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Alexander Spatari | Moment | Getty Images

LISBON, PORTUGAL — Matadors and bitcoin maximalists are regulars at Campo Pequeno, a neo-Moorish bullring in the northernmost reaches of the Portuguese capital city.

The two aren’t all that different. Both are typically defiant and stubborn, engaged in a seemingly hopeless battle that pits man against beast, where the goal isn’t just survival but total domination. Each fights against the status quo — one against the laws of nature, the other against the financial establishment. In the case of the maxis, these rebels don cryptographic code instead of capes, pinning their revolution on the decentralized ledger technology they believe will change the world as we know it.

Every month, bitcoin’s biggest fans in Lisbon — an eclectic bunch of mostly expat digital nomads — descend on this 19th century arena to sip Licor Beirão, talk shop and extol the virtues of a world run on bitcoin. The storied venue is also a fitting metaphor for the bull run that many of these bitcoiners hold out hope for during crypto winter, the name given to the period of prolonged, depressed pricing in digital assets that can last for years.

Software engineer Lorenzo Primiterra has been living mostly in Lisbon for the past two years.


Software engineer Lorenzo Primiterra has been going to the gatherings since they began. He’s a Peter Pan-type with black chipped nail polish and small black hoop earrings complimenting the tattoo on his right inner forearm that reads, in all caps, ‘WHAT’S MY AGE AGAIN?”

Primiterra hails from Italy but has spent two of his last seven years on the road in Portugal. Sitting at a picnic table adjacent to the 10,000-person capacity arena, he tells CNBC that the inaugural bitcoin gathering took place in this same venue in spring 2022, the weekend after the collapse of Terra Luna — a popular U.S. dollar-pegged stablecoin project that imploded overnight, erasing half a trillion dollars from the sector’s market cap in the process.

“A lot of people got burned in that,” Primiterra said of the stablecoin’s failure. “I guess a lot of people became bitcoiners from that event. They understood the importance of self custody of bitcoin, bitcoin on bitcoin blockchain, not on other chains.”

The cascade of crypto bankruptcies, failed tokens and the revelation that some of the titans of the industry were running allegedly criminal enterprises laid bare to many that bitcoin is king.

But Lisbon as a city remains largely blockchain agnostic.

Every night of the week, there is some sort of industry gathering — recurring events like Web3 Wednesdays and Crypto Fridays at The Block, a popular clubhouse where industry enthusiasts can rent out co-working space. The city also plays host to major industry conferences like Web Summit and NearCon.

“I remember, two years ago, there was supposed to be an ethereum event here, and then solana organized another event and then they said, ‘Well, let’s do a blockchain week,’ and then it became a blockchain month,” said Primiterra.

“I went to the other blockchain events during the bull market, because every blockchain was offering drinks, and I’m like, ‘Why not?'” he said.

Aerial view shot of the April 25th Bridge and the Tagus River at sunset, Almada, Lisboa Region, Portugal

Simonskafar | E+ | Getty Images

Crypto investment firm Greenfield recently named Lisbon the most important crypto hub on the planet, outranking New York, Berlin and Singapore. In the recently released State of European Crypto Report, researchers point to its “profound DeFi scene” and the country’s tax breaks as two big reasons for its top status.

Even as the government looks to roll back aggressive incentives for foreigners, the tax regime is still a lot more favorable than elsewhere on the continent — especially as the collective crypto market cap is nearly 60% off its all-time high. Add perks like the newly launched digital nomad visa and the fact that the city offers lower prices than other Western European hubs, and Lisbon has all the fixings of an ideal expatriate enclave for tech enthusiasts looking to save cash while they talk code.

This is a big part of why Primiterra, who has been in roughly 50 countries in seven years, is staying put in Portugal. He bought an apartment during the pandemic in an up-and-coming neighborhood outside the main city center — and has no plans to uproot anytime soon. Another big draw? A community of like-minded people.

“I like tech in general, so even if I know that a project is terribly coded tech wise — I’m like, ‘OK, tell me how you plan to solve that double-spend problem,'” he said. “I can listen to it, I can counter-argue some of the stuff.”

