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Unlike the media, I have not exactly been fawning over the huge box office numbers this past weekend. But even I must admit that its rather fascinating to see this kind of success for a film that centers around one of the most devastating and deadly inventions in the history of the human race. Indeed it is not every day that audiences flock to see a movie about a weapon of mass destruction. And of course lots of people also went to see Oppenheimer.

But Barbie was the bigger film, and it tells the story of a vastly more destructive force. I dont mean the Barbie doll, but rather feminism. Not every man-made weapon of mass death is as obvious as a nuclear bomb. Mushroom clouds are easy to comprehend; the significance is obvious. But the more abstract, intangible threats to human life can be far deadlier than nukes.

With that in mind, a few days ago, I tweeted this factually true statement. Here it is:

This is a good time to remember that feminism has killed far more people than the atomic bomb. It is perhaps the most destructive force in human history. Trans ideology, its offshoot, is competing for the title.

Thats what I wrote. Predictably, there was outrage from the Left. That was always going to happen, of course, no matter what I said. I could tweet something really obvious like two plus two equals four or something really innocuous like I enjoy pancakes and theyd still call me a bigot and report my account, demanding that I be deplatformed. So it was no surprise that this admittedly slightly more provocative statement meant that I would trend on the site for multiple days as the outraged masses had a series of temper tantrums about it.

I dont need to give you examples of their responses. Theyre exactly what you expect. Matt Walsh is a fascist. He hates women. Hes a misogynist. Etcetera and so forth. The only mildly interesting feedback came from the so-called gender critical feminists the feminists who oppose trans ideology who reacted to my statement as if it was some kind of deep betrayal. We are on the same side on the trans issue, which means that I am apparently required to pretend that feminism is good. This is a contract I didnt realize I signed. But well return to the gender critical set in a few minutes.

Lets get, first, to the substance of my claim. As far as that goes, feminisms status as a historically destructive force in human history is as clear as day. To begin with, if you accept that unborn babies are human beings (which obviously they are, because they can be nothing else), then we can directly blame feminism for 60 million deaths in the United States alone. When I pointed this out, Martina Navratilova, tennis legend and outspoken feminist, responded:

A fetus is not a baby, what a moronic thing to say. You spout about language used by the trans lobby and then do the same calling embryos babies! Hypocrite much?

Well, Martina, I guess I need to ask you an even more basic question than the one I ask trans activists: what is a human? Can you answer that, Martina? I bet you cant. I guarantee you cannot come up with a coherent definition of human that excludes unborn children. You cannot coherently define human or person in a way that allows you to be one, but leaves unborn humans out in the cold. The word fetus, Martina, simply means offspring. You are pretending that there is some sort of innate, definitional distinction between offspring and baby a distinction that you believe is so important that it gives us the moral right to destroy fetuses en masse. But a baby is the young offspring of two human parents. They mean the same thing. The only thing that the word baby does is stipulate which stage of development the offspring is currently going through. A human in the womb is in a stage of human development. A 6-month-old outside the womb is in a stage of human development. Same for teenagers and middle-aged former tennis players. These are stages of development, they are ages. If you say it is okay to kill fetuses but not babies you might as well say it is okay to kill 41-year-olds but not 42-year-olds. The position makes no sense.

We are left with the harsh reality that abortion has killed 60 million human beings a death toll that can be laid squarely at the feet of feminism, since feminism has made the defense and promotion of this atrocity into one of its core tenets. That already puts it at least in the running for most destructive, competing perhaps only with communism. But the distinction between feminism and communism is not absolute. These are related ideologies. Marx and Engels called for the abolition of the nuclear family, just as many modern feminists do. Well get into that soon. WATCH: Why Feminism Is One Of The Deadliest And Most Destructive Forces In Human History

In the past century, feminists have succeeded in destroying the nuclear family to a degree that American communists could only dream of. According to a study from Child Trends, just 9% of children lived with single parents in the 1960s, before the rise of modern feminism. By 2012, that number had increased to nearly 30%. In 2019, Pew found that the United States has the highest rate of children living in single-family homes of any country in the world.

