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Lots of Great Choices But One Size Wont Fit All A full-size 1911, decked out with many of today’s popular features. This example is a stainless .45 ACP Kimber Eclipse, factory equipped with adjustable night sights.

The U.S. Military is now into their second generation of standard-issue pistols since the Government Model 1911 was phased out. Replaced by the M-9 (Beretta M-92 FS) in 1985, the M17/18 (Sig P320) came next during 2017. Thus, except for those long in the tooth with military handgun experience, the 1911 is probably regarded more as an abstract relic by many veterans.

That may be true, but the Government Model is still a strong contender in the civilian market. Available in numerous calibers and sizes, many are true eye candy.

Polymer pistols enjoy strong sales, but the seemingly immortal Model 1911 Government Model still soldiers on. In fact, nowadays, old slab-sides has even been hybridized, one recent example being Springfield Armorys high-capacity Prodigy. And like the majority of todays single-stacks, this high-cap rendition incorporates features that were previously custom extras.

Prior to (and even well into) the debut of the Glock, many commercial Government Models started life pretty much as their military counterparts had. Three nearly obligatory upgrades were extended (beavertail) grip safeties, larger thumb safety pads, and a better set of sights the latter the topic of this post. 1911 Sights – Many Options Basic G.I. Sights

A genuine U.S. issued Government Model is a Spartan example of todays possibilities. In fact, for those of us old enough to have carried one, the forty-five was already dated, the most recent issued specimens dating to World War II.

Lord knows mine had certainly seen its share of hard knocks, as evidenced by its appearance – and interesting history. Captured (actually recaptured) from an opponent no longer in need of its use, unlike some other battlefield pickups we frequently encountered, it was still configured as issued at some point during its murky past. I wish Id recorded its markings, but priorities were different at the time.

After giving my new acquisition a thorough going over, it became my constant companion. Through some creative scrounging, I eventually accumulated a large stash of .45 Hardball rounds and magazines. The .45 is arguably one of several useful calibers to own, but one remaining loose end was the pistols bore, which showed heavily worn rifling. That problem was solved through dumb luck when, during a trip to the rear, I managed to score a new barrel. Today Id obsess over its fitting and confirm the results via careful range testing.

Ignorance being bliss, I simply dropped in the replacement barrel and proceeded to ventilate an ammo can from around twenty paces. More luck: A satisfying seven-round group formed directly above the pistols sights and, from that point on, the old G.I. .45 performed admirably.

Back to the subject at hand, I never remotely considered its sights a hindrance. I attribute this to the following: At the time, my eyes were a whole lot younger. When I finally handed my trusty old Government Model off to a buddy, they, along with the rest of me, were only 21 years old. Related to the above, Im a product of the era preceding computers, tablets and blue screens. During my pre-military days, phones had rotary dials and cords. Most households had televisions (initially black & white), but programming was limited to three networks received via rabbit ears or roof antennas. The expectation was, kids would either be in school or outdoors during daylight hours, with evenings reserved for homework. Result: My tender baby blues hadnt been fried by steady exposure to electronics.

Earlier on, both of my parents were Word War II veterans who grew up without any visually based electronics other than incandescent lighting – still a novelty in many regions of the U.S. when they were kids. And the Model 1911 predates them both.

Im betting the sights of my Grandfathers Navy-issued World War I version were perfectly adequate for his non-light-polluted eyes. Lots of other old handguns from that period have seemingly rudimentary sights. True enough by todays standards, but maybe their owners could actually see! The fabled U.S. Government Model .45 as it appeared in 1911. Produced by Colt and configured as issued prior to the A-1 version, this example may have been through World War 1. By today’s standards its sights are rudimentary appendages but, during that era, many shooters may have had better eyes.

Anyhow, those days are long gone. And on a personal note, the issued sights of my old 1911 would be close to useless for my now aged eyes.

Good news: Due to the ongoing popularity of this pistol, there are lots of great aiming choices today almost too many. The options include fixed or adjustable sights configured as three-dot versions, fiber optics, night sights, and even small battery-powered red dot units. Where to begin? Red Dot Sights

Today, the aiming system for many shooters young and old is a miniaturized red dot sight (MRDS). These small electronic sights have advanced from novelty status to mainstream – to the point where many currently produced pistols are now offered with optics ready slides, or as fully decked-out packages. However, pickings are still lean among traditional 1911 offerings. And, as far as Im concerned, thats okay. Heck, even with an aluminum frame a standard-size 5-inch version is already quite a handful.

Previous size issues have been addressed through todays genre of carry-friendly pistols, many of which are striker-fired compact 9mms. Thus, manufacturers of 1911s, aiming to please, now offer a number of competing smaller versions chambered for not only .45 ACP, but also 9mm. However, unlike the growing list of other compact pistols, optics-ready versions are conspicuously absent.