“I have friends in the ethereum community, and it’s totally fine for me,” added Primiterra, though he noted that one of his big side projects of the moment is looking to launch a co-working space dedicated to bitcoin.

Sunrise over Lisbon, Portugal

Alexander Spatari | Moment | Getty Images

The San Francisco of Europe

A walk through Portugal’s capital feels eerily similar to a stroll in San Francisco. Both boast a cityscape defined by steep streets and sudden vistas; hilly terrain sloping down to beaches dotted by kite surfers and sailboats; red, dual-towered suspension bridges marking the edge of the city bounds; and brightly colored old-fashioned trams snaking through narrow streets.

The two coastal cities are also honey pots for techies.

Jemson Chan is a software tester from Singapore who has been living in Portugal for nine months. Chan is currently working for a company that is not crypto related, but he says his passion firmly lies in bitcoin and decentralized tech.

“I came to Lisbon for the quality of life, the number of tech startups and the very burgeoning tech scene,” said Chan.

Jemson Chan is a software tester from Singapore who has been living in Portugal for nine months.


Guy Young, the CEO and founder of crypto startup Ethena Labs, says the ambience drew him to Lisbon, calling it one of those ideal cities that strikes a good balance between picturesque architecture, a rich history, top-notch restaurants, great weather — and a solid community of crypto people.

Young’s anecdotal take on the Iberian Peninsula reflects a common sentiment. In 2022, Portugal ranked sixth on the Global Peace Index, and it tops the list of best countries for expats. The number of foreign residents in Portugal has been on the rise for seven straight years, increasing by more than 40% in the past decade.

It also helps that there are clear ground rules on crypto in Europe, thanks to a law known as Markets in Crypto-Assets, or MiCA. While the guidelines aren’t Portugal-specific, the comprehensive regulatory framework for digital assets makes it easier to navigate operating a crypto business or investing in virtual tokens in the eurozone.

Chan, who has a side hustle hosting his own educational podcast on bitcoin called Orange Pill Uncensored, says Portugal is a far more hospitable backdrop than the U.S. with its regulation-by-enforcement tactics deployed by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

“Ever since the FTX collapse and the current ongoing attacks by especially the U.S. government on centralized exchanges, there have been efforts from the grassroots level to create more decentralized platforms that deal with the on- and off-ramps to fiat,” added Chan, pointing to decentralized marketplaces like Pocket Bitcoin, RoboSats, Bisque and Peach that allow users to buy and sell bitcoin.

Primiterra used to spend his days working to measure global internet censorship as part of his work with a sub-project of the dark web browser, Tor. But nowadays, he volunteers his coding skills to Bitcoin Map, an open-source tool that lets you search for merchants that accept bitcoin anywhere in the world.

Lisbon may be crypto-friendly, but businesses don’t appear to be all that interested in accepting bitcoin as a form of currency. Primiterra says the list includes a handful of merchants including a ramen place and a dentist.

Seb True is a full-stack engineer who made the move to Lisbon over the summer.


Seb True is a full-stack engineer who made the move to Lisbon over the summer. The British national initially traveled to Portugal on what was meant to be a short trip to make a presentation at the monthly bitcoin gathering. Soon after his arrival, he was hooked and committed to a three-month sublet.

True quit his full-time job so he could focus on traveling the world and teaching people about bitcoin from the perspective of sound money and the philosophy of libertarianism. He has dubbed his educational modules The Bitcoin Student, and he’s looking to expand the brand by capitalizing on his engineering background.

Lisbon has been a relief for True, who previously ran underground workshops in Egypt where bitcoin is illegal.

“Apparently they throw people in jail for talking about it and just working on it or doing anything with it,” he said. “That’s actually the first place I started giving presentations on bitcoin.”

He says he knew the risks but ultimately ignored warnings about his safety, because he felt the population could greatly benefit from learning more about decentralized virtual money that existed outside the reach of governments or central banks.

“It’s a country that has experienced over 50% inflation just this year, people are suffering, they don’t understand why and they don’t know who to blame,” continued True.