Divorce is a major factor driving these numbers. From the 1960s to the 1980s divorce rates in the U.S. more than doubled. Youll often see studies showing that, in the last few years, divorce rates are down but thats because many people arent bothering to get married in the first place anymore. Given what were seeing, its impossible to argue that the family unit hasnt been dramatically weakened due to the influence of feminism. If you accept that the family is an essential building block of civilization, then were left with an ideology that has murdered enough children to fill 800 football stadiums and eaten away at the very fabric of civilization in the process.

Feminisms defenders, even on the Right, will point out that in spite of all of this, feminists gave us womens suffrage and allowed women to take out mortgages and credit cards. But even if I agree that we needed feminism, specifically, to bring about these changes and I dont they still dont begin to outweigh the cost. If I could trade in womens suffrage to get back the 60 million humans that feminism killed, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Another defense youll hear from feminists, and many on the Right, is that first wave feminism was good, and the second wave was okay but the others were where it went off the rails. These people will attempt to argue that the first and second waves of feminism are somehow distinct from the modern incarnations. All they cared about, supposedly, were basic human rights. This is a common misconception. Even the blessed first wavers were generally anti-man and anti-family.

Mary Wollstonecraft, considered one of the founders of the feminist movement, had so much disdain for marriage that she wrote two novels about it.

Jane Addams, another much-celebrated first-wave feminist, supported eugenics .

Margaret Fuller, one of the most widely cited first-wave feminists, wrote extensively about marriage. But she also argued that unmarried life leads to a greater connection with the divine. Heres a passage from her book Woman in the 19th Century, in which Fuller praises unmarried women, who she calls old maids, because they arent shackled to their husbands.

Not needing to care that she may please a husband, a frail and limited being, her thoughts may turn to the center, and she may, by steadfast contemplation enter into the secret of truth and love.

There are many more examples, but really, all you need to do is look at what happened after first-wave feminism. Just a few short decades later we got the legalization of baby murder nationwide, as well as overt calls for the abolition of the nuclear family.

They werent exactly subtle about it. One of the most famous second-wave feminists, Kate Millet, is known precisely because she wanted to destroy marriage and thetraditional family unit. That was her whole pitch. Heres a quote from Millets dissertation Sexual Politics.

A sexual revolution would require an end of traditional sexual inhibitions and taboos, particularly those that most threaten patriarchal monogamous marriage: homosexuality, illegitimacy, adolescence, pre and extramarital sexuality. The goal of revolution would be a permissive single standard of sexual freedom, and one uncorrupted by the crass and exploitative economic bases of traditional sexual alliances.

Millet goes on to admit, in the understatement of the century,

It seems unlikely all this could take place without drastic effect upon the patriarchal proprietary family.

She also argues that the nuclear family is an obstacle which precludes a womans contribution to the larger society and complains that the traditional method of child care i.e. a mother taking care of her own children is unsystematic and inefficient. This is feminism, 50 years ago, outwardly opposed to the nuclear family, the very foundation of human civilization itself.

It goes without saying that Millet was also a big proponent of abortion; she said she considers the legalization of abortion to be one of the great achievements of the feminist movement. This is the belief system that virtually all second-wave feminists endorsed destroy the family, and kill children.

Now, ask yourself this question: If feminism was such an obvious good in its original incarnation, then how in the hell could it have devolved into an anti-family, pro-abortion feeding frenzy in the span of a few decades? Its like saying the Bolsheviks had the right idea, but who could have predicted the gulags?

If most people will agree that every wave of feminism was a disaster except for the first one, then a thinking person must start to wonder whether that first one was really so great after all. A thinking person might start to see that even in its first wave there were the kernels, the poisonous seeds, that would soon sprout into this hideous, deformed tree that we all see today. A tree with many branches, and one of those branches is trans ideology.