The reason probably boils down to reliable function. As originally designed, the Government Model was engineered to fire .45 Automatic Colt Pistol cartridges. The platform has since been adapted to fire a number of other calibers, but function-wise, the .45 ACP has always been the gold standard.

And, across the board, reliability becomes increasingly problematic commensurate with decreasing size, due to greater slide velocities and steeper unlocking angles. Fortunately, thanks to stiff demand and the ensuing R&D, most of these issues have now been overcome, and most of todays smaller 1911s will run reliably – in their factory form.

But, when it comes to MRDS offerings, among Kimbers extensive line, the only listed option is a Custom Shop 10mm version, (equipped with a Leupold Delta Point Pro). Likewise, Springfield Armory has a generous listing of 1911s, however, their MRDS platform is the high-cap Prodigy. 

That said, the 1911 has been adapted to accommodate small optical systems. Beyond MRDS base adapters, existing slides can be machined (at considerable expense), or they can be purchased pre-machined from reputable sources such as Ed Brown: Ed brown 1911 Government Slide.

The great feature of Browns full-sized slide is, its machined for Trijicons 1911 RMR Mount, which ships with an integral night-sight and a dovetailed (NS green) front. The sights are tall enough to co-witness (lower 1/3) with Trijicons excellent RMR dot sights, providing the best of both worlds.

Playing it safe, a satisfactory installation will likely require the services of a competent gunsmith possessing the correct sight fixtures. Attempt to install a dovetailed night sight with a hammer and brass drift and you may discover its Tritium lamp is suddenly kaput. Also, theres the associated expenses. Labor aside, the slide costs around $352, and the RMR mount is $211. Factor in more money for slide components.

Alternate solutions include small aftermarket bases designed to fit factory rear sight slots, something Id just as soon skip – at least for defensive purposes. Durable Iron Sight Options

Jumping back in time, if I ould only add one upgrade to my battle-worn G.I. .45, it would have to be a foolproof set of iron sights, effective in all lighting conditions to include darkness. In fight-mode, durability would take top-billing over precise aiming.

Based on good results with two sight sets on a pair of small S&W polymer pistols (a 9mm Shield and .380 Bodyguard), Id look hard at XD Sights Big Dots for a 1911. The front sight is humongous, but its express design nevertheless affords more precision than one might expect and its also fast. An XS Big Dot Sight set shown here atop an S&W .380 Bodyguard. Although highly visible, they almost look too basic to provide any degree of accuracy. But in reality, they work surprisingly well.

Another route, circling back to Kimber, their Rapide comes factory-equipped with a set of TRUGLO TFX Pro Day/Night Sights. As for the sights themselves, if you log on to TRUGLOs site, you can peruse Truglo’s 1911 offerings. While youre at it, note the slide cuts which are listed as Novak LoMount patterns. Kimber’s full-size .45 ACP Rapide (top) ships with TRUGLO’s TFX Pro Day/Night Sights featuring fiber-optic & Tritium elements. Its smaller 9mm cousin, the 9mm Micro 9 ESV, is sold with Kimber’s low-profile night sights. Sights & Slides

The above is no more than a tiny sampler of the myriad sight possibilities. Nowadays, more 1911s are probably produced with slides machined to accept sights other than those of the original Colt/ Government Model. Rear Sights

Todays more common 1911 slide cuts correspond with the following sights:

Novak LoMount Introduced by Novak Designs in 1985, these streamlined low profile rear sights quickly caught on for defensive use, to the point where they became factory-issue for a number of pistol manufacturers. The line has since expanded to include versions for standard G.I. slides, as well as adjustable Novak models. See the variety of Novak sights.

As originally conceived by Novak, the sloping rear sight can sit low in a slide because it nests in a proprietary cut. But it wasnt the first designed for use in an altered slide. The Novak rear sight (L) is a night-sight version equipped with Tritium inserts that glow 24/7. Elevation is fixed but windage adjustments can be made after loosening the sight’s central setscrew. The fully adjustable BoMar (R) has softened blade corners but it’s really more of a target sight.

Elliason For many years the 1911 has been brought to a fine level of accuracy through careful fitting of its barrel, bushing, slide and frame, etc. Better sights were part of the package so, when Colt introduced a factory Gold Cup National Match version, it was sold with an adjustable rear sight. Recessed into its slide via a proprietary longitudinal slot, several iterations progressed to include a 1965 Eliasson design secured with a somewhat fragile cross-pin.

BoMar BMCS The emergence of the BoMar design provided a stronger low-mounted alternative to the Gold Cups sights. Although BoMar is no longer in business, fortunately for us, the design continues to thrive. Its offered by several manufacturers, using a unique inset crosswise slide cut. Commonly seen atop serious competition 1911s, its also adaptable to defensive roles through the use of melted sight blades featuring Tritium inserts. A closeup view of a Bo-Mar sight. The serrated windage and elevation screws provide precise clicks permitting regulated adjustments. It sits low on the slide thanks to its unique “dovetail” pattern. Sometimes referred to as a “BoMar”, the firm is no longer in business, but a number of other manufacturers now produce it.