“Their view was, ‘Oh, bitcoin, someone controls that, too, surely, so it’s not going to be any better,'” he said, adding that it didn’t take long to “orange pill” them, a phrase used by bitcoiners to describe the process of indoctrinating someone in the ways of bitcoin.

True has now shifted his focus to Portugal, describing Lisbon, in particular, as the ideal base to grow his enterprise.

“The people here that I’m meeting are doing things, actually creating content, they’re active about making a difference, and they are interested in collaborating,” True told CNBC.

“I’ve already had people contacting me asking to make content for me or for my project, not for any money, not for any fame … but just because they’re passionate, because they believe in the mission,” continued True. “They believe in the idea, and that’s really what’s made me think, ‘Wow, I should really stay here. This is where the community clearly is.'”

Lisbon’s skyline, showing the city’s Ponte 25 de Abril spanning the river Tagus.

Stephen Knowles Photography | Moment | Getty Images

Tax breaks on bitcoin

Before making the move from Asia to Europe, Chan pored over tax law in the European Union, narrowing down the ideal jurisdiction to either Switzerland or Portugal.

“If you know anything about Switzerland, it’s a millionaires’ and billionaires’ paradise,” said Chan. “Looking at me, I don’t think I’ve achieved that level of success yet, so I chose the poor man’s Switzerland.”

The tax perks in Portugal are certainly a big draw.

The resident-non-habitual (NHR) status is a fiscal regime that in some cases grants expats living in Portugal total exemption from paying taxes on their income for a period of up to 10 years.

In addition, unlike the U.S., which treats virtual currency as property, taxing it in a manner similar to stocks or real property, Portugal views cryptocurrencies as a form of payment. That distinction is a game-changer with respect to taxes.

Up until the end of 2022, capital gains resulting from crypto transactions, such as cashing out and crypto-to-crypto trades, were not subject to personal income taxes. The government has since added more caveats to its crypto tax breaks, including a requirement that an investor hold a digital asset for more than a year before selling in order to avoid paying taxes on the sale.

This means that gains from buying or selling cryptocurrency, as with other fiat currencies, are not taxed if the trader holds on to their coins for at least 12 months. Meanwhile, profits made on crypto held for less than a year is taxed at a rate of 28%.

“This makes Portugal a really attractive place for crypto users to live,” explained Shehan Chandrasekera, a CPA and head of tax strategy at crypto tax software company

The only exception to the country’s generous crypto scheme relates to companies registered in Portugal that deal in crypto. These businesses face some taxes under certain circumstances, like if they earn cryptocurrency by providing services in Portugal.

Cyclists photographed in Lisbon, Portugal, in October 2018.

Kamisoka | Istock Unreleased | Getty Images

Expats tell CNBC the process of establishing residency is relatively smooth. It doesn’t require owning any property, and unlike other crypto tax havens, such as Puerto Rico, foreigners aren’t required to spend a certain number of days in the country.

Citizens of the European Union have the right to permanent residence in Portugal, and for non-EU citizens, it offers expats a few paths to residency, including the golden visa and the D7 Visa (also known as the retirement visa or passive income visa), both of which tend to attract wealthy foreigners.

The Portuguese golden visa is given to those who buy property, or invest a certain amount of money in the country.

There are also steps that involve getting a tax identification number, opening a bank account and formally applying for residency. Companies such as Plan B Passport streamline the application process for expats.

Plan B CEO Katie Ananina tells CNBC the company has helped hundreds of people from countries such as the U.S., the U.K., Australia and Canada obtain a second passport in one of seven countries, including Portugal. Plan B works in tandem with each government’s residence- or citizenship-by-investment programs.

One drawback to Lisbon’s burgeoning popularity: As more crypto fans flood the city, some of the longtime natives are complaining about rising prices, similar to other tech hubs around the world.

“There’s been quite a sort of influx of foreigners that have come in recently,” says Ethena’s Young. “And there’s been a bit of pushback around property prices, what’s going on with sort of the prices in some of the restaurants and stuff like that. But as a foreigner who’s come here, I have no complaints.” 