The gender critical feminists, mentioned earlier, are critical of trans ideology but they dont understand how their own movement created it. The feminists are the ones who first argued that men and women are basically the same aside from meaningless anatomical differences. They are the ones who declared that most sex differences are social constructs. They dont want to admit any of this, of course. So, some gender critical feminists have tried to flip this around and say that those of us with traditional views on sex have been the ones to set the stage for trans ideology. The feminist writer Helen Joyce made this argument last year when she was asked about my film What Is A Woman? Watch: Helen Joyce articulated perfectly the problem with Matt Walsh and how he is part of the problem of trans ideology. They might want to watch.

RachelKnewBest (@RachelBowljiffy) July 25, 2023

Thats interesting, Helen. You are saying that rigid gender roles give rise to trans ideology. Well, Helen, did you watch the section of the film where I go to the Masai tribe in Kenya? They have extremely well-defined gender roles, and have for literally thousands of years, and yet theyve never even heard of transgenderism. In fact, my traditional view of sex was the dominant view across the entire world, everywhere, in all places, since the dawn of human civilization up until just this past century. And yet for thousands and thousands and thousands of years traditional gender roles never led to any woman cutting her breasts off in an attempt to identify as a man. Have you thought about this Helen? If my view of sex is old and ancient which it absolutely is, I admit that proudly and if my view also leads directly to trans ideology, then why isnt trans ideology also old and ancient? Do you see the problem here?

No, trans ideology came about directly on the high heels of feminism. Why? Because, again, feminists are the ones who first argued that men and women are effectively the same, aside from what they considered insignificant anatomical differences. Feminists are the ones who declared that all gender roles and gender stereotypes are social constructs. For many decades if anyone argued that women can compete with men in sports, and do everything men can do, it would have been a feminist. Now that argument primarily comes from trans activists, and you want to pretend that they arent saying exactly what your club has been saying for like a century. Its absurd.

Helen, you say that I understand that a man is a male person and a woman is a female person, but that I think a whole bunch of other things follow from that. Yes, you are exactly right. I think that being a man means something, and it means more than just anatomy. And being a woman means something, and it means more than just anatomy. What you dont understand is that your rejection of this principle, your claim that a whole bunch of things DONT follow from being a man or a woman, that being a man or a woman has essentially no significance aside from differences in sex organs, means that you and your ideology are to blame for exactly the thing you pretend to be fighting against.

But its no surprise that such a murderous and evil ideology refuses to be honest with the world. Feminism has brought about destruction, misery, and confusion. So much confusion that it is even confused about itself. Which is why, so often, the feminists themselves seem to understand feminism least of all. This is what you get from an ideology whose primary goal is to dismantle and destabilize. A goal that it has certainly achieved.

It was Oppenheimer who said the words quoting Hindu scripture but feminism has a much greater claim to the title: Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds. And that is feminism in a nutshell.

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Online estate planning firm Trust & Will raises $25 million in funding round that includes Northwestern Mutual, UBS




Online estate planning firm Trust & Will raises  million in funding round that includes Northwestern Mutual, UBS

Trust & Will founders, Cody Barbo (CEO), Brian Lamb, and Daniel Goldstein.

Courtesy: Trust & Will

Legal technology company Trust & Will said Tuesday that it has raised $25 million in a Series C funding round. The San Diego-based firm, ranked No. 41 on last year’s CNBC Disruptor 50 list, has now raised $75 million to date.

Trust & Will aims to shake things up in the arcane estate planning industry and make these key wealth preservation and wealth transfer services more accessible to families. Relying on a mix of technology and human oversight, Trust & Will provides legally valid documents that adhere to state guidelines.

The company says the funding will be used to double down on artificial intelligence.

“AI enables families and advisors to plan with greater clarity and confidence,” co-founder and CEO Cody Barbo said in a statement announcing the funding. “By combining technology with human compassion, we’re transforming how people protect and preserve their legacies.”

The new round was led by Moderne Ventures, and includes Northwestern Mutual Future Ventures, UBS Next and Erie Insurance. The most recent publicly available valuation figure for Trust & Will was $169 million, according to PitchBook data as of June 2022. The company told CNBC its valuation is now in the hundreds of millions of dollars, and has increased by more than 5x from its 2020 Series B valuation to its new Series C, but declined to be more specific.