LPA TRT Similar to the BoMar pattern, the elevation screw is located differently, another proprietary design.

The takeaway: Particularly when upgrading to todays great rear sight options, much like MRDS footprints, there is no universal size. But, thanks to the Internet, the necessary information is only a click away. Front Sights

The 1911s original front sight was staked, using a stem that protruded through the slide. Done right its secure enough (not all of em are). Two 1911 front sight examples. The sight on the Government Model slide to the right is attached via the original staking system. The dovetailed version is mounted to a “melted” slide, softened for snag-free holster use.

Replacements are available, but today, more slides feature horizontal dovetail cuts compatible with numerous useful designs. Beyond the various aiming options, different heights will usually correct elevation errors. However, because many are super-tight fits, as noted above, a properly designed fixture is the ticket to a damage-free installation. Also, since dovetail cuts can vary, matching combinations are required. There’s no missing this Remington 1911’s highly visible fiber-optic front sight – at least, not during daylight hours! Although less durable than an all-steel type, if the element breaks the sight’s body will probably survive. A new element can easily be installed (including one of a different color) with a nail-clipper and Butane lighter. Lasers

Today, most lights and lasers are mounted to pistols via their integral accessory rails. The process is simple, but a new holster will probably be necessary. Say you already have an older pistol, possibly a 1911 of vintage stock. Assuming it runs reliably, one easy-to-install aiming upgrade is a laser.

As long as the pistol is built to spec, its grip panels can be exchanged a set of Crimson Trace Laser grips. Its a simple kitchen table job requiring no more than a screwdriver. The laser can be zeroed off the iron sights without firing a shot (verify through some shooting), and a standard holster will probably work just fine. A holster friendly set of Crimson Trace Laser Grips attached to a compact Kimber Covert .45 ACP 1911. The laser’s emitter is located in the upper front corner of the grip panel. Activation is per the pressure pad below the pistol’s trigger guard.

If a rail is preferred you can buy a 1911 so equipped, but the pistol will gain weight and need a different holster. Parting Shots

For precise shooting, my hands-down favorite set of 1911 sights consist of a black BoMar adjustable rear (0.115 wide notch) paired with a narrow (0.110), highly visible green fiber-optic front. But, with defense as a top priority, durability should lead, followed closely by fast acquisition in all lighting conditions. And if the rear sight incorporates a shelf permitting a single-handed slide rack, so much the better. Generally, these designs will be fixed, but some adjustable versions can be reasonable picks. BoMar type night sight variations: The Kimber Eclipse set (L) has a horizontal bar, useful insurance against alignment mix-ups during low light situations. Wilson’s “pyramid” design is less likely to snag but still presents a clean sight picture.

A Wilson KZ-9 on hand here is such an example: Like the STI (now Stacatto 2011), this 4-inch 1911 is an earlier hybrid high-cap design. I ordered it with Wilsons BoMar-type Tritium pyramid rear (0.125 notch) and, because it’s a defensive pistol, its Tritium front sight is a bolder 0.125 fast to pick up on the move. The night-sights of a 4 single-stack Kimber I owned produced high hits. That issue was resolved by replacing its Novak-type fixed rear with an adjustable Miniature Machine unit. An example of a small retrofitted rear sight. Initially equipped with a fixed Novak-type night-sight rear, this 4″ Kimber 9mm shot high. Point of impact was corrected via the adjustable Miniature Machine unit, complete with Tritium elements.

If starting from scratch, the simplest route is a 1911 already set up to meet personal needs. If it may serve more as a foundation for future upgrades, a factory-dovetailed front sight is worthwhile. Stick with mainstream domestic manufacturers and the dovetails will offer no surprises.

And beliee me, Im only scratching the surface! Google 1911 Sights and fasten your seatbelt. Maybe, sit on your wallet, too! For more information about the 1911 and other handguns, here’s a link to Handguns: A Buyer’s and Shooter’s Guide. Handguns: A Buyer’s and Shooter’s Guide (Survival Guns) Markwith, Steve (Author)English (Publication Language) $19.95 Buy on Amazon

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New team, new timeline? What to expect out of Ritchie, Minten, other traded NHL prospects




New team, new timeline? What to expect out of Ritchie, Minten, other traded NHL prospects

The 2025 NHL trade deadline featured some major players on the move and vaulted both the Florida Panthers and Dallas Stars to the top of the Stanley Cup contender conversation.