‘It’s just paradise’

Wout Deley — who has been researching cryptocurrencies and their underlying technology since 2013 — was working as an international sales manager for a galvanization company in Ghent, Belgium, when he decided to sell his house, invest in tokens and hit the road.

After a few months traveling through Europe during the early days of the Covid pandemic, he ultimately settled in Portugal.

Deley invested two-thirds of the house-sale proceeds in cryptocurrency and then lived off the final third.

“At any given time, I have maybe — at a maximum — 10,000 euros ($11,450) in my bank account,” said Deley. “All the rest is always in crypto.”

For Deley, establishing residency in Portugal was a no-brainer.

“Cryptocurrencies in Belgium are massively taxed, and I was looking at seven figures of profit,” said Deley, who said that he would have faced a tax obligation of close to 40% had he remained in Belgium.

“You want to double your profit? Just move to Portugal,” he said.

Praça do Comércio is a popular tourist destination in Lisbon’s city center.

Imazins | Image Bank Film | Getty Images

Deley lives in Lagos in the southwest tip of Portugal. He says that he found a villa available as a long-term rental which was “very cheap” and that was enough to establish residency.

The living is easy in Portugal, according to Deley, who says the southern coastline of the Algarve offers the perks of Los Angeles — a warm climate and great surf — but without the traffic jams. And there is a solid social scene.

“It’s full of expats. It’s just paradise,” continued Deley. He says that he knows of at least three bitcoin billionaires who live nearby — plus another 12 people at least, mostly from the U.K., who are moving to Portugal in the next few months for the crypto tax benefits.

Deley doesn’t speak Portuguese, but he says that’s not a problem because everyone speaks English. He is also surrounded by a lot of like-minded crypto investors. “Everyone has cryptocurrency here. Everyone knows bitcoin. Everyone has it,” he said.

Deley says the crypto investor migration is good for Portugal, too.

“They have a huge brain drain. Younger people are leaving. So they’re trying to be more open to people with capital, digital nomads,” said Deley.

Meanwhile, Didi Taihuttu of the ‘Bitcoin Family’ wants to disrupt the typical expat experience in Portugal by building a crypto village.

The family is currently shopping for real estate. They’ve narrowed their options down to three different plots of land, one as big as 250,000 acres, in the Algarve.

The plan is to run the community in a decentralized fashion, in which the land is divvied up by the square meter and sold as non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, in order to signify ownership.

Taihuttu also wants to mine for bitcoin with solar and wind power and then use the heat produced by the rigs to warm houses in the winter, in a sort of closed-loop system.

The working plan, for now, is to use a decentralized autonomous organization, or DAO, to govern the community. DAOs run on blockchain technology.

“We want to build a decentralized lifestyle, which is the future,” he said.

In the meantime, the Taihuttus found an abandoned inn and are retrofitting it to be the first web3 hotel in the Algarve that is financed and owned by the community.

Countries cracking down on Sam Altman's eyeball scanning crypto project over privacy concerns

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Industry first: Komatsu reveals power agnostic 320 ton haul truck




Industry first: Komatsu reveals power agnostic 320 ton haul truck

Japanese equipment giant Komatsu dropped its new, 320-ton Power Agnostic 930E mining truck at MinsExpo trade show in Las Vegas, calling it a future-ready solution that can run on diesel, hydrogen, or pure electric power.

Komatsu continues to develop alternative engine technology with the release of its first commercial rigid-frame dump truck with a “power agnostic” platform for running on diesel, hydrogen, or even battery electric power.

That’s because the platform is designed around the concept of a modular powertrain. The design not only gives the Komatsu assembly line an easy way to build diesel, BEV, and hydrogen fuel cell rigid haulers on the same line, but also enables customers to upgrade from diesel to battery electric or hydrogen down the road, if and when whatever logistical obstacles that are preventing them from running an electric or hydrogen solution today are overcome.