More coverage of the 2024 CNBC Disruptor 50

Trust & Will started when two friends wondered why there weren’t more online options to create a will. Most of their financial lives were already online — banking, taxes, insurance — but wills would require thousands of dollars and talking to a lawyer. Or a barebones online template that doesn’t leave room for customization or questions. 

Its closest competitors, LegalZoom and Rocket Lawyer, focus on a broader variety of services. There’s also, which offers free templates for people to fill out.

A recent annual report from Trust & Will found that although 83% of Americans believe estate planning is important, only 31% have a will, and 55% have no plan at all. Today, the company says it has helped hundreds of thousands of families create estate plans and settle probate to solve for that problem, and over one million Americans have started their legacy planning on the platform.

The company works directly with individuals and through partnerships with financial institutions. Trust & Will’s partnerships include Bank of America, USAA and Navy Federal. To get the word out to the general public, the company recently hired its first celebrity brand ambassadors, Super Bowl Champion Matthew Stafford and his wife, podcaster Kelly Stafford, to talk about their estate planning experience in a national TV commercial. It also recently became the official estate planning partner to two professional sports teams, the Los Angeles Kings and San Diego Wave.

“Every family deserves access to estate planning, and every professional deserves tools that simplify the process while delivering exceptional results,” Barbo stated in the release. “This Series C funding is more than a company milestone — it’s a step toward transforming estate planning into an essential service that touches every family’s life and legacy.”

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Met Police launches investigation into suspended Reform MP Rupert Lowe over ‘verbal threats’




Met Police launches investigation into suspended Reform MP Rupert Lowe over 'verbal threats'

The Metropolitan Police has launched an investigation into suspended Reform MP Rupert Lowe.

It comes after the party revealed they had referred him to police and stripped him of the whip on Friday, alleging he made “verbal threats” against chairman Zia Yousaf – which Mr Lowe denies.

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A spokesperson for the Met told Sky News they have now launched an investigation “into an allegation of a series of verbal threats made by a 67-year-old man”.

They added: “Our original statement referred to alleged threats made in December 2024. We would like to clarify that when this matter was reported to us, it referred to a series of alleged threats made between December 2024 and February 2025.

“Further enquiries are ongoing at this stage.”

In response to the update, Mr Lowe said he was unaware of the specific allegations but denied wrongdoing.

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“I have instructed lawyers to represent me in this matter,” he said.

“My lawyers have made contact with the Met Police, and have made them aware of my willingness to co-operate in any necessary investigation.

“My lawyers have not yet received any contact from the police. It is highly unusual for the police to disclose anything to the media at this stage of an investigation.

“I remain unaware of the specific allegations, but in any event, I deny any wrongdoing.

“The allegations are entirely untrue.”

Why was Rupert Lowe suspended?

In a statement on Friday, Reform claimed it had received evidence from staff of “derogatory and discriminating remarks made about women” by Mr Lowe, 67, who was elected to his Great Yarmouth seat last year.

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Reform UK row: Who said what?

The statement also claimed Mr Lowe had “on at least two occasions made threats of physical violence” against Mr Yusuf and “accordingly, this matter is with the police”.

Mr Lowe denied the claims, describing them as “vexatious” and said it was “no surprise” that it had come a day after he raised “reasonable and constructive questions” about Reform leader Nigel Farage.

In an interview with the Daily Mail on Thursday, Mr Lowe had said Reform remains a “protest party led by the Messiah” under the Clacton MP.

Asked whether he thought the former UKIP leader had the potential to become prime minister, as his supporters have suggested, Mr Lowe said: “It’s too early to know whether Nigel will deliver the goods. He can only deliver if he surrounds himself with the right people.”

Read More:
The Reform row: What has happened and what has been said?

He also claimed that he was “barely six months into being an MP” himself and “in the betting to be the next prime minister”.