Close behind them are the Colorado Avalanche, Toronto Maple Leafs, Edmonton Oilers, Carolina Hurricanes and Winnipeg Jets. Many of those teams moved high-end prospects to bolster their lineup, meaning some less-competitive teams got key pieces for their future.

How will those prospects impact their new teams? When will they play meaningful minutes at the NHL level? Teams and their fans are asking all those questions. Here are scouting notes on eight of the most prominent, including Calum Ritchie, Fraser Minten and Brendan Brisson.

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Fights, penalties fill wild 3rd in Sabres-Wings




Fights, penalties fill wild 3rd in Sabres-Wings

DETROIT — Buffalo‘s Alex Tuch and Detroit captain Michael Rasmussen were the first to drop the gloves in the fight-filled third period of the Red Wings’ 7-3 victory Wednesday night.

They weren’t even among the 11 players assessed 10-minute misconduct penalties in the final frame. Six were from Buffalo, the other five from Detroit.

The final tally from the third: 136 of the game’s 150 penalty minutes, all but two of those either roughing, fighting or misconducts.

The scuffles, including a near-brawl with multiple simultaneous fights, overshadowed the fourth five-point night of Patrick Kane‘s 18-year career in the highest-scoring game of the season for the Red Wings, who stopped a six-game losing streak. Kane had two goals and three assists.

The Detroit lead was 6-3 when Tuch and Rasmussen faced off with eight minutes remaining. They posed with their fists raised for almost as long as the fight lasted, which was only a few seconds.

Less than a minute later, Detroit’s J.T. Compher and Jordan Greenway of Buffalo got tangled up. After the whistle, their scrum was very brief — but bad enough that both went to locker room with game misconducts. Greenway gave officials an ear full on his way off the ice.

The other nine misconducts came at the 16:51 mark, punctuated by one of the referees announcing a roughing penalty for Detroit defenseman Simon Edvinsson before saying, “All the other guys are going to have a misconduct.” The list included Edvinsson.

Buffalo had just five players on the bench by game’s end after Beck Malenstyn was sent off for roughing in the final minute along with Detroit’s Moritz Seider.

“There was a lot of emotion out there,” the Sabres’ Tage Thompson told reporters. “And we had a lot of frustration with how things had gone during the game.”

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.

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Rantanen happy in Dallas, denies ex-coach’s claim




Rantanen happy in Dallas, denies ex-coach's claim

FRISCO, Texas — Newly acquired Dallas Stars forward Mikko Rantanen says he’s pleased with where he landed while denying his former coach’s claim that he gave Carolina a list of teams he preferred in a trade, and the Hurricanes weren’t on it.

Rantanen addressed reporters after his first practice with the Stars on Wednesday. He played two games in Canada on a four-game road trip interrupted at the halfway point by a four-day break.

The star forward had a goal and an assist in a 5-4 loss to Edmonton on Saturday, then scored again on an empty-netter in a 4-1 victory in Vancouver the next night.

The Stars play at Central Division-leading Winnipeg on Friday before a Sunday visit to Colorado. Rantanen was abruptly traded by the Avalanche to Carolina on Jan. 24, then moved again with the Hurricanes worried they would lose the 28-year-old in free agency without getting anything in return.

Carolina coach Rod Brind’Amour told a radio station in Raleigh, North Carolina, this week that Rantanen told the front office he was only willing to sign his next contract with four teams, and Carolina was not on that list.

“I saw some things were said that I had a list of teams ready when I went (to Carolina), but that’s false,” Rantanen said. “Obviously, it was a big shock to leave Colorado, but I went (to Carolina) with an open mind and tried my best on the ice.”

The Dallas deal came together the morning of the trade deadline Friday, after Stars general manager Jim Nill went to bed the night before believing the sides wouldn’t be able to agree on a contract extension to complete the deal.

Rantanen signed an eight-year, $96 million contract with Dallas as part of the trade. The Hurricanes acquired promising young forward Logan Stankoven along with two first-round picks and two third-rounders.

“When I put the jersey on there, I tried my best and just decided just a little bit before the deadline that Carolina would probably get a better return for me if I would do a sign and trade,” Rantanen said. “That it would be better for their team rather than me being a rental and going somewhere to play. So that was the decision. I want to make it clear that I was open-minded in Carolina and really thought about staying there.”

Rantanen will have to wait to see how fans react to his return to Colorado. The 10th overall pick of the 2015 draft spent his first nine-plus seasons with the Avalanche, getting 681 points (287 goals, 394 assists) in 619 regular-season games. He has 101 points (34 goals, 67 assists) in 81 playoff games.

“Colorado was always where I wanted to stay, but I understand it’s business and they made a decision,” Rantanen said. “I tried my best in Carolina and I’m here now and I’m so happy to be here, locked in for eight years with a good team and with good coaches. I’m thankful for Dallas to have the trust in me.”

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