“This platform enables mining companies to start with conventional diesel engines and gradually transition to cleaner energy sources as needed, including utilization of trolley assist for diesel or as one of the future dynamic charging solutions for battery trucks to reduce fuel consumption and emissions,” reads Komatsu’s press material. “Whether adopting battery technology, hydrogen fuel cell technology or a combination of energy systems, the Power Agnostic 930E provides the infrastructure and adaptability necessary to meet evolving sustainability goals.”

Potential customers got a sneak peek at the concept truck, which they were apparently allowed to test at Komatsu’s Arizona proving grounds ahead of MineExpo (I wasn’t invited). The first pre-production Power Agnostic 930E prototype will make its way to Sweden in the coming months, where it will be put to work alongside other electric Komatsu machines in Boliden’s Aitik copper mine, one of the largest such operations on the European continent.

Electrek’s Take

Komatsu Power Agnostic 930E; via Komatsu.

Converting gas and diesel-fueled cars to electric at scale is a concept that’s fraught with problems. Far too many to list here, in fact. But heavy equipment?

Everything from excavators to loaders to heavy trucks are already built to be powertrain agnostic, and manufacturers will often offer the same basic vehicle with Cummins, Detroit Diesel, or Volvo Pentapower, so there’s a degree of openness baked into those systems already. Komatsu is just taking that to the next level by adding a modularity of energy storage (fuel tanks, hydrogen cells, or battery packs) to the mix. And, if the project is successful, it could be the first of many.

SOURCE | IMAGES: Komatsu; Equipment World.

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isinwheel has an electric ride for everyone – check out these 6 standouts




isinwheel has an electric ride for everyone – check out these 6 standouts

isinwheel’s terrific personal EVs “bring all the things you want closer to you.” Whether it’s an electric scooter, an e-bike, or an e-skateboard, the three things you’re guaranteed to get no matter which you choose are fun, safety, and affordability.

We’re taking a closer look below at six of isinwheel’s personal EVs – could one of these be your next electric ride?

Table of contents

isinwheel S9Pro commuting electric scooter

Meet the isinwheel S9Pro, the best value-for-money electric scooter that zips you through your day at speeds up to 19 mph with a range of 19 miles – perfect for your daily commute.

The S9Pro‘s powerful 350W motor delivers a smooth, efficient ride without breaking the bank. With a lightweight, foldable aluminum frame, it’s easy to carry, store, and even pop into your car trunk or onto public transport. Plus, the quick one-step folding mechanism makes it the ultimate on-the-go companion.

You can find the S9Pro on Amazon here.

isinwheel S10Max long-range electric scooter

The isinwheel S10Max is your ultimate high-performance ride, powered by a beastly 1000W motor that conquers any terrain with ease. With an impressive range of up to 37 miles, you can enjoy long-distance adventures without worrying about recharging.

The S10Max‘s all-terrain 10-inch off-road tires, paired with dual shock absorption, provide unbeatable grip and stability whether you’re cruising through city streets, on country paths, or on muddy trails.

You can find the S10Max on Amazon here.

isinwheel GT2 off-road electric scooter


Unleash your adventurous side with the isinwheel GT2. With a powerful 1000W motor, it rockets up to 28 mph, effortlessly conquering steep hills and challenging landscapes for a thrilling ride every time.

Its 11-inch off-road tires are built for all terrains, whether you’re cruising through the city or tackling rugged countryside paths. Plus, with four advanced shock absorbers, every ride is smooth and stable, no matter where your journey takes you. Get ready to ride the GT2 and experience performance like never before!

You can find the GT2 on Amazon here.

isinwheel M10 electric commuter bike


The isinwheel M10 electric commuter bike blends style with power. Crafted from lightweight, rust-resistant aluminum alloy, this sleek ride weighs just 47 pounds, making it easy to carry and tough enough to last.

With a professional 35-speed transmission, the M10 adapts to your every need, whether you’re accelerating, cruising downhill, or conquering steep inclines. With a 500W motor capacity, a top speed of 20 mph, 374 Wh battery capacity, and four hours of charging time, it’s the perfect blend of performance and convenience for your daily commute!