War of words escalates

Those words could have struck a nerve with Mr Farage after Elon Musk, the Tesla and Space X billionaire who has become one of Donald Trump’s closest allies, suggested the Reform leader “doesn’t have what it takes” and that Mr Lowe should take over.

The pair launched bitter personal attacks on each other in articles for the Sunday Telegraph, with Mr Farage accusing Mr Lowe of falling out with all his fellow Reform MPs due to “outbursts” and “inappropriate” language.

He also quoted Labour minister Mike Kane, who said after a confrontation with Mr Lowe in the Commons that his anger “showed a man not in charge of his own faculties”.

In his article, Mr Lowe repeated his claim there is no credible evidence against him, said he was the victim of a “witch hunt” and the Reform UK leadership was unable even to accept the most mild constructive criticism.

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Triple killer Kyle Clifford will serve whole-life sentence for murdering BBC commentator’s family




Triple killer Kyle Clifford will serve whole-life sentence for murdering BBC commentator's family

Triple killer Kyle Clifford has been handed a whole-life sentence for murdering his ex-girlfriend, her mother and her sister.

Warning: This article contains distressing details.

The sentence imposed by Mr Justice Bennathan means he will never be released.

The former soldier, 26, admitted murdering BBC racing commentator John Hunt’s wife Carol Hunt, 61, and their daughters Louise, 25, and Hannah, 28.

He also pleaded guilty to false imprisonment of his former partner Louise, as well as possession of the crossbow used to kill her and her sister, and the 10-inch butcher’s knife he stabbed their mother to death with.

Pic: Facebook
Louise Hunt
Pic: Facebook

Clifford denied raping Louise, who had broken up with him 13 days before the four-hour attack in the Hunt family home on 9 July last year.

But he was found guilty by a jury last week after a trial at Cambridge Crown Court, which he refused to attend, prompting police and prosecutors to brand him a “coward”.

The judge paid tribute “to the astonishing dignity and courage” of the victims’ family, including John Hunt and his surviving daughter Amy, who hugged after the sentence.

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Footage shows Clifford fleeing the Hunt family home

They, along with Hannah’s partner Alex Klein, had read emotional victim impact statements in court as Mr Hunt said hell would roll out the “red carpet” for him.

He said the evidence showed Clifford “to be a jealous man, soaked in self-pity – a man who holds women in utter contempt”.

The court heard Clifford, from Enfield, north London, began planning the murders after Louise ended their 18-month relationship in a message on 26 June.

Carol Hunt pictured with her husband John Hunt.
Pic: Facebook
Carol Hunt pictured with her husband John Hunt.
Pic: Facebook

He tricked his way inside before stabbing her mother to death in what prosecutors said was a “brutal knife attack”, then lay in wait for an hour for Louise to enter the house.

Clifford held her for more than two hours, as he restrained her with duct tape and raped her, then shot her through the chest with a crossbow moments before her sister Hannah got home and was also killed.

He fled the scene and shot himself with the weapon as armed police descended and is now paralysed from the chest down.

The  recovered crossbow.
Pic: Hetfordshire Police
The recovered crossbow.
Pic: Hertfordshire Police

The 10-inch butcher's knife Clifford used to commit the murders was never found but police released an image of the packaging.
Pic: PA
The 10-inch butcher’s knife Clifford used was never found but police released an image of the packaging.
Pic: PA

The judge told Clifford, who didn’t attend his sentencing hearing, he went to the Hunt family home to launch “a murderous attack” on his ex-girlfriend’s family.

“You first killed her mother Carol, who even on that day showed you nothing but kindness in the moments before you attacked her,” he said.

“You raped and killed Louise who had been as gentle as she could in ending her relationship with you, after your arrogance and anger proved too much for her to stand.

“Then you murdered Hannah Hunt, who had done nothing to harm you save supporting her little sister.”

The jury wasn’t told Clifford had searched for Andrew Tate’s podcast less than 24 hours before the murders.

Prosecutor Alison Morgan KC said “it is no coincidence” he turned to the “poster boy for misogynists – a poster boy for those who view women as possession to be controlled” the night before committing such “acts of violence against women”.

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