HMRC in terms of resourcing and all the rest of it, you would think that they might know how many investigations they have ongoing and how to staff all of those. So I’m surprised that they didn’t have that number to hand.”

HMRC also said it would protect the privacy of companies fined for breaking sanctions rules. The FOI response continued: “HMRC do not consider that disclosing the company name would drive compliance, promote voluntary disclosure or be proportionate.”

This is in stark contrast to other countries, notably the US, where companies are routinely named and shamed in an effort to drive compliance.


Leigh Hansson, partner at legal firm Reed Smith and a sanctions expert, said: “The US loves to name and shame, and I think from a US compliance perspective, it’s actually done quite a lot in further enforcing compliance both within the United States and globally.

“Because once you see a company [has] been fined or they’re placed on the specially-designated nationals list, all the other companies in their industry call around going: ‘hey, am I next?’

“And they want to know what it is that the company did – how did they violate sanctions?”

“One of the things the United States does in these penalty announcements is they provide background on the things the company did wrong, but these are also the things the company did right… And the information that they publish is quite helpful.”

The absence of such disclosure in the UK means both businesses and the public more widely have less clarity on the rules – which in turn may help explain why the regime has been more leaky than expected, with goods still flowing towards Russian satellite states, despite the fact that sanctions prohibit even indirect flows of goods to Russia.

Mr Handley said one consequence of the secrecy from HMRC is that “you’re operating in a vacuum, at the moment. Because the government’s not giving you the information that tells you what kind of conduct gets you to a civil settlement as opposed to a criminal prosecution”.

“So, again, even if you’re keeping the name anonymous, you can help businesses and individuals behave better and properly by giving more information,” he added.

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Pizza Hut salvages restaurants’ future with pre-pack sale




Pizza Hut salvages restaurants' future with pre-pack sale

The future of Pizza Hut’s restaurants in Britain has been salvaged after the business was sold out of insolvency proceedings to the brand’s main partner in Denmark and Sweden.

Sky News can reveal that Heart With Smart (HWS), Pizza Hut’s dine-in franchise partner in the UK, was sold on Thursday to an entity controlled by investment firm Directional Capital.

The pre-pack administration – which was reported by Sky News on Monday – ends a two-month process to identify new investors for the business, which had been left scrambling to secure funding in the wake of Rachel Reeves’s October budget.

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Sources said that only one Pizza Hut restaurant would close as part of the deal.

More than 3,000 jobs have been preserved as a result of the transaction with Directional Capital-owned vehicle DC London Pie, they added.

“Over the past six years, we have made great progress in building our business and strengthening our operations to become one of the UK’s leading hospitality franchise operators, all whilst navigating a challenging economic backdrop,” Jens Hofma, HWS’s chief executive, said in response to an enquiry from Sky News on Thursday.

“With the acquisition by Directional Capital announced today, the future of the business has been secured with a strong platform in place.”

Dwayne Boothe, an executive at Directional Capital, said: “This transaction marks an important milestone for Directional Capital as we continue to build the Directional Pizza platform into a premier food & beverage operator throughout the UK and Europe.

“Directional Pizza continues to invest in improving food and beverage across its growing 240 plus locations in Europe and the UK.”

The extent of a rescue deal for Pizza Hut’s UK restaurants had been cast into doubt by the government’s decision to impose steep increases on employers’ national insurance contributions (NICs) from April.

These are expected to add approximately £4m to HWS’s annual cost base – equivalent to more than half of last year’s earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation.

Until the pre-pack deal, HWS was owned by a combination of Pricoa, a lender, and the company’s management, led by Mr Hofma.

They led a management buyout reportedly worth £100m in 2018, with the business having previously owned by Rutland Partners, a private equity firm.

HWS licenses the Pizza Hut name from Yum! Brands, the American food giant which also owns KFC.

Interpath Advisory has been overseeing the sale and insolvency process.

Even before the Budget, restaurant operators were feeling significant pressure, with TGI Fridays collapsing into administration before being sold to a consortium of Breal Capital and Calveton.

Sky News also revealed during the autumn that Pizza Express had hired investment bankers to advise on a debt refinancing.

HWS operates all of Pizza Hut’s dine-in restaurants in Britain, but has no involvement with its large number of delivery outlets, which are run by individual franchisees.

Directional Capital, however, is understood to own two of Pizza Hut’s UK delivery franchisees.

Accounts filed at Companies House for HWS4 for the period from December 5, 2022 to December 3, 2023 show that it completed a restructuring of its debt under which its lenders agreed to suspend repayments of some of its borrowings until November next year.

The terms of the same facilities were also extended to September 2027, while it also signed a new ten-year Pizza Hut franchise agreement with Yum Brands which expires in 2032.

“Whilst market conditions have improved noticeably since 2022, consumers remain challenged by higher-than-average levels of inflation, high mortgage costs and slow growth in the economy,” the accounts said.

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It added: “The costs of business remain challenging.”

Pizza Hut opened its first UK restaurant in the early 1970s and expanded rapidly over the following 15 years.

In 2020, the company announced that it was closing dozens of restaurants, with the loss of hundreds of jobs, through a company voluntary arrangement (CVA).

At that time, it operated more than 240 sites across the UK.

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