You can find the M10 on Amazon here.

isinwheel U1 folding electric bike


Say hello to the versatile isinwheel U1! With folding handlebars, pedals, and a height-adjustable seat, it’s perfect for easy storage and transport. The U1’s 500W motor comes with a smart chip that instantly adapts to give you that extra boost when you hit an incline, face a headwind, or carry more weight.

The U1 has a top speed of 18 mph, 280 Wh of battery capacity, and three hours of charging time. Whether you’re zipping through city streets or tackling hills, the U1 has you covered with power and portability.

You can find the U1 on Amazon here.

Check out isinwheel’s V8, V6 and V10 electric skateboards

The isinwheel V8 electric skateboard is your ticket to thrilling rides, featuring a top speed of 28 mph and a range of up to 12 miles. Its removable, detachable batteries allow for quick swaps, so you can extend your adventure with ease. Choose from four riding modes and let the gorgeous ambient lights make you stand out, whether you’re cruising in daylight or lighting up the night. With its powerful dual 540W motors and regenerative braking system, the V8 delivers a ride that’s as exhilarating as it is stylish.

The V8 is isinwheel’s first-gen electric skateboard, and we’ve also taken it to the next level. The V6 is perfect for teens and beginners, and the high-performance V10 is for those who crave more power. But we’re not stopping there – this September, we’re launching the V6 PRO, the ultimate cool ride for young skaters and newbies. Stay tuned; it’s going to be epic!

You can find the V8/V6/V10 on Amazon here.

Follow isinwheel on Instagram here, on X here, on YouTube here, and on Facebook here.

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Score a sporty new Fiat 500e at more than 30% off MSRP




Score a sporty new Fiat 500e at more than 30% off MSRP

It’s no Ferrari, but owning a sporty little Fiat 500e is about as close to putting a cavallino rampante in the garage as most of us will ever get. And if we act soon, we could do just that for 30% less money than before.

Fiat parent company Stellantis is giving dealers the ability to offer buyers up to $3,000 in coupons and incentives to help move its slow-selling 2024 FIAT 500e coupes. When paired with a $7,500 factory lease credit through Stellantis Financial, those coupons lead CarsDirect analysts to call the 500e one of the most affordable new EVs on the market.

The math maths

2024 FIAT (500e) RED in Miami; via Stellantis.

Between coupons and Stellantis Financial cash, that’s $10,500 in potential discounts before negotiations even begin. With a base MSRP of $34,095 with destination for a 2024 500e, that’s a JC Penney-style 31% off, with an additional 2% (presumably) within easy reach.

According to CarsDirect, the biggest downside of the coupon program is that it’s still unadvertised, which means there’s no way of telling how much of the allowable discount dealers are actually including in prices. But (as GI Joe taught us) knowing is half the battle, so click here to find deals on a new Fiat 500e near you, and make “are you applying those $3,000 in Stellantis coupons” one of your first questions.

Electrek’s Take

2024 FIAT (500e) RED interior; via Stellantis.

Small cars have never sold well in America. Not even great ones like the OG Honda CRX or Suzuki Swift GTi. Americans tend to buy for low use case scenarios, which is a fancy way of saying that, if an American thinks they’ll need a pickup 2-3 days/year, they’ll convince themselves to drive a pickup for the other 362 days. The British want more taxes than Americans wanted to pay in 1775, and today we have more gun shops than McDonald’s … just in case.

The little Fiat, in other words, was never going to be a volume player in the US. And that’s too bad, because the little 117 hp microcar is, by all accounts, fun to drive, zippy, and unquestionably cool. The media at large, though, has complained about the 37 kWh battery and 149 miles of EPA range – calling both “inadequate,” despite the fact that the first-generation Nissan LEAF had objectively inferior specs and sold 200,000 examples before getting its first significant upgrade in 2016. And, frankly, that Nissan had about as much style as a hospital gown.

So, while it may not offer what most car buyers think they need – as a second car, or a fun, urban runabout for lighthearted singles, the little Fiat is tough to beat (especially in red).

Click here to see what it will cost to put one in your garage.

SOURCE | IMAGES: Stellantis, via CarsDirect.

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